Dear people in the general world,
I really do care how bad your day is. I am willing to absorb a lot of bullshit, but the problem here is that I do care. So when you're standing there, voice quivering in anger, telling me how much emotional pain you're in because of an inability to log in to your computer, I'm going to see that as seriously as someone there, voice quivering in anger, telling me how much you love your boyfriend no matter how much physical pain they put you in.
The problem here is obviously me, but I'm not too far off a lot of people, whose anger and emotional pain are going to pinball to someone else. It resonates, it echos, and it spreads, affecting how their day goes, and I believe that if I stop this at me then I've done something positive for the world at large. But for fuck's sake people, priorities.
That is all.