Apr 21, 2016, 1:53 PM

@Ninjakitten +111. Well said.

A long while ago, I was interested in learning more about trans issues. I might be a white guy but as a gay one, I was starting out definitely on their 'side' (their side being equality and the freedom to be who they were without being murdered).

I forget where it was I was reading, some board somewhere I'm thinking that I remember having rules about being a safe space. But I read various threads and one day I decided to ask some questions. And i was basically given links and told to read up on it. Someone also commented about getting tired of being an ambassador. There was more than that but this was the gist of it.

If I remember right (it was a while ago), my reaction was not 'ok sure, I'll get right on it'. It was more 'Hey, I'm trying to be on your side here. Give me a break and stop with the tone.' In other words, educate me and be nice about it or I'm not going to bother. So I may have been coming from a place of being marginalized in some ways but I was also feeling very entitled in others while still being completely sympathetic to their cause and issues. It's also where I first saw the link to Derailing For Dummies.

So I get both sides of this. I've been on both sides. And it takes a while for to really understand what Ninjakitten explained so well. It's a shame that didn't happen in the very start of this whole thing but it only really makes sense and hits home after the fact.