Jul 12, 2016, 10:29 PM

Antibiotics. Or my leg, I guess. Take your pick. I'm off work again with my leg because of some circulation thing which may or may not come back, but if it does the specialist has said it'll take a long ass time on these antibiotics that make me tired making the bed and meanwhile this time has been going on since april 22nd and I need to come in and re-evaluate on August 2nd. Meanwhile I've got this Princess and the pea thing going on with my leg and sleep with 12 pillows under my legs (but usually more because every 20 mins or so I fall asleep while sitting up because of the meds.)

And every time I go in the doctor asks how my attitude can be so great after all this, and I just say "Because it could be worse." And I'm sure that being positive about it is helping it not be worse. But damn I'm getting tired of this. So much so I want to go back to work and be compared to Hitler. I miss this! People don't realize how tiring just being in bed all the time is. Theno and I recorded last week for an hour, and I slept for 14 hours straight. Right through my alarm to take my pill.

And I pretty much don't even know what day it is anymore, my life is just a series of alarms separated by 6 hour intervals and I live in a basement.

And the mother of the rescue dogs that we saved and brought to their forever home? Every time I go upstairs I expect to find her not breathing. She's old, doesn't seem to be in pain, but is going blind and all she does is sit there and just stare, like some old fold abandoned at a home. And I keep trying to bring it up with my dad but he's a big softie and he keeps hoping she'll get better.

And tomorrow I have to go in and prove that I am a real, live Canadian and that I was born here and have always been a Canadian because apparently my SIN has been deemed inactive because of all of the time I spent out of the country.

And all the money I saved from the job where people call me Hitler because I can't remove the Amber Alert from their tv screens is gone towards antibiotics. And because of antibiotics I missed the GoG and Steam Summer sales.

And now they've found some resistant to the last resort antibiotics we have. So yeah. Fuck antibiotics and the gravol I have to take with each pill that makes me loopy.

TL;DR: Invest in Gravol while you can. I'm buying it in bulk!