RL Anger
To play devil's advocate, she may not realize she's doing it.
I use 'we' when someone I work with has done something wrong but I don't want it to sound like an accusation singling them out instead of a team trying to fix a problem.
"We should avoid dividing by zero" sounds softer than it could have been.
I don't get this and don't do it because it doesn't work. More often than not I've seen where the one responsible feels worse because then WE clown the fuck out of them using WE since the whole team knows who it was.
@thatonedude ^ This. This trick gets used in too many jobs where people are smart enough to see right through it and know somebody's head-gaming them. Once you recognize someone's head-gaming you, it's hard to see it as anything but an insult to your intelligence.
Work is making us all take training in something called “The R Effect”, which is mostly personality management (dangerously close to double talk, honestly, but has some solid ideas so I’ll at least try).
At occasional points the video has an interactive bit where it asks “what do you think”, and I feel it’s trying to get you to respond in a certain way out of shame, to help the conditioning.
(Note, I don’t think all work-mandated conditioning is bad. Most of it, yes, but not all. Acceptance conditioning I can go with.)
Well at one point the talking suit says, “Do you promise to do <x>, to make it part of your life, to do your very best.” Of course I answered no, because I’m not going to promise to anything.
And I swear, the guy pulled a tangent out to say why I was wrong.
Well fuck you, inventor of this behavioral life method, for asking me personal questions then chiding me for them. Fuck. You.
Ironically, the promise was to take “blame, complain, deny” out of my life, and the thing he said was bad and “you can look up the studies for yourself” was about venting. I didn’t say I wouldn’t try to not vent, venting was never even brought up! I said I wouldn’t promise to excise your negative meme bullshit from my soul, but you can bet I’m venting now you feckless no-chinned MBA twat.
@thenomain He's talking out of his ass. There are a number of studies about venting, and it does have some negatives, but there are positives, too. (Ex: getting something out of your system vs. potential for a commiseration spiral, etc.)
I sat two male dogs today. I have never had these two around each other before, but they're both return clients.
Both are not fixed yet.
Fucking pee patrol. I'm STILL smelling pee. I have washed this floor I dunno how many times and I'm pretty convinced they marked the mesh baby gate and just... The one would mark, and then the other would come up behind and mark, and then a new spot to mark, and around and around and around and OH MY FUCKING GOD I CANNOT WAIT FOR THEM TO BE NEUTERED. Seriously. I love them both but at some point I just followed them around with a mop and bucket and my husband watched the little ones. Pee on the little kids workbench? :sigh and takes it out to the pool to dunk it because it won't fit in the dishwasher: pee on the alphabet puzzle mat? :shoves them all in the dishwasher and puts it on sanitize, puts them in a corner of the livingroom only to turn around and they are peed on again:
They only stopped when we crated them. This was a game. I swear to god. I'm so pissed. And the one owner is so embarrassed, she told me she was showing up with a basket of cleaning products as an apology because normally her dog is super cool - Poodle/pyreenese, behemoth of a dog we've been watching for a year - and doesn't pee inside. But ...
I still smell it. I don't get it.. WHERE ELSE DID THEY FUCKING PEE?!
@jibberthehut said in RL Anger:
I still smell it. I don't get it.. WHERE ELSE DID THEY FUCKING PEE?!
Black light time! (Seriously, I love our cats. But also seriously, fuck our cats. Fuck our cats hardcore.)
@aria Does that work for dogs? I know it does for cat pee, but I've not heard it related to dogs.
I think it works for all urine. It's the urea -- I think? -- it responds to. Which is in all pee.
Edit: Also have cats. Also... yeah, cats are bastards. Seriously bastards. Thankfully, the sisters are the best behaved thus far, but...
@surreality Phosphorus and broken down blood cells, apparently. Cat pee is just really high in one or t'other to make it shine super bright, but all pee shows up.
@tinuviel Huh. I wonder if luminol would help. No, really! Though good luck explaining why you want to get hold of some, I suppose...
@tinuviel Yeeeeep. It's less obvious, but you can still see it.
@aria That is definitely a better solution than any involving trying to absolutely convince someone you're not trying to clean up blood spatter and are totally not a serial killer.
@surreality "I work for a hotel. We're looking for spunk."
@tinuviel "I'm having an affair with a serial killer, and that idiot tracks every fluid ever imagined everywhe--I mean, uh... "
Doctors. I'm not a fucking moron, and I'm the one who lives in my body. When multiple other doctors suggest I ask for a test from a specialist, don't fucking brush it off. If I've been taking a medication for four months, and it's not working for me, we need to discuss trying something else. Jesus fucking christ.
My gross co-worker asking my pregnant co-worker if it's true that everything changes "down there" after you have a baby.
Not my circus, not my monkeys, but I wanted to club him over the head.
... What is wrong with him?
@kay He's got a Trump bobblehead on his desk. He also believes that women in America have no right to complain about equal rights.
You're getting the picture, right?
She should have said, "Yeah lots of changes. Mine wants to take up comedy and go on the road...," or something equally in response to a silly question he could have Googled the answers to. -
@Jaded I suggested to her that she tell him "Yes...it grows tentacles!"
And now we're walking around the office making wiggly hands at each other.
Apparently he also asked another pregnant lady, "Do pregnant women use hormones as an excuse to be dramatic?" some time ago.
None of these were to me, so I can't report him without making problems for the women involved.