RL Anger
It's just not based on the color of one's skin.
Hey now, we Europeans have that too. We just have white-on-white racism too.
Oh yeah, and it's probably different these days than when I was growing up. But for instance I haven't spoken to a black person until I was ten or eleven. It's hard for people to make you discriminate against folks you've never even been near.
Now discriminating against each other? The Balkans are... a special kind of place for that. Everyone hates each other, with the reasons buried deep, deep in the history books; what about that time your people massacred mine three centuries ago, you asshole? Nevermind the other time the exact opposite happened.
It's just not over subwoofers. Or chicken.
I was super attached to fireworks shows as a kid. 4th of July was the only holiday where my dad was reliably on alert, and on base it was in general a huge party.
I always wondered why I did not seem to find them as much fun (and neither did my civilian kids seem to have the same attachment as I did at their age) but with some distance I think the attachment was more for the atmosphere and less about the 5 minute show at the end. (I did not grow up shooting off fireworks on base except for sparklers or very low grade ones--they weren't allowed in base housing. Which always amuses me when people locally here scream about fireworks bans disrespecting military people.)
I don't mind going to fireworks displays. I would not care about neighbors needing to prove how big their gonads are with their personal displays if it was possible for all refuse and fire damage to be contained to their property. (It never is, i always have shit i need to pick up in my field afterwards, never had a fire yet but on dru years we stay up late ready with the buckets and hose.
But around here the loudest mouths invariably want to do their business in a neighborhood cul de sac or park/school parking lot, and leave their trash everywhere.
I love fireworks personally. It was one of the few times in my childhood when we stayed up late and went to the fancy end of the valley to enjoy something different. We would have sparklers too.
Then the west was hit with a drought that has come and gone so often in the last two decades that the displays never happened again and even sparklers were banned.
So now my affection for those memories is tempered by the fact I have an adult understanding and respect for others who can't for one reason or another tolerate them and/or are physically/emotionally hurt by them.
@tinuviel i hate that I can't upvote this twice
And should be run by professionals. Not Dave that got a good deal on 'fireworks' from the next county over.
I nearly ran over two kids and two adults setting off fireworks in the middle of my fucking suburban street, with about two dozen onlookers staring at me as if I was the asshole.
Look, dipshits, I will run you and your fucking children over in my black Lexus if you stand or sit in the middle of the street after the sun goes down.
Why fireworks?
Loud explosives used to celebrate victory in battle primarily used by people who have never actually been in a battle. Fireworks are pretty, don't get me wrong and I'm not shitty on someone's fun, but like a lot of things that touch on this, I have very complicated feelings on it. I'm not bitter at all and that's just something I deal with.
People generally ask me why I stay indoors on the 4th considering the fact that most people who know me also know my status as a veteran.
My general response, "Because what I did in the military is not worth celebrating." To note, I played around in air hangers trying to not kill myself with jet fuel. Good times.
To me, Memorial Day and Veterans Day are far more important than the 4th of July.
And to note, I spent the day yesterday building a computer for my girlfriend so she could play Sun Haven that new Stardew Valley crossed with DnD game. I think that was a far greater use of my time than trying to blow off my fingers.
But I had to pretty much learn about stereotypes for... fried chicken?
This and watermelon are the two that I have the hardest time understanding where they came from. Who the fuck doesn't like fried chicken and watermelon? That's like stereotyping a race with liking water or air.
As for fireworks, we set them off on the 4th of July, because using them to celebrate was a thing back in 1776, and we know this, because John Adams suggested in a letter written on July 3, 1776, before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, that celebrations for the event should include:
Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forever more.
"Illuminations" being fireworks. In 1777, the first Fourth of July fireworks were set off in Philadelphia and Boston. The Pennsylvania Evening Post wrote:
The evening was closed with the ring of bells, and at night there was a grand exhibition of fireworks (which began and concluded with thirteen rockets) on the Commons, and the city was beautifully illuminated.
From there, the tradition took off, and by 1783 the public could purchase all kinds of fireworks for their own Fourth of July celebrations.
Personally, I don't go to fireworks shows on the Fourth. I lived in Louisville where they have Thunder Over Louisville to kick off the two weeks of festivities before the Kentucky Derby, and it's arguably the largest fireworks show in North America. Everything else besides the WEBN fireworks in Cincinnati and the two Fourth of July shows in DC and New York looks "cute" in comparison, like some fifteen-year-old threw it together.
The UK government. Our own Lord Farquaad / Trump has removed all covid precautions, with the rate going up. I work in a nursing school. We'll be fighting to have masks when we have students from covid wards sitting next to students from neonatal intensive care.
Apparently, we need to accept that some of us will die.
Watermelon is fucking gross.
And most people don’t season or prepare their chicken well before frying, so it ends up tasting bland and too oily.
<shiftylook> Uh, I don't love spitting out seeds.
@silverfox said in RL Anger:
I'm not a huge fan of chicken in general (either too dry or too slimy and it's texture is just.... ew) and watermelon makes my throat itch and if I have a cut or something burn wildly.
I can tell you wrote something in reply, and it may have been very eloquent; however, for some reason, I can only see this gif as your posts as you feebly attempt to blend in:
Watermelon is fucking gross.
And most people don’t season or prepare their chicken well before frying, so it ends up tasting bland and too oily.
You opinion doesn't count, Great Leader. We already know that you're a glorious catbot attorney rather than a feeble human being stricken with our insatiable and undeniable love of fried chicken and watermelons.