@VulgarKitten said in RL Anger:
Well. I met him through my cousin two weeks ago. We chatted about possibly going out on a date. He texted me 'hi' last week, to which I responded 'hey'. And then yesterday he sent me a clip of him masturbating.
Share it with your cousin when next you see them. When they get the look of baffled disgust on their face, point out you had the same one. This may drive the point home about the kinds of dudes to recommend.
(Or, if nothing else, give them the heads-up to tell said dudes, 'Look, she is not into dick pics.')
@Haven 33 years and thus far, I have not encountered unasked for and unwanted masturbation videos! #lifegoals
You really are lucky, not even kidding.
I used to have people page me out of the blue and ask if they could masturbate for me on Skype on my Reno staff login, no joke. I was in a whole world of: "I don't know you from a hole in the ground and just did an app for you, I... where is this even coming from?!" (Even my chars were a bitchy artist and a dorky folklorist, so it's not like I had a pile of TS-bait chars or something to suggest that's what I was there for.)
Apparently, the land of Dicktopia exists.
(In fairness, if we drive by the signs for Penns Grove or Pennsville too fast RL, my brain now reads them as Penis Grove or Penisville; I have to wonder if this is somehow related.)
Dear penis-havers: really, if we wanna see it, we'll ask if we may.