RL Anger
Go listen to the video embedded here:
And then, wince when the narrator calls "AI": "A-one."
Stupidity is a huge threat.
Go listen to the video embedded here:
And then, wince when the narrator calls "AI": "A-one."
Stupidity is a huge threat.
"Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever. " -- The Emperor's Club (2002).
"Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever. " -- The Emperor's Club (2002).
"If I could offer one piece of advice to the planet, it would be this: Don't marry for looks alone, and I'll tell you why. In a few years, when Barbara's boobs start sagging, she can get plastic surgery, have them lifted, move the nipple wherever. You can actually go to a titty bar, pick out a set of titties and say, "I want those titties on that woman." If her belly gets too big, she can get a tummy tuck and have a belly like a cheerleader. If her vision goes bad, you can have LASIK surgery and have 20/20 vision. If her hearing goes bad, they can install a device in her ear that will give you hearing as clear as it was the day you were born. But let me tell you something, folks: You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever." -- Ron White
My very awesome new beard balm does not taste very awesome in my moustache.
Earlier today, sat with my bearded collie's head in my lap as the vet put her to sleep. She was my constant companion for the last fourteen years, and didn't give a shit that I wasn't perfect, just loved me regardless. And fuck but that hurts. Seriously. Too much heartache.
@Pondscum I am really sorry.
@Pondscum Many virtual hugs. I'm so sorry.
Oh, I am so sorry. And so full of empathy. At least you got to be there with the fluffy buddy. I had to deal with the experience of having my best baby boy kitty of 13 years put down while I was in a foreign country. AGAIN.
It was the 9th of June and my heart is still broken.
@Pondscum It has been said that beings last as long on this world as is needed for them to change a part of it for the best. For some it takes a day, for others a century. Your departed friend created perfection and brought beauty that the universe needed, and it only took her fourteen years to do so; and at the end she was kept close by the one she most dearly loved.
@tragedyjones said in RL Anger:
Dear mister loudly-shouting, angrily-gesticulating, horn-honking guy in the car behind me: I am genuinely and sincerely sorry that you want to turn at this cycle of the light and cannot, but I am still not going to pull out into the intersection until I am certain the light won't turn red while I'm blocking it.
This is proper protocol. People crowding the intersection is what leads to gridlock.
It's also illegal in most states to block the intersection even when the light is green.
@hedgehog Neo was my German shepherd.
I had just come overseas for a couple of months when I called my mom one morning. So I asked her how she was, and she was like "eh, not great, what with Neo dying".
I went "uhhhh...WHAT?!?!!" which made my mom realise my sister, who was supposed to have already told me apparently, hadn't actually called yet to let me know... so the news were broken to me in a pretty brutal way.
Hello, guy sunning himself on his lawn in a speedo. Yes, you're pretty damned hot. Unfortunately that speedo is way too small. Your Weinerschnitzel clearly thought the same thing and decided to make a break for freedom when you fell asleep on your lawn chair while you tanned. I didn't need to see that during my walking break.
Hello, guy sunning himself on his lawn in a speedo. Yes, you're pretty damned hot. Unfortunately that speedo is way too small. Your Weinerschnitzel clearly thought the same thing and decided to make a break for freedom when you fell asleep on your lawn chair while you tanned. I didn't need to see that during my walking break.
Maybe it was a little raw and he wanted to cook it a little...
At least my husband was able to SMS me a photo of Inu while I sat crying in the Ved Vesterport Cafe Baresso (which wasn't even the Cafe Baresso I was supposed to be in, but goddamnit, Copenhagen, they're more prolific than Starbucks). I didn't even get a photo of Neko when it happened while I was in Toronto in August.
Apparently the good citizens of Copenhagen are used to random Americans crying in their cafes, though, as nobody bothered me about it.
Hello, guy sunning himself on his lawn in a speedo. Yes, you're pretty damned hot. Unfortunately that speedo is way too small. Your Weinerschnitzel clearly thought the same thing and decided to make a break for freedom when you fell asleep on your lawn chair while you tanned. I didn't need to see that during my walking break.
Maybe it was a little raw and he wanted to cook it a little...
That's gonna hurt when it start to peel.
@Arkandel I would have... completely lost it.
We lost Ancient Cat last year.
She'd been with us about 20 years, which was about half my entire life at that point. We called her my 'overly familiar' for a reason, because she was up in my business quite literally every waking moment and more or less hated every other living being on the planet with the exception of two and regarded them with some epic haughty disdain. (Cats are already impressive in this regard, but damn did Ancient Cat work a fine withering stare.) Us, she adored, even if she sometimes made it seem like it was grudging, which... dammit, was just ultimately all the more endearing.
Not going to lie... this has been a hard year, but. The sad does fade a little, and the good memories really, really do stay.
@surreality The little bastards grow on us.
Izzy has... something on her stomach which feels like a tumour. We have an appointment to take her to the vet but it'll really suck if something happens to that damn pest.
With the exception of seeing old friends and a really great family trip to the Caribbean in January, 2016 is a fucking dismal shithole of a year.
@Arkandel Fingers will remain crossed, 'cause... yeah.
With the exception of seeing old friends and a really great family trip to the Caribbean in January, 2016 is a fucking dismal shithole of a year.
2015 was that year for me. Business? Dead in someone else's bookkeeping error. (I avoided bankruptcy by, literally, under $100 come year's end. I consider this almost miraculous.) Ancient Cat? Cancer scare? (Thankfully no, but other issues.) Family with major health issues? Just... yeeeeeesh, it was one hell of a list, kicking off in May, and... I did make it past the anniversary of every possible thing goes straight to hell without the courtesy of a handbasket.
I am sorry you inherited the craptastic hell year.
Nobody deserves that, ever.