RL Anger
Hah. No, nothing so weird or severe. Stuff like "Hey this guy is a former metal musician like me and I love talking music and wrestling with them BUUUUUUT..."
Treat them like Drug Friends.
Hang out. Have fun. Don't trust them with anything or stand the first round.
Never forget that your Drug Friends are assholes. If they weren't they'd just be friends.
- 8 days later
Dear boss,
Fuck off with unspecific critical emails sent to the entire team. Just tell the person involved instead of leaving half a department of overly stressed people hyper anxious about your comments. Don't be bringing that shit at me, because I'm not buying what you are selling.
- 7 days later
- People leave HBO to "cut the cord" and leave cable providers
- HBO starts "HBO Now/Go" online subscription as a 14.99 way to get HBO.
- HBO announces HBO Max that is not the same as HBO Now/Go, but will contain everything on HBO Now, but will also include special content like Dune: Sisterhood that is not available on HBO Now but you can subscribe to both for 14.99 each.
So HBO Go $15, HBO Max (HBO Go+extras) $15.
Fuckin' jackasses.
@Ghost So....just get HBO max? Or are you locked into something?
@Alamias Not sure yet. I'm not paying HBO Go directly.
I use PlayStation Vue which includes Epix, Showtime, and HBO including their online services. I'm reading that HBO Now users wont by proxy have Max access. So chances are when it comes out I can totally subscribe separately OR drop the level of my Vue plan (losing Showtime and Epix, too) and then just redirect the cost to HBO Max? But if my vue plan is $15 for those 3, I'd be trading off 3 for 15 for 1?
I dunno. It's stupid.
The whole point behind HBO Max is that HBO is part shareholder in Time-Warner, so HBO Max is basically HBO+TNT+etc. All of those stations are on my PlayStation Vue plan BUT apparently the online network with all of their stuff PLUS their super sekret special HBO Max Only content is not included.
But a Dune miniseries? Dont wanna miss that.
Greed. Yanno? Motherfuckers make pirating seem noble.
@Ghost Ah, gotcha.
At first glance it just looks like drop one for the other and get more for the same price. Now the details make the anger understandable.
You buy a house.
Your new homeowner state becomes public record.
Had to do my first bit of mandated reporting. Fucking furious at the adult(s) who hurt this kid.
I'm so sorry. It never gets better.
It's rough for me because I'm someone who was failed by mandated reporters who felt that I was a weird and bad kid who deserved what I got, so they didn't bother
I hope we cam do better than the lat generation did.
I'm about to call on my little girl again for this year too.
Watching people who have zero compunction or remorse about hurting others or causing harm (intentionally and otherwise, but mostly intentionally and often for sport) cry about how someone hurt their feelings would be far less grating to my soul if it didn't get followed by a swarm of people (who know the above about the 'wounded' party) offering support. Where are they for the people that person hurts? Usually, nowhere to be found, or joining them in their sport.
People who only pretend to be good people in public. (True character is what you do in the dark, when no one's watching.)
Being that sucker that believes in giving people second(/third/fourth/fifth... ) chances. Being that fool that believes people when they say they're trying to change for the better, and dumb enough to be surprised when they prove they haven't.
Thinking people I think of as friends care about me and my feelings a fraction as much as I care about them and theirs.
Coming to the realization that I'm close to losing my voice. Not the physical one, but the more abstract, larger concept of such. This is especially painful because after years of theater and silly accents and even being asked regularly about voice acting work, my speaking voice was one of my last remaining things to be proud of, and the dental surgery has completely devastated my speaking voice to the extent that I cannot speak with any volume whatsoever and typically have to repeat myself several times. This is not 'retrain and it will be fine', it's structural and permanent.
One of the last few folks I considered a good friend going completely off the rails into attacks that were inappropriately personal over stupid shit on a game. This would be bad enough if they were accurate and just required reflection to accept; this was not the case. Trying to forcefully shove them down my throat as elements of universal truth has likely ended that friendship. I will certainly never trust that person again the way I once did.
Dodging stupid or random potential death on a daily basis since the 18th, from narrowly avoiding neurotoxin lung paralysis by toxic cone snail sting to various traffic accidents to the luckiest bannister-rail catch in recorded history as I was about to go face-first down the full flight of stairs into a running fan. This is not a sequel to Final Destination, universe. Knock this shit off.
@surreality There's this old bit of advice for women going on dates with new potential romantic partners:
"If your date is nice to you and an asshole to the waitress? Your date is an asshole."
From this, I tend to extrapolate a more universal policy that if someone consistently behaves badly towards people because they think they can get away with it -- people in customer service jobs, online because they're protected by "anonymity", power imbalances based on real authority or that granted by gender/race/ethnicity/class -- do not trust them. Do not be guilted into feeling bad for not trusting them, or into changing your mind. They've shown you who they really are.
I hate how it's been roughly a year and I still get messages from people about my sex life that I shared with someone on this board in confidence.
How has everyone around here enjoyed knowing about that btw?
@Auspice I was working under the assumption that you didn't have one.