@Insomnia I'm so jealous.
RL Anger
@Insomnia I'm so jealous.
After being 90F+.
@HorrorHound Yes. Last week it was summer and now it's fall. Maritime summer came early this year, I guess.
@HorrorHound Yes. Last week it was summer and now it's fall. Maritime summer came early this year, I guess.
I haven't felt this nonsense since being in the Mojave. Fucking fuck, Nature. Please make up your mind.
You know what? - cilantro is awful. It befouls all food it touches. If I had my way, we'd collect all the cilantro in the world and set it ablaze in one glorious, profanely putrescent, bonfire.
Every food item is worsened by its inclusion. No cuisine has ever been improved.
Finding the flavor of cilantro revolting is genetic.
Idiots on Facebook are idiots. I will be making like Elsa eventually, but man, people's inability to have civil debates really fucking galls me at times. Especially charming when their PARENTS chime in all "well done, son!" when they've done little more than act like a particularly surly teenager.
Yes, yes, I know I should not be surprised. And that it's probably my fault for engaging the schmuck in the first place.
</rant> -
Idiots on Facebook are idiots. I will be making like Elsa eventually, but man, people's inability to have civil debates really fucking galls me at times. Especially charming when their PARENTS chime in all "well done, son!" when they've done little more than act like a particularly surly teenager.
Yes, yes, I know I should not be surprised. And that it's probably my fault for engaging the schmuck in the first place.
</rant>The first person I ever blocked on Facebook was someone's mother for exactly that kind of behavior. That woman was just vile.
On my 'RL Anger' front:
Really, really needing a 'me time' sort of day. Y'know, nice meal out. Possibly a fattening dessert. Getting muh hairs did....but being in desperate 'save money' mode and struggling to justify even buying a pack of cookies.
Idiots on Facebook are idiots. I will be making like Elsa eventually, but man, people's inability to have civil debates really fucking galls me at times. Especially charming when their PARENTS chime in all "well done, son!" when they've done little more than act like a particularly surly teenager.
Yes, yes, I know I should not be surprised. And that it's probably my fault for engaging the schmuck in the first place.
</rant>The first person I ever blocked on Facebook was someone's mother for exactly that kind of behavior. That woman was just vile.
On my 'RL Anger' front:
Really, really needing a 'me time' sort of day. Y'know, nice meal out. Possibly a fattening dessert. Getting muh hairs did....but being in desperate 'save money' mode and struggling to justify even buying a pack of cookies.
God damn do I know these feelz.
Too many business expenses for fun that isn't free.
And my laptop is having issues booting and running chkdisc.
@silentsophia said in RL Anger:
And my laptop is having issues booting and running chkdisc.
My physical therapist used to say "you can pick a fight with your body, but your body is going to win".
I picked a fight with my body. I lost.
My physical therapist used to say "you can pick a fight with your body, but your body is going to win".
I picked a fight with my body. I lost.
I have fibromyalgia and I spent so long treating my bad days like one might a 'hump' in an exercise routine. I'd just grit my teeth and force my way through it. I kept telling myself 'I'll get stronger this way.'
Yeahno.. Once I started listening to my body during a flare, I stopped turning 'flare day' into 'flare days' or even 'flare weeks.'
The body can be a stubborn SOB.
Rest up! Feel better!
Friend of mine turned 30 recently and it seems to have gotten into his head in a big way way, he's refusing to leave this woman who's well, abusing him I suppose. He's basically gotten a curfew at this point to always be home before 9 or all hell breaks loose. And awhile ago when I showed up at his place to hang he was surprised and thought I was the cops because he had recently called them to check on her after she had threatened to kill herself after an argument if he dared to not do as she wants. This has apparantly happened more than once.
I think he's gotten this notion that "I am 30 now, I'll never find anyone else." and it's quite harmful and sad for me to see me a little as an outsider, although it is his life and all and I try to just help. I just hope it resolves itself one way or another before kids or anything like that get involved.
I picked a fight with my body. I lost.
Man, what did you do to yourself this time?
Oh deadlifts. Again. <beams>
I could feel my iliolumbar ligament shifting uncomfortably when I bent at the waist even for everyday tasks a few days before Saturday morning but I figured fuck it, I'm tough. I'll just power through the pain and strengthen my back through the crucible of lifting heavy iron, right?
Hahah, as it turns out, not right.
@Arkandel That whole 'pain is weakness leaving the body!' is the talk of morons, yes. Again, I think fire would cure them of this silly notion pretty quickly. Perhaps permanently.
@surreality Hah hah, yeah, those fools!
... I can almost walk straight now.