RL Anger
@ghost Does he regret The Happening yet?
I hate Toradol shots.
I mean, yay for migraine respite for the moment, but also bleh. I hate the way they make me feel.
(But feeling blechy still is better than migraine.)
@sparks Better than trepanning, but I feel your pain regarding constant shot-need.
I hate Toradol shots.
I mean, yay for migraine respite for the moment, but also bleh. I hate the way they make me feel.
(But feeling blechy still is better than migraine.)
I don't mind toradol shots, but I usually end up with them when my migraine has reached the point where I'm on the verge of that 'death would be a nice alternative right now' feeling.
I hate Toradol shots.
I mean, yay for migraine respite for the moment, but also bleh. I hate the way they make me feel.
(But feeling blechy still is better than migraine.)
I don't mind toradol shots, but I usually end up with them when my migraine has reached the point where I'm on the verge of that 'death would be a nice alternative right now' feeling.
That's about where I've been the past few days, yes. I may have been curled up on the floor of my home office crying at one point.
I hate Toradol shots.
I mean, yay for migraine respite for the moment, but also bleh. I hate the way they make me feel.
(But feeling blechy still is better than migraine.)
I don't mind toradol shots, but I usually end up with them when my migraine has reached the point where I'm on the verge of that 'death would be a nice alternative right now' feeling.
Isn't that where we both are 90% of the time, though?
I hate Toradol shots.
I mean, yay for migraine respite for the moment, but also bleh. I hate the way they make me feel.
(But feeling blechy still is better than migraine.)
I don't mind toradol shots, but I usually end up with them when my migraine has reached the point where I'm on the verge of that 'death would be a nice alternative right now' feeling.
That's about where I've been the past few days, yes. I may have been curled up on the floor of my home office crying at one point.
Ugh. I'm sorry. It is a poor place to be in.
I hope the shot helps, weird-feeling aside.
I hate Toradol shots.
I mean, yay for migraine respite for the moment, but also bleh. I hate the way they make me feel.
(But feeling blechy still is better than migraine.)
I don't mind toradol shots, but I usually end up with them when my migraine has reached the point where I'm on the verge of that 'death would be a nice alternative right now' feeling.
Isn't that where we both are 90% of the time, though?
Well, yes, but there's varying levels of it. There's the general sense of malaise and then there's 'maybe if I beg someone they will kill me.'
@auspice Now I know why we don't RP together often. Two grumpy old people with fucked up brains.
@sparks Sounds fake, but okay.
@tinuviel I know, I know. It's pushing the bounds of believability a bit beyond "I can fly and breathe in space", but—hear me out!—I think there's a place for a migraine-free character on some MU*s.
@sparks Vampires, and dragons, and pirate-trained ninja teenagers that also fought in every war since the beginning of time and have a dick bigger than Godzilla... those I can believe. But migraine-free characters? That's just unrealistic.
Podcasts by a group that includes at least one person who's clearly there because they are friends with someone, and who offers no useful content whatsoever.
This morning I was listening to a TV show podcast. There were four guys in the group breaking down new series for the season, and three of them weren't bad - they didn't have a lot of insight but eh, it's 7:50 am, I'm driving to work, I don't need them to be brilliant. The forth guy kept offering this kind of remark: "I watched $show's pilot. I was entertained, but I haven't watched any more because I don't watch, you know me, I don't watch stuff."
What the fuck are you doing on a podcast about stuff to watch then!
I had a similar issue a couple of months ago with one of my Game of Thrones podcasts I actually did like a lot, but unsubscribed specifically for him. The rest of the cast (including a lady who was actually very detailed, I liked her analysis of the narrative) was pretty good; he was there because he was basically supporting the Dothraki. He had a real Dothraki fixation - any scene was about them - and he hated the Lannisters as if his own family was invited to one of their weddings or something. "Yeah, so Jaime was talking to this guy... what are you DOING? Who cares? You are going to fight DOTHRAKI, they are going to... they are going to kick your ass Jaime! All you got is your sister and some weak ass, like, soldiers and they have the best... the BEST... what are you doing? And dragons, holy shit they have dragons! What are you even trying to do!"
That's my minor peeve of the day, courtesy of it being a Friday and nothing can touch me now.
I fucking hate the Good of the Order portion of membership meetings being used by individuals to make commentary on things they didn’t like at the meeting. Double points when it’s clearly directed at a specific person but couched in “everyone should remember...”
At our last membership meeting I had a very blunt exchange with our local sheriff candidate. It was not gentle (I’m sure all of you are real fucking surprised), and I was asking him about some inconsistencies in his comments about issues important to our platform (he’d been endorsed earlier in the year) as well as some pretty troubling comments he’d made that seemed, well, pandering to racists.
A point of background: I’m biracial. This was a little more obvious when I was younger, thinner, and hotter, when I had a lot of men comment how they loved mixed and part oriental people because they were so exotic. Baaaaaaarf!
Anyway. Sherriff and I have words, but shake hands before he leaves and his staffer that usually attends our meetings gives me a hug, as we’ve gotten to know each other well over the last 6+ months. Everyone’s happy despite the no minced words on either side.
Meeting goes on, rah rah sis boom bah. At the end of the meeting is the good of the Order section. This is usually for community/body announcements. Fundraisers, events, if someone needs assistance with something in their precinct, etc.
One of our members, who is also a candidate for another office this cycle, so he’s really not supposed to use the public comment sections at all, as he did not win the vote for endorsement, gets up and starts off with this rambling kind of weird awkward statement about how long ago he dated a black woman, and even though he’s white, because he had an intimate relationship with this ex girlfriend, he has a unique understanding on how to approach people about racism and you know, some people should just be gentle, and not so loud about it.
Another point of background...I was not the only participant in the q and a, but i was the only woman. And the only person specifically to bring up racism. And also the only person to not yell or curse. (Believe it or not, when I am in professional mode, I don’t use profanity.)
I’m going to have to deal with this asshat tomorrow night. I’m going to have to be professional and personable to Mr. Hey I Fucked A Black Woman So Well Actually, and I will have to deal with him because my role at these meetings is often to help wrangle candidates and members people to their speaking slots in a timely manner as well as supporting them as they do.
When really what I want to say is “hey, I fucked a white guy this week and I just want you to know that I understand you’re really weird and gross, if you’re talking about your sex life as a reason why you get to be the arbiter of who and how we get to bring up concerns about racism!”
I fucking hate the Good of the Order portion of membership meetings being used by individuals to make commentary on things they didn’t like at the meeting. Double points when it’s clearly directed at a specific person but couched in “everyone should remember...”
At our last membership meeting I had a very blunt exchange with our local sheriff candidate. It was not gentle (I’m sure all of you are real fucking surprised), and I was asking him about some inconsistencies in his comments about issues important to our platform (he’d been endorsed earlier in the year) as well as some pretty troubling comments he’d made that seemed, well, pandering to racists.
A point of background: I’m biracial. This was a little more obvious when I was younger, thinner, and hotter, when I had a lot of men comment how they loved mixed and part oriental people because they were so exotic. Baaaaaaarf!
Anyway. Sherriff and I have words, but shake hands before he leaves and his staffer that usually attends our meetings gives me a hug, as we’ve gotten to know each other well over the last 6+ months. Everyone’s happy despite the no minced words on either side.
Meeting goes on, rah rah sis boom bah. At the end of the meeting is the good of the Order section. This is usually for community/body announcements. Fundraisers, events, if someone needs assistance with something in their precinct, etc.
One of our members, who is also a candidate for another office this cycle, so he’s really not supposed to use the public comment sections at all, as he did not win the vote for endorsement, gets up and starts off with this rambling kind of weird awkward statement about how long ago he dated a black woman, and even though he’s white, because he had an intimate relationship with this ex girlfriend, he has a unique understanding on how to approach people about racism and you know, some people should just be gentle, and not so loud about it.
Another point of background...I was not the only participant in the q and a, but i was the only woman. And the only person specifically to bring up racism. And also the only person to not yell or curse. (Believe it or not, when I am in professional mode, I don’t use profanity.)
I’m going to have to deal with this asshat tomorrow night. I’m going to have to be professional and personable to Mr. Hey I Fucked A Black Woman So Well Actually, and I will have to deal with him because my role at these meetings is often to help wrangle candidates and members people to their speaking slots in a timely manner as well as supporting them as they do.
When really what I want to say is “hey, I fucked a white guy this week and I just want you to know that I understand you’re really weird and gross, if you’re talking about your sex life as a reason why you get to be the arbiter of who and how we get to bring up concerns about racism!”
Fucking inability to sleep. I have been waking up 1-2 hours early every morning (or more) for weeks now, regardless of what time i go to bed. This morning it was sleeping in to wake at 5. I am so tired.