Old game WHO lists
I don't know if anyone will find this entertaining, but I'll share anyhow
Shadowed Isles (circa Dec 2004)
----------------------> Shadowed Isles +Who Listing <----------------------
Player Sex Alias Status Idle Location dbrefBrendan --/OOC 1m Shadowed Isles -- OOC Lounge #7
Anya F h-/IC 4m
Corcoran M cor --/IC 2m Farm Cottage -- Main Room
Damon M dam --/IC 1m Romanov Estate -- Nursery
Wendi F Wen --/IC 23s CoA Dorm North Hall -- N102
Cyd M cd --/IC 32s
Athena F --/IC 1m Turrets -- Dining Room
Raphael M rap --/IC 1m
David M --/IC 3m CoA Dormitory -- North Hall #2292
Njeri F wd --/OOC 2m Shadowed Isles -- Free Code Room
Carla F --/IC 1m Dark Shadows -- Main Club
Sharp F Irene--/IC 33s
Steven M swf --/IC 12m Katahdin Stone Lodge -- Foyer
Elizabeth F Liz --/AFK 1m Glass Estate -- Master Suite
Thursday F Foxy --/IC 0s Painted Glass -- Dining Room #1263
Lucas M luc --/OOC 13s Ironbound Island -- Abandoned Cabin
Dawn F --/IC 1m Katahdin Stone Lodge -- Library
Harper M --/OOC 1m Chargen -- Finishing Room
Joey M --/IC 4m Turrets -- Emerald Suite : Bedroom #2168
Dana F D --/IC 5m Dark Shadows -- Main Club
Tasanne F Tas --/IC 3m Katahdin Stone Lodge -- Dining Room
------------------------------Connected Staff------------------------------
Cuchulain M cu STAFF 1m Staff Nexus -- Cuchulain's Run
Arawyn M Ara STAFF 19m Ironbound Island -- Western Shore #748
Dormarth M Dor STAFF 1m
Bridghet F Bri STAFF 1m Staff Nexus -- Bridghet's Forge
Lassair F lass STAFF 6s Staff Nexus -- Construction Zone
Branwen F B STAFF 1m
Madb F Ma STAFF 16s
-------------------> Shadowed Isles has 33 connections <-------------------Mednights (circa Feb 2002)
Player Name On For Idle Please join the mailing list! MOTD
Thunder 00:00 0s
Magenta 00:01 2s
Nigel 00:07 3m
Lighter-Shade-of 00:30 2m
Ange de la Morte 00:33 33m ThisIsWhatHappensWhenBadMeetsEvil.
Stephen 00:34 3m
Kristof 00:34 21m
Melusine 00:36 1m TilTheBitterEndWhileTheEmpiresBurnDown
Robin 00:40 5m
Lyia 00:42 7m Every toothy grin hides an extra row of teeth
Hana 00:42 1m
Natalya 00:44 19m
Star 00:52 5s Fear Me.
RockBldr 00:59 36m
Cody 01:00 9m
Nikoli 01:02 58s
Luciano 01:03 3m
Isolde 01:06 43m I forgot to remember to forget
Dominique 01:11 10s A Sparkle In The Mind's Eye
Sarah 01:11 5m
Pixie 01:12 1m
Rain 01:12 4m
Pascal 01:13 2m
Aubrey 01:16 48m
Prospero 01:31 1m
Leander 01:34 3m AndTheBeatGoesOn
Tessa 01:35 2m Put your faith in what you most believe in...
Stephanie 01:39 9m PARADOX IS -THE- GOD
Percy 00:41 19s
Lisa 01:55 1m
Sloane 02:22 43m
Tamerlan 02:23 45m
Sven 02:26 7m
The Deuce 02:26 13m
Miho 02:33 2m Beyond your wildest imagination...
Rowan 02:36 2m
Suzanne 02:41 55m Being beautiful!
Cole 02:49 3m
Alligator 03:01 1m
A Large Owl 03:04 1m Shifter TP tonight! Page me
Qu'an 03:04 1m
Scar 03:29 2m
Kyle 03:38 3m
Gentle 03:47 1m
Andrea 03:48 43s ahn-DRAY-uh. It's a boy's name.
Virginie 04:05 1m
Roland 04:12 18s I'm not good. I'm not nice. I'm just right.
Neasa 04:15 1s
Dantae 04:54 55s
Air 04:55 9m
Halle 05:34 4m I'm not a witch! They dressed me up this way!
Kevin 06:01 25m
Entropy 06:31 16m Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
Dante 07:49 2m It'sBetterToReignInHellThanServeInHeaven
Deborah 10:08 9s
Ian 3d 01:16 12s
56 Players logged in, 72 record, no maximum. -
I have a few of these (though I tended to +who so the @doing isn't there). This is the oldest one I've got, off-hand:
Crack Mux - circa 1998
======================+| CrackMux Connected Players |+=====================
Name Sex Idle | Name Sex Idle | Name Sex IdleJanae F 2s | Portia F 1m | Tasarla F 13m
Cannabis F 34s | Faith F 8m | Acid M 16m
Puzzle F 54s | Lily F 0s | Caitlynn F 38s
Erin F 1m | Lazarus M 29s | Ash M 6s
Jessica F 24s | Stef F 2m | Ric M 27s
Clove F 4s | Henry DeParre M 1m | Kitten F 4m
Taj M 1m | Ashtaroth M 51s | Judas M 4s
Janie F 42s | Aileen F 18s | Skail M 1m
George M 9m | Epone F 43s | Diego M 5m
Eduard M 15m | Adrianne F 3m | Becca F 22m
Rufus M 1m | Russell M 2m | Chases Bears M 32m
Summer's Kiss F 19m | Inazuma M 2m | Danala F 1m
Nightingale M 17m | Tamra F 46s | Taliahad F 4m
Elaina F 15s | Devinne F 20m | Thomas Sulliv M 1m
Colin M 42s | Miguel M 1m | Valium F 1m
Addict1 - 1m | Lorne M 1m | Olivia F 2m
Lance M 0s | Karen F 50s | Paolo M 5m
Krell M 31s | Nadya F 1m | Special K F 16s
Rips-The-Fles M 0s | Jiriki M 13s | Cocaine M 2m
Wythlock M 5m | Nick M 1m |
====[ 5:46am ]====[ Summer Morning ]====[ 59 players connected ]=========== -
I'll throw this one on here, too:
Due Rewards circa 2001
+-----------(=)---------<+>--(- Due Rewards -)--<+>---------(=)-----------+<<
Name Sex Idle Name Sex Idle Name Sex IdleGanymede (P) (M) 5s Emily (em) (F) 4s Jamison (padre) (M) 28s
Karacinda (Kara)(F) 13s Mazi (maz) (M) 32s Ethan (bc) (M) 1m
Leona (Tiny) (F) 2s Strega (Grr) (F) 14s Douglas (maci) (M) 3m
Ishobi (ish) (M) 17s Seth (set) (M) 48s Rhia (F) 1m
Klavdiya (Klava)(F) 2m Amanda (Mandy) (F) 4s Chandler (Chan) (M) 5s
Xander (Xan) (M) 35s Kattri (peace) (F) 7m Simon Fox (sfox)(M) 33s
Julian (Jul) (M) 4m Callista (Call) (F) 4m Charity (ct) (F) 4s
Sterling Wolf (I(M) 3m Garrik (gs) (M) 49m Rebecca (F) 2m
Kimberly (KM) (F) 50m Felicity (fel) (F) 1m Bryce (ice) (M) 1m
Kasha (F) 2m Brittany (miaow)(F) 39s Pehu (Pe) (M) 1m
Arkady (Ark) (M) 3m Jose' (Chi) (M) 39s Foucault (LAFS) (M) 25m
Andrommada (air)(F) 59s Hannah (han) (F) 0s Betsy (Lysabeth)(F) 8m
Wolfy (Wolfgang)(F) 23s Alyssa (Aly) (F) 20s Rayne (rcd) (F) 1m
Russell (Parker)(M) 36s Gretchen (F) 3m Horace (HtF) (M) 18s
Thorne (TH) (M) 28s Meilei (mn) (F) 5m Elijah (Eli) (M) 7m
Danforth (u) (M) 43s Jerry (jer) (M) 38s Devyn (DV) (M) 21s
Rust_Wolf (Agar)(M) 3m Melissa (Missy) (F) 15m Dawson (md) (M) 46s
Caspar (Cap) (M) 1s Celeste (Cel) (F) 25m Kimiko (Kimi) (F) 4s
Renovich (M) 5m Jenna (jenn) (F) 48s Francis (Fran) (M) 45s
Ivy (F) 5m Caelyn (Cae) (F) 2s Jackson (json) (M) 3m
Kenji (Ow) (M) 50s Misu (Mis) (M) 1m Julietta (Ju) (F) 11m
Keith (K) (M) 25s Rises-in-Glory ((M) 7m Schneider (Greg)(M) 2m
Aliyah (Yah) (F) 8m Sundance (Sun) (F) 6s Kitty (Ket) (F) 8m
Johnny Pidgeon ((M) 5m Charley (Bax) (M) 3s Eric (Cleaner) (M) 20s
Nathan (Nate) (M) 41s Xavier (Xav) (M) 3s Bret (Bt) (M) 3m
Tony (god) (M) 1m Blackadder (RAK)(M) 47m Lazaro (canoso) (M) 23m
Inigo (Ini) (M) 4m Teegan (Tee) (M) 18s Fr. Bryant (mb) (M) 26s
Lena (LM) (F) 56s Mort (...) (M) 3s Heinrich (he) (M) 3s
Lianne (ll) (F) 3m
+-----------(=)----<+>----%-( OOC Characters )-%----<+>----(=)------------+<<Darque (Dee) (F) 12m Alexander (lex) (M) 14s Isaac (M) 3m
Henry (H) (M) 11m Thomas_McIver (T(M) 17m Mia (F) 40s
Adriel (M) 38m Peren (Q) (M) 2s Kora (F) 14s
Brock Leavenwort(M) 10m
------------(=)----<+>----%-( Online Staff )-%----<+>----(=)-------------+<<Le Quack (quack)(M) 57s Monique (mon) (F) 13m Radiskull (radi)(M) 31s
Archdeacon Froll(M) 29m Buttercup (cup) (F) 4h Pebbles (Peb) (F) 9m
+---------(=)----<+>----%-( 101 players online )-%----<+>----(=)----------+<< -
The oldest I have available is from my early experiences as Romy@HM, 6 April 2009. I'd tried a different character previously, but with no success and this was about the point where Loki introduced me to TinyFugue's autologging possibilities. This was basically when I started mushing. Nostalgia blast, go:
====== < Haunted Memories - OOC Nexus > ====================================== Welcome to Vienna by Night's OOC Nexus - medieval imagery adorns all of the visual elements of the setting. Buildings soar heavenward, supported by flying buttresses, gilded when architects can afford it and studded by gargoyles that scare away evil spirits that are all too real. Austria is uneasily located at the heart of Europe, flanked by Italy, Germany and Switzerland on the one side and by Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia on the other. It is a natural bridge between prosperous Brussels and impoverished Tirana, between a towering Germany and a cowering Serbia, between the Balkans and the central Europe. In its former incarnation as the Habsburg Empire, Austria ruled all these regions. Vienna is a city forever moving, changing place, changing form; where everything is possible, where your strength will be tested, either in imposing your will, or in surviving that of others. ------ < Players > ----------------------------------------------------------- Romy A tall, rugged staff leaning on a small woman. 0s Asija Violet eyes, late teens, slender female, 5ft. 6in. 9m Rurik Tall male with long black hair. 58s Guest2 1m Adam Dark Hair, Dark-Eyes, Male, Athletic 1m Martin A tall young man with a black fedora. 2h Jakob 5'8" male with simple clothes. 2h Luftar A scruffy tough in a camo jacket. 24s Allison A slim, expressive redhead. 20m Sasha Friendly blonde in her mid 20s, dressed casually 1h Sabine A young, blonde, blue eyed woman. 1s Maksim A handsome, clean-cut Russian man in his 30s. 7m Wilhelm Handsome, urbane redheaded man 28m Angelika Dark hair, pale blue eyes early twenties. 56s Florian Lean, dark haired and pale eyed man 2m ------ < Objects > ----------------------------------------------------------- Magic 8-Ball README: Welcome to Rhost! ------ < Exits > ------------------------------------------------------------- Build Nexus <BN> CharGen <CG> Quiet Room <QR> Staff Nexus <SN> IC Roleplay Rooms <RR> Rhost Setup Room <RSR> Vienna <IC> Free Code Room <FCR> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You say "Periscope up!" Sasha raises the periscope. Florian says "Crazy kids. ;)" You say "Hehehehe." =========================< Haunted Memories -- +WHO >========================= Name Alias Sex Idle Location Status Charlotte Fox (F) 0s <IC> Maksim (M) 2m Haunted Memories <OOC> Daniela Dani (F) 14m Apartment 302 <IC> Wilhelm Wil (M) 31m Haunted Memories <OOC> Alexander alr (M) 5m St. Stephan Squar <IC> Juergen JM (M) 1h Wiedner Guertel <IC> Florian fl (M) 2m Haunted Memories <OOC> Lorelei Lor (F) 23s Quiet Room <OOC> Guest2 G2 (?) 1m Haunted Memories <OOC> Ernst Er (M) 18m Rear Grounds <IC> Isolde is (F) 10s <IC> Leka Lek (F) 1h Rear Grounds <IC> Angelika Angie (F) 6s Haunted Memories <OOC> King AJ (M) 9m <IC> Poke (F) 1h Foyer <IC> Thirteen 13 (M) 30s <IC> Iskander (M) 2m Roleplay Room One <IC> Arne (M) 5m Arcade Crypts <IC> Zoge zo (F) 2h Tenement 505 <IC> Vigholf Vig (M) 36s <IC> Jeder ne1 (M) 19s The Sand <IC> Sutter (M) 0s Pool Hall <IC> Mobius (M) 1h <IC> Marco Sol (M) 2m <IC> Amaranth X (F) 1m The Sand <IC> Ballard (M) 2h Quiet Room <OOC> Asija Sin (F) 2m Haunted Memories <OOC> Allison (F) 23m Haunted Memories <OOC> Sabine Sab (F) 23s Haunted Memories <OOC> Caleb-Torpor cal (M) 1m <OOC> Carli (F) 38s Pool Hall <IC> Elias (M) 2m Roleplay Room One <IC> Aslan (M) 13s Cafe Aida <IC> Maclemus mac (M) 4m <IC> Elise June (F) 1h Private Apartment <IC> Adam God (M) 40s Haunted Memories <OOC> Luftar (M) 0s Haunted Memories <OOC> Berchta Berch (F) 0s Courtenay Room <IC> Ludwig Wig (M) 0s Southern Bedroom <IC> Leonhard Leo (M) 19m <IC> Rurik (M) 36s Haunted Memories <OOC> Romy (F) 0s Haunted Memories <OOC> Beah B (F) 4h CharGen <OOC> Xhevahire xh (F) 5s Master Bedroom <IC> Sieghilde sigi (F) 5s Western Bedroom <IC> Seshet Sesh (F) 5s <IC> Malkleth (M) 1h Quiet Room <OOC> Luftar (M) 9h Haunted Memories <OOC> Tea T (F) 2m Westbahnhof Railw <IC> Ludwig Wig (M) 8h Southern Bedroom <IC> Martin Marty (M) 2h Haunted Memories <OOC> Natalya Nat (F) 2m Cafe Aida <IC> Natalia Naty (F) 53s Quiet Room <OOC> Bastien Bas (M) 18m Flat Two <IC> Jakob (M) 3m Haunted Memories <OOC> Leyna Ley (F) 26s <IC> Castor C (M) 13m <IC> Kai (M) 13m <IC> Sasha Rose (F) 2m Haunted Memories <OOC> DasPapier (M) 1m Apartment 307 <IC> Tia taz (F) 9m Chargen <OOC> Renata (F) 10m <IC> Oriana ria (F) 2m Apartment 400 <IC> Ludwig Wig (M) 8h Southern Bedroom <IC> Jonathan Sophi (M) 1h <IC> Jacqueline Jac (F) 5m Second Bedroom <IC> Berchta Berch (F) 8h Courtenay Room <IC> Sonja So (F) 8m Northern Bedroom <IC> Lumi Lu (F) 3m Quiet Room <OOC> ------ < Staff > ------------------------------------------------------------- AQ (M) 10s The War Room around Alberich (M) 21m Nibelungenhohle ON-DUTY Paprika Rika (?) 1h Spice Rack ON-DUTY Maebh Mae (?) 11m oN-dUTY Ridcully UU (M) 21m Supernal Realms ON-DUTY Cetan Ct (?) 37s The Hawk's Nest ON-DUTY Mephistopheles Mef (M) 13m OFF-DUTY Koi fishi (F) 2h Koi Pond ON-DUTY Operetta Op (F) 4s ON-DUTY Circe witch (F) 3m Aeaea OFF-DUTY Loki L (M) 31m Supernal Realms AWAY Ousia O (F) 25m Supernal Realms ON-DUTY ============================================================================== 69 players logged in. 12 staff logged in. 0 dark staff logged in. 142 record. ==============================================================================
Okay, here's another one that someone might find entertaining. It's not that old, but... definitely shows how things grow.
From log/tr-coventry/2010-06-23.log:
Welcome to the Reach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character. Non-staff logins are currently disabled. We are in development. "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive). "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character. Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and special topics. Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Either that player does not exist, or has a different password. **** 1 failed connect since your last successful connect. **** Most recent attempt was from on Wed Jun 23 15:19:59.004934 2010. MAIL: You have no mail. The Reach - OOC Nexus The Reach is a New World of Darkness (nWoD) game set in the fictional county of Dunlin's Reach. It takes place between two towns that are separated by a swath of ocean; the mainland town, Aleswich, is the economical and industry-driven capital of Dunlin's Reach, with the town of Dunlin's Port being a rich, indulgent tourist town with a dark past. We offer PCs in Vampire: the Requiem, Changeling: the Lost, Werewolf: the Forsaken, Hunter: The Vigil, Mage: the Awakening, Geist: the Sin-Eaters and a variety of Mortal+ 'Sighted' characters from Second Sight, World of Darkness: Immortals, World of Darkness: Inferno and the Book of Spirits to just name a few. This is the OOC room where players can kick back, relax and rest up to talk about dodging those crazy Great Old Ones. Because if there's anything we hate about Dunlin's Reach, it's all the goddamn Elder Gods. Contents: Gomorrah Obvious exits: IC <IC> Building Nexus <BN> Staff Nexus <SN>
Yes indeed, The Reach. Check out how clean (okay, unused) the job board was:
=====================================================| Anomaly Jobs v6.0 |===================================================== * Job# Type Title Due On Assigned To Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 48 EVENT Test -------- Roanoke NEW * 49 EVENT Second Test -------- - NEW * 50 EVENT Test2 -------- Roanoke NEW ==================================================| * Denotes New Activity |===================================================
And how completely different the set of staffers were
Password changed. <StaffOOC> Coventry has joined this channel. Channel StaffOOC added with alias so. <StaffOOC> Sverdlovsk says, "Welcome Coventry" Santiago pages: There you go. ;) <StaffOOC> Gomorrah says, "We need some damn help files. HEY Coventry!" <StaffOOC> Coventry says, "Hiii!" <StaffOOC> Gomorrah says, "FIX EVERYTHING" <StaffOOC> Coventry sets up a veterinary office. -- Players -- Coventry(#974PXckg) Sverdlovsk Gomorrah Santiago Chernobyl -- Objects -- -- StaffOOC --
And here we are, the WHO and +who.
Player Name On For Idle Doing Coventry 0:03 0s Sverdlovsk 0:52 1m Gomorrah 1:04 15s Santiago 1:08 1m Chernobyl 32d 02:16 45m 5 Players logged in, 15 record, no maximum. -----------------------------------| +who |------------------------------------ * #-1 NOT FOUND #-1 NO Neuter 0s 0s * Unfindable * * #-1 NOT FOUND #-1 NO Neuter 0s 0s * Unfindable * * #-1 NOT FOUND #-1 NO Neuter 0s 0s * Unfindable * ---------------------------------------------------------------------| 3 / 15 | Alias Channel Status Title pub Public on con so StaffOOC on con -- End of comlist -- =====================================================| Anomaly Jobs v6.0 |===================================================== * Job# Title Due On Assigned To Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================| * Denotes New Activity |=================================================== ============================================================================== Group Name Last Post # of messages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - Job Tracker Mon May 10 5 U 3 Changeling Mon Feb 22 0 4 Hunter Mon Feb 22 0 5 Geist Mon Feb 22 0 6 Mage Mon Feb 22 0 7 Were Mon Feb 22 0 8 Sighted Mon Feb 22 0 9 Mortal Mon Feb 22 0 10 Vampire Mon Feb 22 0 11 OOC: Discussion Sat May 22 1 U 12 ElseMU* Advertisements Mon Feb 22 0 13 Wanted Concepts Mon Feb 22 0 14 Announcements Mon Feb 22 0 15 PrP Requests Mon Feb 22 1 U 16 Events Sat Apr 10 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '*' = restricted '-' = read only '(-)' = read only, but you can write ============================================================================== Set. That name is already in use. Alias set. <StaffOOC> Gomorrah says, "The #s on the map (job 55) are the room's dbf#"
...I really do miss Gomorrah. I think she tried to poke me about a game on WORA before it flopped, but I couldn't get in to reply and... yeah. I don't do that anymore anyway. But where-ever you are, hope things are well.
@Chime As far as I know, she's still around and doing quite well, though I'm pretty sure she's not mushing right now. Last time we chatted though, she was good.
@2mspris said:
I have a few of these (though I tended to +who so the @doing isn't there). This is the oldest one I've got, off-hand:
Crack Mux - circa 1998
======================+| CrackMux Connected Players |+=====================
Name Sex Idle | Name Sex Idle | Name Sex IdleJanae F 2s | Portia F 1m | Tasarla F 13m
Cannabis F 34s | Faith F 8m | Acid M 16m
Puzzle F 54s | Lily F 0s | Caitlynn F 38s
Erin F 1m | Lazarus M 29s | Ash M 6s
Jessica F 24s | Stef F 2m | Ric M 27s
Clove F 4s | Henry DeParre M 1m | Kitten F 4m
Taj M 1m | Ashtaroth M 51s | Judas M 4s
Janie F 42s | Aileen F 18s | Skail M 1m
George M 9m | Epone F 43s | Diego M 5m
Eduard M 15m | Adrianne F 3m | Becca F 22m
Rufus M 1m | Russell M 2m | Chases Bears M 32m
Summer's Kiss F 19m | Inazuma M 2m | Danala F 1m
Nightingale M 17m | Tamra F 46s | Taliahad F 4m
Elaina F 15s | Devinne F 20m | Thomas Sulliv M 1m
Colin M 42s | Miguel M 1m | Valium F 1m
Addict1 - 1m | Lorne M 1m | Olivia F 2m
Lance M 0s | Karen F 50s | Paolo M 5m
Krell M 31s | Nadya F 1m | Special K F 16s
Rips-The-Fles M 0s | Jiriki M 13s | Cocaine M 2m
Wythlock M 5m | Nick M 1m |
====[ 5:46am ]====[ Summer Morning ]====[ 59 players connected ]===========I miss those guys, especially cocaine and Special K!
I guess now that TF2k5 qualifies as an "old game":
www.tf2005.net - Thursday, July 13, 2006, 4:46 PM
============================[ Transformers: 2005 ]============================
Name Type Faction Function On/IdleOOC Sunder TF Decepticon TRACKER/TERMINATOR 5s/ 0s
OOC Chimera TF Decepticon WARRIOR/SNIPER 1m/50s
OOC Colossus TF Autobot HEAVY GROUND ASSAULT 9m/ 8m
IC Skids TF Autobot THEORETICIAN 13m/ 1m
OOC *Strife TF Decepticon AERIAL ASSAULT 15m/ 1s
IC Zachary Foxx HUM Terran AEROSPACE COMMANDER 19m/39s
IC Mute TF Autobot ACOUSTIC CONTROL 20m/39s
OOC Astracius QUINT Quintesson QUINTESSON COMMANDER 20m/39s
IC Vortex TF Decepticon INTERROGATION 22m/ 2m
IC Fusillade TF Decepticon TACTICAL BOMBER 27m/56s
IC Hun-Grrr TF Decepticon TERRORCON COMMANDER 28m/ 3m
OOC Symphony TF Decepticon BLACK OPERATIONS 35m/14s
OOC Long Haul TF Decepticon HEAVY TRANSPORT 46m/ 6m
IC Ramjet TF Decepticon WARRIOR 49m/28m
IC Scattershot TF Autobot TECHNOBOT COMMANDER 49m/27m
IC Catechism TF Decepticon AIR WARRIOR 58m/ 1m
IC Tantrum TF Decepticon FUELER 1h/ 5m
IC Bandit TF Decepticon AIR WARRIOR 1h/ 7m
IC Bonecrusher TF Decepticon DEMOLITIONS 1h/ 1m
IC Fleet TF Decepticon WARRIOR 3h/ 4m
OOC Geist TF Decepticon TRACKER/TERMINATOR 3h/25m
IC Foxfire TF Autobot SABOTEUR 4h/16s
IC *Airwolf TF Decepticon ENGINEER 11h/ 2s
OOC *Recoil TF Decepticon WARRIOR 12h/ 1m
OOC Breakneck TF Decepticon HIGHSPEED PURSUIT 1d/22m
OOC Omega Supreme TF Autobot DEFENSE BASE 9d/ 1d
- admin actively on duty # - admin busy, but page_ok
============================[ 27 Players Online ]=============================
- admin actively on duty # - admin busy, but page_ok
A blast from the past (Hell MUSH, 15.07.2000) :
Player Name On For Idle Doing
Estevan 00:13 1m
Kronos 00:22 2m Wanted: Vassals and Soldiers.
Misr 00:55 41m Flesh formed of clay
Melisande 00:56 3m Please don't eat the messenger.
Chevet 01:03 1m Then why do these tears come at night?
Levistus 01:03 42s
Chemos 01:17 0s Sex God. Pray, my beloved.
Mahuya 01:19 7m Probably work-idle.
Etarek 01:22 1s
Naughty 02:25 11m Wiz: Code only.
Naamah 03:04 20m
Zen 04:33 40m Wiz: Page me for everything.
Wildchild 07:27 7h Grrrrrrr.... snarl
Hela 07:32 7h Feeling Down? Head South!
Fate 2d 04:17 2d
Naughty 3d 23:03 13h Wiz: Code only.
Sariel 4d 01:16 1h Losing my religon.
17 Players logged in, 61 record, no maximum.Heheh.
Thread necromancy time! This is the oldest WHO that I could find looking through logs I still have, from the Exalted game Tales of the River Provence on 2006-04-28:
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* +Who *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Name Sex Idle Con Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cathak Raziel (Raz)........... M . 2m 22h Greyfalls: The Cicada's Cry V'neef Kisana (Ki)............ F . 1m 46m Greyfalls: The Cicada's Cry Kae Lao (KL).................. F 30s . 1h Greyfalls: Dirty Dick's Gendai ....................... M . 1m . 1h Abstract OOC Space Deep (d)...................... M 34m . 3h Abstract OOC Space Ragara Calel Febra (febra).... M . 6m . 4h Abstract OOC Space Shalrina (Shal)............... F . 0s . 5h Greyfalls: Dirty Dick's Jade Falcon (JF).............. F . 5m 16m Abstract OOC Space -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
AmberMUSH, July 1994:
Player Name On For Idle Doing
Breck 00:00 6s
Quentin 00:00 12s
Bane 00:00 26s
School_bldr 00:03 53s School Sorcery&Conjuration-New London
Mark 00:04 4m
Mysteria 00:04 13s
McCormick 00:05 5m
Mercedes 00:08 2m
Izzy 00:09 39s
MT_bldr 00:10 10m Building Magitech...
Niccolo 00:10 1m
Daneel 00:12 7m
Forto 00:13 7m
Sterling 00:13 7m
Eldrik 00:13 7m
Megan 00:14 7m These are mine, the choices I made.
Rand 00:14 7m
Yoake 00:12 38s being cute
Elizabeth 00:15 7m
Anna 00:17 16m
Alicia 00:17 7m
Eponral 00:23 11m
Salia 00:24 8m
Damen 00:26 7m
Simon 00:27 7m
Alydrin 00:27 9s
Cameron_bldr 00:28 13m
Cecilia 00:29 21s
Aaron 00:29 27m
Cameron 00:31 22m Forgiveness is easier than permission
Siegurd 00:34 10s
Tuero 00:36 7m Let's play, Master and Servant.
Caellwyn 00:36 21m
Danyea 00:37 7m
The_Dominator 00:38 41s Seeking World Domination
Cymbre 00:39 6m
Agamemnon 00:39 11m
Santino 00:39 2m
Arawn 00:39 12m
Liann 00:40 5m Push the button, Frank.
Talia 00:41 7m
Harper 00:41 1m
Castle_Rondoval 00:45 11m
Moire 00:50 7m
Nathan 00:49 30m
Janier 00:51 4m
Peregrin 00:51 1m
Alrya 00:53 7m
Usagi 00:53 7m
Sachi 00:54 3s
Daevros 00:56 16m Concerto for violin and steel.
Caladan 00:58 1m
Jessamy 01:01 1s
Mandor 01:02 12s
Andrea 01:02 3s
Alita 01:04 1m
Cassea 01:05 5m
Caligari 01:06 22m smart patrol
Jesamine_bldr 01:19 26s
Stefan 01:19 7m A Matter of Trust.
Fintan 01:19 3m
Roxann 01:20 7m
Mia'de 01:20 7m
Siegurd 01:31 40m
Darian 01:31 3s Laaaaagggggggiiiinnng like a dog.
Iris 01:42 5m "On Earth naught am I but a guest"-Bach
Shevaun 01:43 13s
Telice 01:43 8m Enjoying the view.
Marvin 01:45 7m
Detree 01:46 7m
Alita 01:53 8m
Lucretia 01:55 18m
Caris 02:05 5m -=> ThunderChilde <=-
Melina 02:05 7m
Jynx 02:06 4m Huh?
Rick 02:07 8m
Alain 02:11 8m
Jasia 02:27 4m
Judas 02:35 5m
Sarah 02:41 10m Daydreaming, the stuff of.....
Sabrina 02:43 10s
Nathan 03:00 1h
Darkwalker 03:15 10m
Chotiari 03:13 8m
Finndo 03:20 1m
Evelyn 03:54 1m
Archer 04:04 1m
Silvinus 04:14 3s
Adric 05:30 2m
89 Players logged in. -
This is from A Moment in Tyme circa... probably 1997ish. It only shows the White Tower people on at the time since I couldn't find a fuller one in my logs - I guess I wasn't spamming myself with the whole thing back then.
< 3519H 2809M 1094V ><0><85>100/100(s) (hu) (th)(doing) >
who -t
PlayersShalayne Aldiere
Jakob Malben [WardersDoItInBondage]
Cadwin {Seravin}
Eilin Feyth [Farmer|Pranky]
Vallara Rathian [Narsil][Mashiara]
{Aes Sedai Leader} Karlia is braving the onslaught.
Kaigenrei NotBondingUntilTheresATealAjah
Elphaba - Hey pig...yeah, you..
{Warder Leader} Rinan De'Lin [Decepticon]
(RP) Touron is back for good
(RP) Jezz dae'Jaeyen seeks Toriko
Bretta Vanley (afk)
Joven I'm OOC. Lemme alone.
{Aes Sedai Leader} Lindria Del'vere [Aes Sedai][Red Ajah]
Jamis Halsyth
Valaur Brys Trensieni [Manshima]
(RP) Narsil Grimm [Vallara][Gaidin]
Kinmourn "InThisTogetherWeAreNow"
Svoran is OOCoocOOCooc
Sanyth [read my description]
Melkoloran [Elphaba] [Shady Milkman] (afk)23 characters displayed. 73 characters maximum online since last reboot
I would be the "Ganymede" appearing on that Due Rewards list. Amusement factor, high.
Hm. Seems I'm up there twice - Cody at Mednights, Thorne at Due Rewards; seems to have missed me on SI, though - was Iain there.
Is this worth a necro? Though I would toss out a couple more old WHO lists from places:
CrackMUX - 2004:
===========+| CrackMux Connected Players|+ =======
Name Sex Idle I/O Alias LocationJennifer F 1m IC West Grand River -Downtown
Krell M 5m OOC High Free Code Room
Portia F 4m IC Terrace - Dufrene Manor
Paolo M 1m IC pao --------Unfindable--------
South M 10m IC sss 400 St. Anne Street -Slums
Richard M 5s IC rich Old Country Road -Outskirt
Muen M 16m IC First Floor Hallway - St.L
Matthias M 17m OOC Mat --------Unfindable--------
Jessalyn F 45s IC Jessa Playground -Great Lakes Pa
Willow F 0s IC Mina 100 St. Anne Street -Slums
Gwendallyn F 2m IC Gwyn Main Room - Les Amis Cafe
Faith F 3m IC fai --------Unfindable--------
Adrianne F 1m IC amo Water Shed - Forest
Terri F 7m IC Ter Office - ISC
Alendria F 1m IC Dria Office - ISC
Wynterbourne M 4m IC Wyn --------Unfindable--------
Azia F 19s IC Dante's Inferno -The Divin
Simon Wu M 17s IC sim FAPH Holding Cell
Opium M 3m OOC OO --------Unfindable--------
Tairn M 8m IC Tt Apartment 102 - MiddleApar
Large Grizzly Bear M 8m IC Geoff Meadow - Forest
Jin M 31s IC --------Unfindable--------
Cyanide M 5s OOC Cya Living Room
Akira M 7s - CrackMux Starting Point
Reia F 36s IC Old Country Road-Outskirt
Tsuzuri F 11s IC Suzi --------Unfindable--------
Aungen M 15m IC aun --------Unfindable--------
Victoria F 7s IC Vicki Playground -Great Lakes Pa
Jaeson M 37m IC silve Celeste de Foi
Druisilla F 6m IC Dru --------Unfindable--------
Damian M 1m IC damn Main Room - Les Amis Cafe
Jaguar M 16s OOC Jag CrackMux Starting Point
Arthur M 33m OOC AK --------Unfindable--------
Kenny M 1m IC The Start
Rumour F 2m IC roo Water Shed - Forest
Aileen F 30m IC Ail Dante's Inferno-The Divin
Shiana F 1m IC SHi Main Room - Les Amis Cafe
Special K F 4m IC SK --------Unfindable--------
Inazuma M 1m IC lb --------Unfindable--------
Max M 4m - ` Main Room - Les Amis Cafe
Devinne F 4m IC Dev --------Unfindable--------
Riker M 31m IC JR Main Room - Les Amis Cafe
Smith M 12s IC smt --------Unfindable--------
Nordain M 56s IC MDN --------Unfindable--------
Demitriach F 1m IC tri Office - ISC
Abe M 1m IC GRat --------Unfindable--------
Dragonis - 4m - Character Room
Draven M 15s IC Dante's Inferno-The Divin
Briar F 22s - br The Start
Dove M 3s IC --------Unfindable--------
Gwen F 16m IC gm Apartment 2A-Lallinford A
Shady M 27s IC Old Country Road- Outskirt
Ki'en F 1m IC nya Main Room - Les Amis Cafe
Valium F 19s OOC V Living Room
Ysande F 1m IC Ys Main Room - Les Amis Cafe
Chases Bears M 6s IC David Big Dam - Forest
====[ 1:04am ]====[ Summer Night ]====[ 58 players connected ]========A Hint of Malice - 2002:
Name Sex Alias Idle PositionTurner ? 3m
Lauren F Lau 1m Anyone I want.
Anij F aj 8m Photojournalist
Alejandro M 29m
Makurayami M Makur 55s
Josh M JA 36s
Jordan ? 17m
Christopher M chr 1h Theater student
Velvet F V 1h
Luna F Sabri 1h
Lydia F Lyd 13s
Brent M 53s
Seraphiel M Sera 2m
Edgar M ef 19m Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant at Clark
Karen F Jezeb 1m Destroyer of Hope.
Bryan M B 1m
Ivy F IV 11s Psychiatrist at Worcester State Hospital
Justin M Just 7s College Student
Belinda F 1h
Charlotte ? 8m
Virgil M 18m Comic Book Writer/Artist
Nigel M Ni 31s Wherever You Don't Want Me
Turner ? 3m
Mirabelle F Mira 0s
Donovan M 8s Unknown
Millanie F Mil 29m Owner : Riverside Carnival
Archer M Arc 23s Artisan
Kobal M Koby 1m Street Concierge
Dadelis M Dade 35s Investments Broker
Carri F 18s Well known (fame 3) Blues and Rock Musician
Lawrence M Lw 6s
Andrew M Andy 3m
Casey M Case 1m
Jonah M Jon 2h
Holland M Hol 1m
Gavin M Gav 58s
Perrin M Peri 4m
Alicia F Cia 2m
Melody F ML 38s Lead Singer, Shimmerpoison
Tomoko F tok 1h
Sigma M sig 8m Photographer and Mechanical Genius
Stephen M s 2m
Aidan M Ai 42s
Mack ? ma 8s
Dusk M du 39s Ashes and cobwebs, an artist's desire.
Harry M HD 1s Private Detective
Azor M Az 19m
Edgar M ef 19m Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant at Clark
Margarette F m 2m Chanteuse
WillowBLDR ? wb 6h
Red M Q'yoq 10m Exactly where I shouldn't be.
Nichole F Nic 53s Motorcyle shop owner
Paul M PS 5m Corporate Executive
Greed M 2m
Amelia F Mia 1m
Wrath F W 2m Wizard of Roleplay and Weapons
56 players connected.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Shadowed Isles - 2006:
Name Sex Alias Idle PositionTurner ? 3m
Lauren F Lau 1m Anyone I want.
Anij F aj 8m Photojournalist
Alejandro M 29m
Makurayami M Makur 55s
Josh M JA 36s
Jordan ? 17m
Christopher M chr 1h Theater student
Velvet F V 1h
Luna F Sabri 1h
Lydia F Lyd 13s
Brent M 53s
Seraphiel M Sera 2m
Edgar M ef 19m Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant at Clark
Karen F Jezeb 1m Destroyer of Hope.
Bryan M B 1m
Ivy F IV 11s Psychiatrist at Worcester State Hospital
Justin M Just 7s College Student
Belinda F 1h
Charlotte ? 8m
Virgil M 18m Comic Book Writer/Artist
Nigel M Ni 31s Wherever You Don't Want Me
Turner ? 3m
Mirabelle F Mira 0s
Donovan M 8s Unknown
Millanie F Mil 29m Owner : Riverside Carnival
Archer M Arc 23s Artisan
Kobal M Koby 1m Street Concierge
Dadelis M Dade 35s Investments Broker
Carri F 18s Well known (fame 3) Blues and Rock Musician
Lawrence M Lw 6s
Andrew M Andy 3m
Casey M Case 1m
Jonah M Jon 2h
Holland M Hol 1m
Gavin M Gav 58s
Perrin M Peri 4m
Alicia F Cia 2m
Melody F ML 38s Lead Singer, Shimmerpoison
Tomoko F tok 1h
Sigma M sig 8m Photographer and Mechanical Genius
Stephen M s 2m
Aidan M Ai 42s
Mack ? ma 8s
Dusk M du 39s Ashes and cobwebs, an artist's desire.
Harry M HD 1s Private Detective
Azor M Az 19m
Edgar M ef 19m Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant at Clark
Margarette F m 2m Chanteuse
WillowBLDR ? wb 6h
Red M Q'yoq 10m Exactly where I shouldn't be.
Nichole F Nic 53s Motorcyle shop owner
Paul M PS 5m Corporate Executive
Greed M 2m
Amelia F Mia 1m
Wrath F W 2m Wizard of Roleplay and Weapons
56 players connected.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -
I see two of my character names on a couple of the WoD game listings. Won't say who. Been around far too long.
@redmeadow I see a lot of names I recognize but I don't see any of my characters on SI or Crack MUX
Ah well bad timing maybe
@lithium I bet I have a couple with you on it somewhere. You're right though probably bad timing, since I played late usually
Along similar lines, this ancient-ass list of WoD MUSHes I found recently is kind of hilarious. The ad copy is amazing.
Cajun Nights
Last info: 12 Oct 1995, from TSC
Address: gilean.solace.mh.se 7373
Location: New Orleans, LA, USA.
Timeframe: 1998
STILL not open yet.
New Orleans...the city shrouded in mystery. No other place in America commands such intense curiosity as the Big Easy, a city of parties, of laughter, but of a darker side, where criminals are local heros, and the police is known for its terrible brutality. From Mardi Gras to the Jazz Festival, N'awlins is steeped in centuries old traditions of work, play, and music. Experience the history, put your finger on the pulse of American's most amazing City.City of Darkness
City of Darkness is a Storyteller MUSH unlike any other. Its setting is Manchester, an industrial city in the north-west of England and a place of many extremes. City of Darkness is at melandra.cs.man.ac.uk 2000, connect to the guest character, take some time to read our -extensive- news files and find out all about us. There will be extensive changes to the MUSH starting in June and characters with extensive RP before that point will have a much better position in the new MUSH which will replace the existing one.Extensive!
Dark Gift
Dripping from the sewer grate above your head, a brownish, syrup type substance slides down your cheek as you start awake... wondering... "where the hell am I?" A rat skitters accross you foot and you jerk it back, splashing sewer water up onto your face. You look around in the dim light shining down from the sewer grate above, long, cylidrical objects lay in piles above the water line and below... tatters and trash flow in the murky slime.
The light from above is blocked and you look up to see what happened... but you are greeted by a face only... well, even a mother wouldn't love this thing. "Well, my precious little gravelly bit of human flesh... what do you think of my little... cupboard?" the sounds come out of the hole in the face that resembles a mouth... four claw-like fangs protrude from it's lips in a hideous smile.
It walks away bringing the light back to flood the crawlspace you're in... you look off into the darkness, shivering, cold, hungry... and a pair of red eyes stare back at you from the din. "Welcome... to Pittsburgh... Monsignor..."
And the world goes black...That actually happened every time I logged on there. (Like 90% sure I played a pro-wrestler ratkin on Dark Gift.)
GarouMUSH can be found at "cesium.clock.org 7000". There is a guest character, appropriately named "guest" with password "guest". If you're interested in what we have to offer, feel free to come by and take a look around. Garou is a roleplaying MUSH centered around the lives of the werewolves at a rather large Sept in eastern Washington state. A primer document is available for anonymous ftp from "ftp.cygnus.com" in "/pub/garoumush.guide.txt". One of the players maintains a WWW page at "http://nyx10.cs.du.edu:8001/~whartwel/garou.html".I kind of love that GarouMUSH clearly didn't want anyone actually playing there.
First of all, the staff of TrinityMUSH would like you to know...we all MUSH naked! Just kidding...seriously, TrinityMUSH is set in the Durham/Raleigh/Chapel Hill area of North Carolina in the year 1999.Oh man, so much personality!
Veil of Seduction
A quaint office located in a seemingly highrise with windows that show the downtown area of Charlotte, NC, the location and home of Veil of Seduction. It is layed out in a deco design, keeping to the basics of black and white. There are a variety of pictures hanging from the walls displaying different aspects, bars, resterants, and seedy sides of things. You get the feeling of enrapturement as you gaze out the windows, something sultry lies behind it all. Something that wraps you within its fingers and snags the spirit from your body. The Veil Of Seduction is something we must all pierce, are you willing to venture through the veil and into the gates of intrigue?The only thing I remember about VoS was that an Amy hung out in the OOC room, looking to make custom rape victims.