Jul 14, 2015, 7:57 PM

Heya folks!

I know this has kind of been posted about before, but thought I'd bring up a new thread, as our needs have changed a little bit.

@Thisnameistaken and I are trying to start a post apocalypse themed MUSH that has hit a snag or two. Initially we thought "Oh yeah! We'll totally just do everything ourselves with a few tips here and there! It'll be fine!", but brick walls have been hit with the coding aspect of things.

Thus, this is me asking (read: begging) for someone who is willing to take up the coding reins, even if that means changing all the code around. It's coded in Rhost at the moment, but we are not opposed to switching. So far, we have the basis of a history, most of a grid, some policies and some ideas put together. It's a work in progress right now, but if we could find someone to code, that would for obvious reasons be a big stress shifted to let us focus on getting some of the other things put together.

The MUSH will be called Ground Zero, and is a mortal only, post apocalypse setting. We're still torn between nWoD and Exodus, but I think we're leaning more heavily toward Exodus, because it's more catered toward the setting and feel of the game we were looking for.

I'm well aware that most of the coders around here are busy with their own stuff, so if you can't help but know someone who might be able to, instead, that would be absolutely fantastic. Please send them our way!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, everyone!

Here's a brief summary of the history of the setting, for reference/fun:

2001, Septemper, 11
Terrorists carried out an attack on the United States.
These attacks targeted thirteen major cities throughout the nation. New York, Los Angelos, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Miami, Houston, Seattle, Minneapolis, Columbus, Pheonix, Denver, Las Vegas, and Anchorage.
The first bomb to hit was Seattle. By the time Washington D.C. heard about it, twelve other cities had been bombed and communication had ceased.
No one knows who started the war. The Russians, the Chinese, the Middle East, and Canada are just a few of the popular rumors. Less popular rumors hint that the United States government itself might have orchestrated the attacks. With communications down, no one is certain.
The United States was lost to chaos. Mexico invaded, claiming what was left of many southern cities. Canada constructed a massive wall across much of their border. Alaska… no one's sure what happened to Alaska.
Since 2001, the United States have shattered. Major cities are being rebuilt, either under the Patriots or the New World. Smaller cities and towns are left to fend for themselves against both the environment and opportunistic mercenaries, bandits, and raiders.
Seattle is in a balance, held by both the Patriots and the New Order, the two factions circling each other. Will they work together to rebuild, or will they start a new war entirely?
Because war, war never ends.