Reactions to 08192015 Update
I like this! It's shiny.
The per user thing in settings was actually there a bit ago -- I'm stuck on slate with the invisible post titles at the moment from checking a few of them out, actually.
Ok, it had to do with screen size. By making things a lot smaller than I like them, the posting works now. For definitions of working that include really tiny.
So I ask again, why did we need this when it worked fine before?
I'm going to add to the sounds of hatred here. I'm really, really, really, really not liking this new look and feel. It looks uglier (by far!) but hey, at least it goes about a third the speed of the already-slow older version!
I've been wanting to use this. What we have here isβ¦
What is the switch thing in the drop down menu? Like.. what does it do?
There was a switch thing in a dropdown -- it had things like 'cosmo' and 'slate' and others. The window beside the one I'm typing? Black with white text. Posts? Light light grey on white background. Forum view with posts lists are just white white.
No matter how many refreshes I go through, that's what's on the screen.
It's not working at all on my version of Chrome. The three lines don't pop up the menu, and the base screen is blank. Works on Firefox, but not Chrome.
I also can't get it to work on Chrome. Or anything, really. Spent a few hours pressing all the buttons trying to reply until @GamerNGeek mentioned Firefox.
Even Firefox isn't working for me. Anything that would be a link is pure white -- no way to see titles or who is even posting.
Please excuse the prodding. (i.e., while the @Glitch is away, the Theno will play ... with themes.)
edit: Okay, yeah, this is the only theme that seems even remotely usable under the newest version of the board system. I'm sure Glitch already knew this, but having tried the other options, yeah, you don't want those even more than you don't want this.
Theno: my problem is that it could be changed before, and... now it cannot. It was giving the switch-dropdown option before, actually, on the options page.
I'm now stuck with something I can't unset -- and never apparently finished updating itself.
No, really, those screenshots are how it looks in every browser I have -- but if I log out? Things look completely sane and readable.
Is there any way to fix this short of having to create a completely new login? Because that would suck pretty damn hard.
The forum is lot less usable now. The new theme forces the user icons to the left edge of the window and the Reply button to the right edge, and it sizes the window so that there's a constant horizontal scroll bar even at full screen. Font sizes are all over the place: tiny in new posts, larger in quoted material, even larger in messages like "Replying to 'New forum version'," which is twice the size of the text in the composing window. On top of all that, it's ugly; it looks like it was designed by someone who has never seen a forum before.
Everything that @BetterJudgment says is true, and then some.
This is horrible.
~Please, please undo.~
Also, upvote consistently returns 'Invalid Data'
No issues on Chrome at work. I'll test the laptop when I get home. No extra scroll bars for me, I don't like it, but I don't dislike it either.
I also chose to lock the menu screen open.
Edit to Add: Got upvote to work without a problem.
Yeah, the icons in the middle of the age make this hard as he;; to read, which is what happens when I pick the go to the last place you were on Chrome. Or the last button too.
Add me to the why was this needed? Pile.
Also it took me a while to even reply because there were arrows.
I do wish the topic would post to the forum top bar though. or scroll with me browsing.
@Tempest said:
Having to click the 'menu' thing for the unread topics button is inordinately annoying for some reason.
So much this. I liked having 'Recent' button right on the top menu.
I don't usually complain about new things but the new things in question sure aren't super pretty or anything.