Diablo 3
Left to my own devices I'll spam other threads about D3 so the madness might as well be contained (plus whenever @HelloRaptor graces us with his presence again he'll want to see this
Double bounty caches this weekend! Let the demon-slaying commence!
I don't have this game. Sad.
Man, best money ever spent for what it gives you. They keep updating it years later and it's awesome. Fantastic multiplayer, too.
We should have an MSB clan!
I've been playing here and there when I have the time. Due to my schedule, it allows me to easily join a group, have some no-strings fun, and then depart when I must. Currently running a 50-60 GRift/Torment X Demon Hunter.
@Arkandel said:
Man, best money ever spent for what it gives you. They keep updating it years later and it's awesome. Fantastic multiplayer, too.
We should have an MSB clan!
Can you clan if you're a scrub and haven't gotten Reaper of Souls because fuck paying the same price for an expansion as the game?
I'm pretty sure Clans are a feature of core D3 although I can't swear on it. But RoS is so good.
As an investment, D3 is an amazing one for its returns over time.
RoS makes the game, playwise.
I made an MSB Clan (name: "MU Soapbox"), for better or for worse. Join it directly if you dare, or poke Arkandel#2399 and I'll invite you.
I am still somewhat anti-D3, but, I bought it on sale one day to play with my partner and I am glad I did, I still hate the lack of offline option, but it'll sure be great to talk to her and play with her while I am away from home due to work.
It is so very hard to not like the classes (Except Witch Doctor, not my cuppa, but, I may just have to try it for longer, the classes playstyle changes DRASTICALLY in some cases around level 15).
I find I like classes based on the time frame in question since the game's direction changes as new item sets are introduced.
For instance I hated Crusaders when the most successful playstyle was based on the Stampede build (where basically you... throw... horses at enemies? what the hell?) but the new Seeker set re-introduced Hammerdin again and that's a ton of fun. Or Barbarian of course - charge into an army of Demons with a huge two-handed hammer and lay down the law.
If by the way anyone's interested but already in a Clan they can't part with we can also have an MSB in-game Community. Just let me know - anything's better than grinding away in silence if we can chat while we're at it.
Barb is all bronado build.
As I threatened, there's now a D3 Community called "MSB". Join at your own peril (if you're in your own lame Clan and don't want to join our loser one).
My current build is abusing the hell out of smite. Playing Expert Difficulty, one death = game over, seasonal crusader.
I am one handing a two hander (Because even with a damage loss, it's still WAY better than any one hander's I've found). I haven't reached any part where you throw horses at people, sounds... weird, but Consecrate, blast away with smite, 300+ recovery... it's deliciously fun.
Amazon is having a Digital games sale for Blizzard titles. Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls are being sold for 20 US$ each.
I am Cobalt#1372. And some mysterious benefactor acquired Reaper of Souls for me. >.> I'll likely be playing a bit!
The new Diablo 3 season is starting today! New builds, new items, new levels, new stuff.
To get anyone interested started, here is a list of viable end-game builds written by one of the game's most knowledgeable professional players: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo3/comments/413f2c/deadsets_guide_to_24_detailed_class_guides/
Unless one of those builds is pulling jars of spiders out of nowhere, I am not interested in what anyone else says is viable
Using my vast administrative necromantic powers I bring you... a new season of Diablo 3!
There's actually new stuff happening, check it out!
Someday I will actually play this game properly, but I always find myself wishing I had someone to play with.
I play this every now and then! I'll have to check out the new season, see what's up.