Dragon Age: Inquisition
So...got that 'show more stuff on the map' thing, now. And I now know why I could never find any logging stands/quarries. They apparently don't "ding" when you do the search thing (Which I abuse. The upgrade of it was like the first perk I got, and I press the button continually.). Kind of annoying.
On some other notes...
Hidden Blades (one of the Assassin class moves) is officially my favorite thing.
I didn't realize at first that you can do it at range, and it's almost an auto-kill vs squishy/annoying enemies like Spellbinders, so you can just chuck it across at them and they splat.
Barrier is the most absurd thing. It seems like it's almost mandatory to have a mage with barrier and a couple of the barrier upgrades in your party for any kind of difficult fight. (The 'mage auto-barriers himself when about to die' thing is amazeballs too.) I don't think I've seen any other skills that are so vital. Looking at Barrier, and also how nice Cassandra is with her Guard stuff, I can easily see why everybody says the Knight Enchanter thing is OP.
I never bothered with Barrier and I was fine. Giving a crafted weapon that adds Guard per hit on a thief, though? I love it.
Speaking of loving it, doing the DLCs past the end of the main campaign, and its scaled encounters, has me trying out tactics on the fly that I never bothered with before. I'll even command each of the companions myself. I just crafted a shield (playing a sword/shield berserker -- incidentally, don't take berserker in this situation) that adds Focus per surrounding enemy. I never use the Focus abilities, but now they're key.
This is an exciting new Dragon Age for me. Neat.
There's apparently a place in the Hakkon DLC where clicking on some interactables will spawn three or four level 30 Despair Demons all at once, mostly right on top of you. I've heard it's way, way, waaaay harder than any of the boss or dragon fights, which is pretty funny. -
@HelloRaptor, I tried, after Hakkon's final boss, to get one boss-level 25 Ice Giant. No way in hell; even my distance crew (Mage and Bowman) were getting torn apart by the ice and earthquake stuff, and without support the two heavy hitters were never going to make it. I may try it again some day. Maybe.
I found him just before the final bit, when I was finishing all the collectibles/locations. Was definately a bit rough, but at this point all of my party is gear-specc'd out to be pretty ridiculous. Everybody's got +5 guard generation on their armor, and either 25% heal over 10s andor Chance for Hidden Blades (5 strikes) on their weapons/shield. I think at this point everybody's using Tier 4 stuff where it's available, and is max level.
I wish there was a way to reset all the dragons and have them all scale up to 30. Though admittedly knowing my mage playthrough alt could probably just still solo them all does make it marginally less pressing.
Is the number of dragons limited, or can you spawn random ones eventually? (Should I save all these tier 4 crafting materials until I have better schematics, or can I waste them now without stressing?)
@Tempest said:
Is the number of dragons limited, or can you spawn random ones eventually? (Should I save all these tier 4 crafting materials until I have better schematics, or can I waste them now without stressing?)
Also, on Raptor's comment: I pretty much solo'd every dragon because I was tired of my companions getting gacked.
@Tempest said:
Is the number of dragons limited, or can you spawn random ones eventually? (Should I save all these tier 4 crafting materials until I have better schematics, or can I waste them now without stressing?)
As @Ganymede said, there's a limited number, but you get a bunch for later dragon kills. I'd save them for good Tier 3 crafting AT LEAST. If you do the two DLCs you can pick up a bunch of Tier 4 weapons and such, too.
And yeah, soloing is actually easier than playing with your team, at least for some specs. In particular the Knight-Enchanter can basically faceroll everything in the game on any difficulty if you're quick with your buttons.
@Thenomain He was level 25? That explains things! Totally blaming that on why I died when I first ran into him, killed him on the second try though.
@HelloRaptor said:
In particular the Knight-Enchanter can basically faceroll everything in the game on any difficulty if you're quick with your buttons.
I was never particularly quick with my buttons. All I needed was my lightsaber. Fucking Jedi.
@Ganymede said:
@HelloRaptor said:
In particular the Knight-Enchanter can basically faceroll everything in the game on any difficulty if you're quick with your buttons.
I was never particularly quick with my buttons. All I needed was my lightsaber. Fucking Jedi.
Okay, that's mostly true. It helps if you use fire or ice for a few things. Using the ice charge and some good control to zap right back into dragons as they hop away, well placed fire mines, phase cloak or whatever it's called, etc if used in concert can drastically shorten what are some wretchedly long fights on the higher difficulties.
I'm regularly killed by, well, everything with a skull on it.
I've never been any good at out-thinking the game designers. I often mistakenly play the game in front of me instead.
(edit: tho it never took me more than 5-10 minutes to kill a dragon, as long as I was some 3 levels over it, otherwise I wouldn't even try)
@HelloRaptor said:
It helps if you use fire or ice for a few things. Using the ice charge and some good control to zap right back into dragons as they hop away, well placed fire mines, phase cloak or whatever it's called, etc if used in concert can drastically shorten what are some wretchedly long fights on the higher difficulties.
After a while, I didn't mind the 30-minute slogfests. They were just boring. Zorch, zorch, zorch, dead dragon.
Belatedly, I had asked about "prestige" ability boosting accessories, and apparently they do exist. Just found a +30% damage ring for 'Thousand Cuts' which is a Tempest (hey, that's me!) ability. Sadly, not the route I took my rogue, and I don't use Sera.
Welp, I finished both DLCs.
They were very good.
I wish there was more.
We are throwing a lot of new ideas into the game world without any kind of denouement.
The same thing happened in Dragon Age: Awakening, which I loved.
Resolutions, bitches. Do you speak it.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Jaws of Hakkon because when I first downloaded the thing, my thought was: "Holy God, what this game does NOT NEED is ANOTHER AREA."
I'm really into the Avvar, though.
I should buy this game again someday and beat it.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
I should buy this game again someday and beat it.
Why would you need to buy it again? o.O
@HelloRaptor said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
I should buy this game again someday and beat it.
Why would you need to buy it again? o.O
I gave it back to GameStop at some point?
@Cobaltasaurus said:
@HelloRaptor said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
I should buy this game again someday and beat it.
Why would you need to buy it again? o.O
I gave it back to GameStop at some point?
Oooh. I don't buy physical copies of games anymore, haven't in ages, so I didn't consider that.