@Jennkryst said:
@FiranSurvivor He's still on +staff, but I haven't seen him online a lot.
He was never really active. Being a coder he only seemed to pop up when shit broke. He had some fun characters tho.
So with the new Star Wars out and the push towards the future with more and more booka and movies on the horizon, anyone see a possible ressurgence in Star Wars?
As a RPG topic? Or what?
In the MUSH arena.
I'm trying to learn python so I can make one on evennia. With luck using savage worlds.
Will there be a resurgence of the MU*?
IMHO, no. Well, not at a significantly higher chance of success than before the new movie.
Basically MU* success as defined in terms of activity and popularity (there are other metrics but they're unquantifiable) is largely a matter of momentum; a large number of players create at once, thus generating things to do for each other. For that to exist a critical number of gamers must exist first for such activity to self-perpetuate.
By the time a new Star Wars MU* goes through the process of development, having a grid built, coded getting a wiki, tested etc it'll be weeks/months. By that time the movie will be relatively old news, at least for the purpose of thrilling players enough to attract them over.
None of these things means I wouldn't give it a try, though.
@Arkandel said:
By the time a new Star Wars MU* goes through the process of development, having a grid built, coded getting a wiki, tested etc it'll be weeks/months. By that time the movie will be relatively old news, at least for the purpose of thrilling players enough to attract them over.
However, by the time it opens there will already be hype for the anthology movie that expands the official canon in a way the main movies never have, which is arguably more important for encouraging a MU.
Yes, building a grid...
...A grid which no one will use, because modern-day MU* players break out in hives and have panic attacks at the merest mention of going on the grid and having RP that has not been planned out down to the smallest details over page/whisper/ooc.
I sometimes wonder why people even bother building grids, these days. My games will have grids because I'm old school and prefer grid play and will nudge people into using it, but, by and large, most games these days are wasting their grids.
I'll build the grid, you code the spaceships to fly around in. That way, instead of hiding OOC, you can hide on your IC ship. And maybe get shot down.
From what I have seen, Cujo just opened up AoA again with episode 7 in mind. I think he jumped on the idea of having a SW MUSH in the current setting, so relaunched.
Yes, I play there. Or rather, I have a PC there. The problem is that he did a timeline jump, but did not immediately wipe all previous RP and start from a clean slate. So nothing could happen until Ep 7 hit, because 'well, what if they blew up Coruscant three years after Endor? All the RP on Coruscant would be invalidated'.
Also, that chargen. Ye gods, that chargen. Don't get me wrong, it's the type of chargen I like, because everyone gets a pile of XP and you raise stuff with it. But the minutia involved in things that aren't important (first thing that somes to mind are the knowledge skills and profession paychecks) is redonk.
Is Halcyon still at AoA? I love him, because hes fucking insane. In a good way.
@FiranSurvivor He's still on +staff, but I haven't seen him online a lot.
@Jennkryst said:
@FiranSurvivor He's still on +staff, but I haven't seen him online a lot.
He was never really active. Being a coder he only seemed to pop up when shit broke. He had some fun characters tho.
I should pester him about FFG stuff. But lazy.
Where would you even start in FFG considering the 3 books have some pretty distinct differences in chargen.
Dunno. But everyone can have morality, obligations, and duty (the last two iffy, morality works for everyone, but isn't too terribly important for non-force users). Obligation and Duty can come into play for faction-specific stuff. As for careers... that's the tricksy one. Or maybe not really, since the different paths are reprinted in other books in the different lines (except for Force paths, but they are their own thing).
We've seen a spike at Generations of Darkness when it comes to players either coming back or trying it out. I would say that as each movie launches, there will be a spike - some will stay, most wont. It's like any other genre. I would dare say that it happens in all gaming genres. When Star Trek Movies come out, they get a bump.
@BobGoblin said:
Where would you even start in FFG considering the 3 books have some pretty distinct differences in chargen.
Having taken some time to review some of the content (but by no means all of the content), a lot of it lines up pretty well. The Driver specialization is just a copy/paste between EotE and AoR, for example. All of the species I looked at before were the same, as well. Force users differ between the three game lines, but then, they would.
@Soresu said:
We've seen a spike at Generations of Darkness when it comes to players either coming back or trying it out. I would say that as each movie launches, there will be a spike - some will stay, most wont. It's like any other genre. I would dare say that it happens in all gaming genres. When Star Trek Movies come out, they get a bump.
Age of Alliances has, as well. Which, on the one hand, is weird, with their Force User policy. On the other hand, it takes place 1.5 years before Episode 7, so a lack of Force Users makes total thematic sense. Annoying sense, but sense.
@Jennkryst said:
@Soresu said:
We've seen a spike at Generations of Darkness when it comes to players either coming back or trying it out. I would say that as each movie launches, there will be a spike - some will stay, most wont. It's like any other genre. I would dare say that it happens in all gaming genres. When Star Trek Movies come out, they get a bump.
Age of Alliances has, as well. Which, on the one hand, is weird, with their Force User policy. On the other hand, it takes place 1.5 years before Episode 7, so a lack of Force Users makes total thematic sense. Annoying sense, but sense.
I used to play Age of Alliances. It's an interesting place. I've heard good and bad things (like any game I suppose). Doing it after Episode 7 is intriguing and possibly pretty smart, I am sure alot of people would want to play in that universe. It would be tricky trying to stay true to canon if that was the goal. I don't know, a neat idea. There was a time when it felt like Generations of Darkness was really the only place consistently in town. It's nice to see other places spring up now, or rejuvenate. I'm probably not supposed to say that being an admin of GoD though.. cause.. Reasons.. I guess..