Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
How exciting and fresh for a setting! Small-town game set in the Northeast? Instant classic.
@Admiral said:
How exciting and fresh for a setting! Small-town game set in the Northeast? Instant classic.
The niche here is a Hunters Hunted feel
So what kind of 'gifteds' are we talking about allowing here?
@Admiral said:
How exciting and fresh for a setting! Small-town game set in the Northeast? Instant classic.
Other than including over a dozen towns and being in the south, you mean.
@tragedyjones said:
@Admiral said:
How exciting and fresh for a setting! Small-town game set in the Northeast? Instant classic.
Other than including over a dozen towns and being in the south, you mean.
Which is a really great idea - the dozen towns, I mean. Especially for a mortals, horror-oriented game. You don't have to fight against the "why is every horrible thing in the world happening in this ONE PLACE" thing, and it lets you really sell the corrupted nature of the WoD as a widespread thing. And, hopefully, put a rein on the players who think their characters should/could know/control everything happening in a city.
EDIT: Maryland isn't the South, though. Yankee.
Maryland holds a nebulous position, geographically. If you go with a triple region, it is Mid-Atlantic. If you go by the traditional Mason-Dixon line, it is southern. And if you go by civil war alignment, then yes, we were with the Union. Because we surround the other side of DC and they set up so much artillery aimed at Baltimore we have a place called Federal Hill.
@Rainbow-Unicorn - At this point, we will be allowing the Supernatural Merits in Chronicles of Darkness 2nd Edition, likely allowing others in future supplements.
@Pyrephox said:
Which is a really great idea - the dozen towns, I mean. Especially for a mortals, horror-oriented game. You don't have to fight against the "why is every horrible thing in the world happening in this ONE PLACE" thing, and it lets you really sell the corrupted nature of the WoD as a widespread thing.
Pick Ohio. Large population; several cities within driving distance. Countless rural communities and towns. Hinterland (Appalachia) in the southeast; Lake Erie to the north.
@Ganymede said:
@Pyrephox said:
Which is a really great idea - the dozen towns, I mean. Especially for a mortals, horror-oriented game. You don't have to fight against the "why is every horrible thing in the world happening in this ONE PLACE" thing, and it lets you really sell the corrupted nature of the WoD as a widespread thing.
Pick Ohio. Large population; several cities within driving distance. Countless rural communities and towns. Hinterland (Appalachia) in the southeast; Lake Erie to the north.
No. If I was asking for setting suggestions I would have said as much! :neckbeard:
@tragedyjones said:
No. If I was asking for setting suggestions I would have said as much! :neckbeard:
I don't give you what you want. I give you what you need.
No one has ever needed Ohio.
Ok. I have a half dozen-ish Google Docs set up for consultants and staff. I have a plan. I have a @Cobaltasaurus.
Looks like I am actually doing this, guys.
I would be interested in this simply because I live in Southern Maryland
@RnMissionRun said:
I would be interested in this simply because I live in Southern Maryland
Cool! We are doing PG, AA, Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's counties.
I would call Maryland Mid-Atlantic by region.
Most of the Civil War historical work I have seen terms it a Border State like KY, MO, and Delaware all Slaves states that remained Union but were very much internally split. For Maryland in particular you have Pro Confederate Riots in Baltimore as Union troops marched through, but Lincoln was in no way going to let Maryland go, and the Federal control was pretty strong.
Current culture wise it really in no way resembles the Northeast, granted my travels though both the Mid Atlantic and the North East have been on the brief side but not really the same cultural feel at all. - 13 days later
UPDATE 1/4/16:
While BITN shares the world of other Chronicles of Darkness games, and the protagonist creatures from those lines, they are not to be featured on BITN. We will have Vampires and Werewolves, Witches and Patchwork People. We will not focus on Kindred, Uratha, Awakened or Prometheans. More generic threats, such as spirits, ghosts, claimed, these are more likely. Also unique or lesser horrors. Dead corpses that feed on blood can be used, these may be biological experiments, corpses possessed by a leech spirit, or even just unexplained phenmena that would be alien to a Kindred just like a mortal. Wizards and witches have cults and cast spells, etc. Even the rare Angel of the God-Machine may appear. But we will not be using setting material from other gamelines in any significant factor. No Covenants, there is no need to design a Consollium or Praxis or Protectorate.
This game is not about the monsters. It is about those who will no longer accept their rule. This policy further allows players to be surprised by the monsters, as well as limiting the number of books one needs access too.
I am currently estimating a Spring Opening, but this is not a release date just a general estimate. Setting and such should be done by February, then a host can actually be set up.
If anyone is looking to assist with research into a particular part of our setting, I do have 2 counties currently being ignored by my crack team.
Cobalt's involved.
And the words "dark" and "water" are not in the title.
I am disappoint.
A Dark Bump In The Night Waters just didn't have that ring to it.
To maintain interest, I am going to steal a page from Onyx Path and post some development insights and even some content that will be upcoming. I am not going to start a new thread for it. But hey, feedback is nice! So here we go, some raw, unedited as of yet news files.
On BITN, players are expected to represent the character that exists on their character sheet to the best of their ability. This includes both their strengths AND their weaknesses. If your character has a low Stamina, do not pose them performing extreme acts of endurance. If they have a low Intelligence and/or Academics, they probably do not have a grasp on literary quotes. Characters with poor Presence and Manipulation are unlikely to be the darlings of the social scene. Roleplay accordingly.
On the opposite end of the spectrum from people ignoring your characters flaws, you should not need to possess every stat your character does. It is perfectly acceptable to fudge reality. If you want to play a doctor, you should not be penalized by a lack of OOC knowledge. Any time a character in a scene wants to fake it, they may declare so OOC and make an appropriate roll. People should endeavor to try and take the results of the roll into the pose. This is not meant to bypass RP, just allow a little fudging of reality. If the Doctor character wants to throw in some medical jargon, don't bite their head off it isn't real world accurate.