RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Miss-Demeanor said:
I've found that as I've gotten older, physical appearance has become less important. Not that I don't have my preferences (I do), but I would much rather date someone that I can actually enjoy spending time with over someone that's a total hardbody but that makes me want to smother them with a pillow every third word.
Though crude as hell, a friend of mine had an answer to this one that would generally ensure at least that person never asked/commented to that end again: "That guy can give me an orgasm any time I buy a new pack of batteries. If he isn't good for anything else, I don't need him."
Her parent-friendly version of this was, "If I just wanted something pretty to look at, I'd buy a painting."
That's exactly it.
Serious RL peeve: engineering companies who let their engineers write the documentation. Goes double when the engineers in question are EFL types. (EFL → English as their Fifteenth Language)
Engineers are barely able to communicate within their own circles. Why would you unleash them on people who are not in that circle without some editing for consistency and comprehensibility?
@WTFE Engineers are straight up crazy people.
@WTFE I'm the daughter of an Engineer.
@WTFE I'm such a dork, that Frasier reference was awesome! But yes, the struggle is real.
@Ganymede said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
That's when they learn to go to the farmer's market by themselves.
I get groceries on my own. I do errands on my own. I go to work on my own. And when the partner is in bed, and the kids are sleeping, I MU* on my own.
People need to learn to do shit on their own. Doing shit together is fun and all, but I hate people who can't do shit on their own.
This is why my computer and my wife's computer are in separate rooms.
More flooding. Yay.
I'm generally a pretty cynical, particularly when dealing with people who come off as WAY too nice, good, generous and take just a few too many pains to look perfect. I always have a nagging doubt which I try hard to keep in check, most of the time something shows to make my suspicions abate and not be founded.
Every now and then though? I run across someone who is just as bad as I worry. And while a small part of me wants to leap up and say "I TOLD YOU!", the reality is I just feel bad for the people who were actually manipulated by the whole con. I hate fakes.
Emotional ruts you can't get out of.
Now I'm just angry for no reason.
Balls. -
So apparantly the guy who does a lot of economy stuff for my family? In jail, for beating a couple uncounciouss and burning a house down with them inside.
That's a thing now apparantly.
I always worry I come off as fake. I know a lot of people assume I'm aloof and snobby. No, I'm just afraid.
Also, I really wish these fleas and mosquitoes would go right to Hell.
Not enough peanut-butter cheese!
(no, it's not really peanut butter, it's Gjetost whey cheese, but it tastes like what cheese would be if it had peanut butter in it lol) -
@Olsson said:
So apparantly the guy who does a lot of economy stuff for my family? In jail, for beating a couple uncounciouss and burning a house down with them inside.
That's a thing now apparantly.
It's always been a thing, we just usually don't get caugh... I mean, yeah, what? That's crazy. Who does that?
If you find yourself saying "I don't mean to X but..." stop right there. The most effective way to not do that thing is to just not do it. If you have to, hold your lips closed because any sentence that starts with that format is not going anywhere anyone wants to go.
@Sponge said:
If you find yourself saying "I don't mean to X but..." stop right there. The most effective way to not do that thing is to just not do it. If you have to, hold your lips closed because any sentence that starts with that format is not going anywhere anyone wants to go.
I have yet to hear the remainder of a sentence that begins with "I just" without wanting to slap someone silly.
@Sponge said:
If you find yourself saying "I don't mean to X but..." stop right there. The most effective way to not do that thing is to just not do it. If you have to, hold your lips closed because any sentence that starts with that format is not going anywhere anyone wants to go.
This peeve comes up a lot. I have to wonder if none of the people who bitch about it have ever said anything they realized might be taken out of context or otherwise in completely the wrong way due to who they're speaking to.
I realize it's often enough used as if it gives a get out of jail free card (it doesn't) when prefacing something that is absolutely racist/sexist/assholeish/whatever, but c'mon, really? You've never said, "I'm not trying to be mean, but that outfit is a terrible choice for what we're doing." and legitimately were not trying to be mean, but knew you're talking to your histrionic sibling/friend/whatever who takes any such observation as if it's the end of the world?
It's like the not racist butt.
Why not phrase an objection like 'Hey, I realize you probably put a lot of thought and care into what you did, but I don't think that outfit is a good idea for what we're going to do this evening'. Using 'I' and owning the words helps, I think instead of 'Wow, your outfit is terrible for what we're doing'. It sort of softens the blow, and if they still flip out over 'I don't think that outfit is such a good idea for what we're doing, why not try (WHATEVER)?', then yeah.