Chrome is taking up a bunch more memory than atom to read your 100 bytes worth of thoughts on it, so I'll worry about atom's memory footprint when lynx makes a comeback.
Bonus lawn points: I also do server-side javascript.
Chrome is taking up a bunch more memory than atom to read your 100 bytes worth of thoughts on it, so I'll worry about atom's memory footprint when lynx makes a comeback.
Bonus lawn points: I also do server-side javascript.
Ah, I see we have a butthurt hipster! My day is complete.
There's only one reason I wouldn't use vim (other than if it's not available for whatever system I'm using, of course); if I need something like xdebug and I don't have the luxury of installing vdebug for it. Otherwise when it comes to manipulating text nothing I've seen beats it at that.
This conversation is so nerdy I'm becoming interested in it due to the sheer overwhelming intensity of its nerdity.
@Glitch said:
I use vim for quick edits and any server-side config files. For everything else, I use Atom.
After a week of trying this out, I can't recommend it for Mu* coding. It's fine most of the time, but I've had ongoing problems with its search function forgetting how to find things, and wiping out my selection when I toggle the 'regex' search ability—which is how I find it's best to get it to remember how to search.
Example: Replacing two spaces with one space. After a few searches, I try this and it can't find a single double-space, in spite of the fact that I'm looking at one centered on the screen. I toggle 'regex search' on and off and lo and behold, it finds them. If I'm trying to replace some things in a selection, then I have to go back and make the selection again too.
I love this kind of editor, but I'mma gonna stick with TextWrangler.
Inspiration for Exalted. And also a pretty bitching movie scene, really.
This is a tad old (Feb 2015) but still awesome.