surreality's playlist
- this is very not current, and I know I'm missing a pile of alts from over the years.
Ghostwheel MOO: Spiral (builder), Jasper, a handful of characters whose names I don't recall after 20 years...Cybersphere MOO: Michael Kalir (aka 'Mayor Mike'), Regret
Darkmetal: Lethe/Amarante, a pile of others I have long since forgotten
Castle D'Image: ...I remember none of them, but I was there?
Nightscape: Skarlett, Daedalan/Callah/Belladonna/Apolline
Manifestation: Hong Kong: Poe's Angel (kami/mutant staff), Vervaine
Shangrila: (lots of names that will never be repeated in public)
Denver: some random human chick I played all of four times, with a name I forget
Akashat: Ziavyth
Seradus: Creator/HS (though I forget the bit name at this point), Elena, Jasper, probably others
TR: Baia (mortal admin), Edge, Tavi, Ophelie, Dalya, Katryna, Zillah, others that mostly never made it to the grid
Reno1.0: Tarocchi (werestaff), Nora, Zoe, Lethe, Raven
BITN: surreality (wiki-ONLY staff), Zillah, Nim, Tribulation
Reno 2.0: Taisce and Anais (Yes I finally made a vamp, she has history holes so feel free to link up with her however, y'all.
HorrorMU: The Visionary, The Costumer (wiki staff)
...zilch...Updated. I'm out, y'all. Once people openly admit to ongoing intentional harassment, and that doing you as much harm as possible is ethical, moral, and just, it'd be foolish to stick around, so I'm not doing that.
Updated, because updates.
It's an update I never really wanted to be making, but I think some folks have probably seen it coming.
I'm out for a while. Probably for good, but I know better than to say the 'n' word. (Read: never.)
I'd like to apologize to the folks who have been looking forward to the projects I have had puttering along, because your patience has been pretty legendary with my slow ass. I'm sorry I didn't get further with them. I may pick them up again some day and just go full world-builder or something.
I'll check PMs over the next few days if anyone wants to keep in touch; just provide contact info if so. I'm not on skype much, mostly gmail, but every once in a while the phone's on so skype again becomes a thing.
Be well, everybody. I sincerely hope for the very best for all of you, whether we've played together somewhere across the 20+ years I've been doing this or not, whether we agree on all the things or fight like cats and dogs.
To the folks starting games, may they draw the right crowd and generate fun, may the drama never drive you bonkers. I offer only this one random piece of parting advice: savor the creativity your players share with you; every bit of imagination and creativity, no matter whether it fits your vision or not, is a precious thing. Never take that for granted, and figure out, somehow, how to be both proud and humbled by the fact that you had the ability to inspire.
Very sad to see you go, was looking forwards to working with you on my Big Trouble in Little China game (Which is taking shape). If you ever feel like sneaking on once it's finished, please feel free.
We'll miss you. Well, I'll miss you very much.
Take what time you need but I do hope you return. Not just to here but to the hobby. You're one of the better ones out there and if all the good ones disappear, we'll just be left with the bad. And @coin. Don't do that to us.
Be well.
Come to Arx, Twainfort has cookies.
As a quick (maybe more optimistic in some ways?) update...
I have been informed by my doctor that I have a month or two in which I must remain ass in chair or ass in bed, and don't you dare lift anything over 5lbs goddammit.
So while I won't be on games, I'll probably peek in here more(ish) than I had planned to when I figured I'd be heading back into hammering metal and sloshing dye and/or paint and/or patinas around (and the perpetual cleaning and sorting of The Art Lair... ).
There are a couple of kinda in-depth things I have wanted to write for a longass time about some principles game design I think may or may not work, which tends to be stuff I ramble about, but I never get around to explaining because it's even more frickin' wordy. So I'm going to make myself sit down and do that, and if I get through any of them, I'll post 'em here so they can get the scrutiny they deserve. (Read: people point out where it's stupid so it can be adjusted as needed.)
Ideally, I'd like to make them a resource for folks, like a lot of the stuff I cobble together for wiki, and I'd really like to finish all that stuff off to be able to share with folks, too. Kinda seems dumb to have put so much time in and leave it unfinished, and if I have two months of chair time, there really is only so much Netflix, y'know?
If I can actually get it all working, ideally -- ideally -- I will set up a blank droplet on DigitalOcean (all the templates and such but no specific game setting data) with a wiki set with all the extensions and templates so on that someone would need if folks like the ideas and so on, and that droplet could be cloned and sent to people to set up their own thing from without having to copy pages or really install much of anything at all on the wiki itself, just start adding your data.
That's ultimately been the plan for a while, and I really do want to still do that if I can. Whether I'm playing on them or not, I do think Coin's principle of 'more games is better' is a very real thing, and it's a way I think I can help make it easier for people to make that happen.
If I am really lucky, I will have figured out some more of the basic code to pull things from the MUX over to the game -- I have a little and between Theno and Glitch's additions it's made it a lot easier -- it may be able to have a basic setup for that on a blank MUX core, but less than zero promises on that. (Because while it works, my pathetic attempt at coding is -- I will not be tactful here and call it 'less than elegant' -- a hot mess.)
tl;dr: Surrbrain went: finish your tools an' shit, bitch, you ain't going anywhere for at least a month, better make some goddamn coffee.
@TNP said in surreality's playlist:
Take what time you need but I do hope you return. Not just to here but to the hobby. You're one of the better ones out there and if all the good ones disappear, we'll just be left with the bad. And @coin. Don't do that to us.
Be well.
I am your light in the darkness, @TNP.
@Coin ...they don't know you agreed to co-headwiz things with me if I ever finish one of these things because I officially trust you to yell at me if I am doing or am about to do something profoundly stupid, do they...
@surreality said in surreality's playlist:
@Coin ...they don't know you agreed to co-headwiz things with me if I ever finish one of these things because I officially trust you to yell at me if I am doing or am about to do something profoundly stupid, do they...
...shit, that is pretty open-ended now that I come to think on it a moment.
@surreality -.- Way to make me feel special. ;________________________________________________________;
@Coin <patpat> It's OK. Everybody yells at me when I'm being stupid. I manage to draw a spectacular amount of attention to myself when I do, y'see. It invites comment.
@surreality said in surreality's playlist:
@Coin <patpat> It's OK. Everybody yells at me when I'm being stupid. I manage to draw a spectacular amount of attention to myself when I do, y'see. It invites comment.
I don't yell at you.
I make you feel miserable about it.
I'm Catholic, you see.
@Ganymede I am a recovering Catholic. (The rest of the family still is.)
You would think this would give me some immunity, but as we both surely know, it works in reverse: being Catholic (even if not presently) is more like a force multiplier.
@surreality said in surreality's playlist:
@Ganymede I am a recovering Catholic. (The rest of the family still is.)
You would think this would give me some immunity, but as we both surely know, it works in reverse: being Catholic (even if not presently) is more like a force multiplier.
I think it depends on the person on the receiving in. For me it has given the immunity, but then again I am from the Irish Catholic branch so the guilt force was more of an overt blunt force, where as most of the other branches use more subtle guilt I have noticed so that might prevent the developing of immunity. Kind of like the frog and boiling water things heat it up too fact it jumps out, slow enough you have frog stew.
@ThatGuyThere Yup. I have the Italian version. (Though it's my euromutt mother who is the most 'church every single day' over the top with it.)
Enjoy your break (not the enforced bedrest part, of course)! May the muses of creativity and productivity play sweetly for you.
As a brief update, I will be finishing up the current project as a sample for others to work from.
The thoughts of being able to return to the hobby pretty much went the way of the dodo tonight after a few particularly brutal revelations about a pretty awkward and painful personal situation I'm not going to discuss here under any circumstances.
Anyway, I'll update again when things are done. If I decide to try to run it, I might, but I won't be playing there, or, frankly, anywhere.
Discovering the person you thought was your closest friend is actually complete monster is something I really didn't want to have to go through twice in this hobby, but clearly I am entirely capable of making the same stupid mistake twice.
@surreality said in surreality's playlist:
Discovering the person you thought was your closest friend is actually complete monster is something I really didn't want to have to go through twice in this hobby, but clearly I am entirely capable of making the same stupid mistake twice.
Don'the know what this is about, but that sucks so much for you.
I'm sorry.