@Packrat Kaedin the Gene-Changed was recently seen in Coyote Trails with the name 'Kaydin'. Same overall concept.
Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat Kaedin the Gene-Changed was recently seen in Coyote Trails with the name 'Kaydin'. Same overall concept.
@ThatGuyThere said:
Honestly Bored if that is what you consider a positive example of anything we are far too far apart for further discussion to have meaning.
Though I do hope you find nothing but games like Star Crusade in your future, yake that as either blessing or a curse whichever you prefer.See, this is why I made you post what your actual criteria were, because I knew once I gave an answer you'd just go 'well its not the perfect game so haha derp you're wrong!' To remind you, since you're being a goalpost-moving weasel exactly as I predicted, you didn't say 'name a perfect game.' You said:
@ThatGuyThere said:
Not a sandbox and not about relationships. So it would simply be one that had mostly staff plots and a majority of the rp was not focused on relationships.
Those were your only criteria.
Now, if you want to highlight how the game was actually more focused on relationship RP, go ahead. Talk about all the huge amounts of relationship RP. What were some PCs who focused on relationships in preference to their positions, plot duties, etc?
Of the 4 Counts, the only person you could even make an argument for was Amber, because she did very little in general. Even fucking Renaud ran plots, got into skirmishes with other Counts, led assaults, and otherwise did plot shit. I couldn't even tell you if Lyov had a boytoy tucked away somewhere, but far as I could tell he was 100% focused on politics and war. Antonio had a marriage in the works but also was the most active person in terms of military stuff and generally being loud and outrageous in public RP. Out of my 3 characters, only one had a relationship, it only started after the game was basically in its death spiral, and even then we spent most of our time plotting for war.
So explain how it was mostly a marriage/relationship/babies focused game. Otherwise? You're fucking wrong. And you are wrong about this topic in general, because most games are closer to SC than not.
Hey the goal posts did not move. You named a game that fit them. Congrats you scored.
I am quite happy to stipulate Star crusade as an example of the games you have been supporting.As for most games being closer to Star Crusade then not all I can say is thank goodness in my experience they are not.
@ThatGuyThere There's no gotcha moment here, dude.
@bored has a point in the following regard:
- Star Crusade was not a sandbox.
- Star Crusade was focused on something other than relationship roleplay.
I don't argue those two points.
Though I can see that we are both two entrenched ot make further discussion have a point and sicne we are not in the hog pit I will withdraw from the thread. -
You turned around and said 'but haha it's a crap game and you have low expectations if you think it's amazing lololol' in a pretty troll way, ignoring the obvious facts we're all critics of that game anyway. For, you know, actual things it can be criticized about. But the reality is most games are like SC; ie, they have some plot, people come and make characters to do that plot, they eventually find out the staffers are shitty douchebags, get bored, TS for a while, and then quit.
If you want a game that's also fucking perfect? Yeah, good luck, when you figure that out please come by and tell all of MSB about your discovery of this unicorn of a game. But the 'omg marriages and babies' shit is wearing real thin, especially when you have exactly dick to back any of it up.
@bored said:
I couldn't even tell you if Lyov had a boytoy tucked away somewhere, but far as I could tell he was 100% focused on politics and war.
Okay, 97% focused on politics and war. 1% trying to bribe @Monogram 's Solomon for his guns, ahem, and his actual guns with offers of sex. 1% Lyov was fucking his confessor/cousin/Renaud's bishop. 1% I spent pushing off Yara's creepy pre-teen that was humping Lyov's leg and RPing out her first menstruation in the name of spying on me for Principe and Lextius.
So... 99% focused on politics and war and related. 1% shoving away the staff creep/jail bait.
Compare to my experience as Duc de Rousillon (Leo Rousse, also Chris Hemsworth) where I politicked 5% of the time, gave fucking gifts of ochre to try and gain allies 45% of the time, and was trying to politick instead of being chased for marriage proposals 50% of the time.
I still can't believe the first period thing.
Sofia was pretty much the naval gal. Sure, she had a thing for Sans, but she had a job and things to do. Plus, Admiral Fluffnstuff was a very popular cat.
@silentsophia said:
Plus, Admiral Fluffnstuff was a very popular cat.
This is literally going to be my first Beast character concept and BG.
@silentsophia said:
I still can't believe the first period thing.
Sofia was pretty much the naval gal. Sure, she had a thing for Sans, but she had a job and things to do. Plus, Admiral Fluffnstuff was a very popular cat.
Sophia and Sans did have matching robot hands, it was fate.
Edit: Actually I just checked, they were not matching hands! San's was super strong but Sofia's had water/chemical resistance. Also I never realized that Sofia had a phobia of spiders.
@Packrat So you kept your staffbit on SC? Wondering how you got to view sheets.
Right, the server is still up and I do still have a staff character, though I never logged in with it while the game was live after I quit.
I have been logging in occasionally to check through the old boards/job info partially out of nostalgia and also as a kind of forensic 'what went wrong and how can I look at ensuring it does not happen elsewhere' exercise. For that matter I still chat with Paulus on Skype very occasionally though he has been occupied by stuff like marriage and a kid so I do not believe he is actively playing anywhere now.
I mean I disagree (and disagreed at the time) with him in many ways about how a game should be run but he came up with a cool as hell theme with some great writing.
@Packrat The lampreys of the barony she headed freaked her the hell out, too.
@Packrat Well, he's a lawyer. They tend to write well.
@deadculture said:
@Packrat Well, he's a lawyer. They tend to write well.
Sounds like someone who does not have to deal with them on a daily basis.
@Ganymede Oh, right, there are bad lawyers. Allow me to amend: he's a decent lawyer.
I believe Paulus actually used to be Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech writer of all things.
He was definitely a journalist prior to the lawyer thing.
Before the shit hit the fan, I really really liked SC. It was different from some other games and it was just large enough to have a good mix of people from different places. I think out of all the new people I met on there, I talk to 1 player but she's quite awesome so it's totally win. Reading back on some of these posts, I have to say I nearly spit my drink out reading about Lyov pushing away Yara's creepy pre-teen. I remember that. I laughed back the, too.
@Deviante Yeah, sometimes I drink to forget about that one.
SC's problem was the utter lack of trust left to be had on staff after the second wave of departures.