If you have zero or negative rep I think the mods said there was a 2 minute coll down between posts where positive rep folks only have a thirty second wait.
Weather that counts as mattering or not likely depends on how fast you type, and how urgent you think posting is I guess.
@Arkandel Like an MSB hitman.
@somasatori said in Downvotes:
@Arkandel Like an MSB hitman.
You guys are the worst conspirators ever.
Is there more butthurt over the downvotes lately, or is it just Certain Posters? I can't decide. Possibly both.
@Three-Eyed-Crow some people think downvotes actually matter in the grand scheme of things.
Though I have heard rumor that if you get a low enough reputation it affects the amount or time between postings you can do.
I get a downvote and it's like 'Who? Oh. Whatever.'
Sometimes I issue downvotes, but it's more of a trigger happy spur of the moment thing than 'oh my god I have to destroy this person!'
@Kanye-Qwest Same. A pity. I did like to see who was doing the downvotes.
I'm not mad about it, just gleefully curious.
If you have zero or negative rep I think the mods said there was a 2 minute coll down between posts where positive rep folks only have a thirty second wait.
Weather that counts as mattering or not likely depends on how fast you type, and how urgent you think posting is I guess. -
This is exactly what I've been waiting for. A++ @Glitch
Honestly, I think we should probably do away with voting on posts altogether. This isn't Reddit, now is it? It shouldn't be.
@Kanye-Qwest It's no surprise that democracy is popular.
@Bug-In-A-Jar said in Downvotes:
@Kanye-Qwest It's no surprise that democracy is popular.
I thought the problem was that it wasn't popular.
What's the fucking point of knowing who up/downvoted you anyway? So you know who is on your side in the great MU* flame war?
@Sandor Yes, because I care a lot. I have a big file for MU Soapbox and a board where I can pin photos and receipts and newspaper clippings and connect them all with red lines as I try to solve the mystery of the question of the conspiracy of what crawled up your ass and refused to die there.
What's the fucking point of knowing who up/downvoted you anyway? So you know who is on your side in the great MU* flame war?
If I am downvoting someone (and I sometimes are), I want them to see that I did it. Similarly if I'm downvoted (or upvoted) I want to see who did that, too. Quite often up and downvotes are the only contributions people make to a thread, and in doing so they're weighing in even if they're not posting (and what's the point if you're just regurgitating other people's opinion ad nausium anyway?)
@lordbelh I dunno. I think he has a point about this being very... Plebbitesque.
@Bug-In-A-Jar Its not like its a popularity contest where the number of votes wins you the debate. Having lots of votes mean shit. I like it because it allows you to very easily say you find a point succinct (or stupid), just by clicking a button instead of writing a post. And if you're doing that, well, the meaning is lost when its anonymous.
@Bug-In-A-Jar How are you toast? Downvotes have zero impact on anything, anymore than upvotes do. It what, affects you minimally as far as how often you can post?
You're toast on this forum only if you act like an idiot, and it has nothing to do with votes. People will just call you out on it.
There is no line to toe. There's no unified big brigade of people who share the same view on everything.
There aren't any incentives, beyond a reputation/posts comparison possibly giving a vague indication of whether one's widely considered to be an ass. Even then unless it's actually negative it might just mean you don't say much that moves people either way.