MU Things I Love
Norwood's dice are so hard core vibing with what I wanted to night. (CRISTOPH I WAS WRITING THIS RIGHT WHEN YOU SAID IT OOC).
Botch! Norwood is simply outclassed. This is monumentally beyond them and the result is ruinous.
Which is amazing, because it was a perception roll, and earlier in the scene I paged this to Adalyn character (we were about 3-4 rounds into the scene at this point)
You paged Adalyn with: 'THIS IS HOW TIRED AND OUT OF IT I AM, I read your poses, I knew you were here, but it JUST connected to me that "Oh yeah, that character is Norwood's daughter" duh. x.x'.
EDIT: This scene just keeps getting better. I've never loved my failed rolls more.
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That moment your character is just... flowing.
Not really MU related(since I don't really play MUs right now), but more RP in general related.
When you make a new TT character you get really excited for because you're playing a one-shot and you have free reign to screw around.
When you start RPing with Person A
And then Person B, who you know is OOCly friends with Person A, starts seeking you out for RP some time after that.
I assume they're gossiping about me and obviously saying good things to each other.
Feels good man.
When your character keeps doing something, and it both makes you wince and laugh repeatedly. Because it is something you would never do, but lord, is it funny to think about.
I love the fact that after some relatively crushing RP for my PC of late, she has friends that don't just help her smooth her ruffled feathers but who look for ways to draw said PC into ruffling other feathers as proactive therapy.
You read this, and you know who you are, and while I won't out you, much luff.
Haven't played in a year I think, not since I was on Savage Skies. Which was a real good game with great people that I thoroughly enjoyed, but I fell out due to a work overload and never managed to get myself back into. Anyway, I had some real enjoyable RP the other night, and I just reminded me about why I fell for the hobby in the first place. Just letting the imagination go, and tossing ideas back and forth, building on each others' writing to craft something fun and engaging. Good times!
Perhaps it wont be a year until I do it again.
Chance meetings that have my PC and another PC bashing into each other over, for example, my constant inability to master mechanics in the games I play, that then turn into OMGYES level RP tangents.
Also, the fact that the latest one of these I've been fortunate enough to get to dig my teeth into has set long-standing biases I have about certain 'types' of PC on their ears. I've always hated the way most timeswept are played, along with most kidchars and this scene absolutely ended up making me step back from those opinions to give them another look.
All you people out there who put crazy time and effort into these intricate, layered backgrounds and making sure they gel with the theme and setting of the game you're on, and are patient with people like me who take hours of RP to suss them all out?
Stay fucking gold, Ponyboy. You are loved.
When a song can remind you of the most awful IC drama that both players mutually agreed on that led to tons of ic development. When that memory makes you smile and miss the person in the best way.
(This happens for both people who've moved on for rl and people I've grown apart from)
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@Ganymede I saw this and immediately thought of you. Well no, I immediately had to remember how to breathe again after laughing so hard. IS THIS YOU
God dammit I cannot figure out how to embed it. It's not a rickroll I promise.