I like it this way, I'll be honest. (It also looks less questionable up on my work computer because it blends in well with library stuff.)
Posts made by 2mspris
RE: Artistic Aesthetics of Fora
RE: Non-WoD Horror Game (Buffy, Cthulhu, Etc)
@Coin said:
I do point out that the "families" thing was done in Devilshire (a Buffyverse game) before The Reach did it, but there were only four families, which made it much easier to oversee.
It was also done on an oWoD M/M+ only game I ran, Wicked Purity. We only used 3 and each had a different affiliation with a sort of M+ power (One family of psychics, one of thaumaturges, one of cultist sorts. And there was no mixing/mingling of what they could do.). Family-groups make for interesting story in almost any variety game.
RE: Old game WHO lists
I'll throw this one on here, too:
Due Rewards circa 2001
+-----------(=)---------<+>--(- Due Rewards -)--<+>---------(=)-----------+<<
Name Sex Idle Name Sex Idle Name Sex IdleGanymede (P) (M) 5s Emily (em) (F) 4s Jamison (padre) (M) 28s
Karacinda (Kara)(F) 13s Mazi (maz) (M) 32s Ethan (bc) (M) 1m
Leona (Tiny) (F) 2s Strega (Grr) (F) 14s Douglas (maci) (M) 3m
Ishobi (ish) (M) 17s Seth (set) (M) 48s Rhia (F) 1m
Klavdiya (Klava)(F) 2m Amanda (Mandy) (F) 4s Chandler (Chan) (M) 5s
Xander (Xan) (M) 35s Kattri (peace) (F) 7m Simon Fox (sfox)(M) 33s
Julian (Jul) (M) 4m Callista (Call) (F) 4m Charity (ct) (F) 4s
Sterling Wolf (I(M) 3m Garrik (gs) (M) 49m Rebecca (F) 2m
Kimberly (KM) (F) 50m Felicity (fel) (F) 1m Bryce (ice) (M) 1m
Kasha (F) 2m Brittany (miaow)(F) 39s Pehu (Pe) (M) 1m
Arkady (Ark) (M) 3m Jose' (Chi) (M) 39s Foucault (LAFS) (M) 25m
Andrommada (air)(F) 59s Hannah (han) (F) 0s Betsy (Lysabeth)(F) 8m
Wolfy (Wolfgang)(F) 23s Alyssa (Aly) (F) 20s Rayne (rcd) (F) 1m
Russell (Parker)(M) 36s Gretchen (F) 3m Horace (HtF) (M) 18s
Thorne (TH) (M) 28s Meilei (mn) (F) 5m Elijah (Eli) (M) 7m
Danforth (u) (M) 43s Jerry (jer) (M) 38s Devyn (DV) (M) 21s
Rust_Wolf (Agar)(M) 3m Melissa (Missy) (F) 15m Dawson (md) (M) 46s
Caspar (Cap) (M) 1s Celeste (Cel) (F) 25m Kimiko (Kimi) (F) 4s
Renovich (M) 5m Jenna (jenn) (F) 48s Francis (Fran) (M) 45s
Ivy (F) 5m Caelyn (Cae) (F) 2s Jackson (json) (M) 3m
Kenji (Ow) (M) 50s Misu (Mis) (M) 1m Julietta (Ju) (F) 11m
Keith (K) (M) 25s Rises-in-Glory ((M) 7m Schneider (Greg)(M) 2m
Aliyah (Yah) (F) 8m Sundance (Sun) (F) 6s Kitty (Ket) (F) 8m
Johnny Pidgeon ((M) 5m Charley (Bax) (M) 3s Eric (Cleaner) (M) 20s
Nathan (Nate) (M) 41s Xavier (Xav) (M) 3s Bret (Bt) (M) 3m
Tony (god) (M) 1m Blackadder (RAK)(M) 47m Lazaro (canoso) (M) 23m
Inigo (Ini) (M) 4m Teegan (Tee) (M) 18s Fr. Bryant (mb) (M) 26s
Lena (LM) (F) 56s Mort (...) (M) 3s Heinrich (he) (M) 3s
Lianne (ll) (F) 3m
+-----------(=)----<+>----%-( OOC Characters )-%----<+>----(=)------------+<<Darque (Dee) (F) 12m Alexander (lex) (M) 14s Isaac (M) 3m
Henry (H) (M) 11m Thomas_McIver (T(M) 17m Mia (F) 40s
Adriel (M) 38m Peren (Q) (M) 2s Kora (F) 14s
Brock Leavenwort(M) 10m
------------(=)----<+>----%-( Online Staff )-%----<+>----(=)-------------+<<Le Quack (quack)(M) 57s Monique (mon) (F) 13m Radiskull (radi)(M) 31s
Archdeacon Froll(M) 29m Buttercup (cup) (F) 4h Pebbles (Peb) (F) 9m
+---------(=)----<+>----%-( 101 players online )-%----<+>----(=)----------+<< -
RE: Old game WHO lists
I have a few of these (though I tended to +who so the @doing isn't there). This is the oldest one I've got, off-hand:
Crack Mux - circa 1998
======================+| CrackMux Connected Players |+=====================
Name Sex Idle | Name Sex Idle | Name Sex IdleJanae F 2s | Portia F 1m | Tasarla F 13m
Cannabis F 34s | Faith F 8m | Acid M 16m
Puzzle F 54s | Lily F 0s | Caitlynn F 38s
Erin F 1m | Lazarus M 29s | Ash M 6s
Jessica F 24s | Stef F 2m | Ric M 27s
Clove F 4s | Henry DeParre M 1m | Kitten F 4m
Taj M 1m | Ashtaroth M 51s | Judas M 4s
Janie F 42s | Aileen F 18s | Skail M 1m
George M 9m | Epone F 43s | Diego M 5m
Eduard M 15m | Adrianne F 3m | Becca F 22m
Rufus M 1m | Russell M 2m | Chases Bears M 32m
Summer's Kiss F 19m | Inazuma M 2m | Danala F 1m
Nightingale M 17m | Tamra F 46s | Taliahad F 4m
Elaina F 15s | Devinne F 20m | Thomas Sulliv M 1m
Colin M 42s | Miguel M 1m | Valium F 1m
Addict1 - 1m | Lorne M 1m | Olivia F 2m
Lance M 0s | Karen F 50s | Paolo M 5m
Krell M 31s | Nadya F 1m | Special K F 16s
Rips-The-Fles M 0s | Jiriki M 13s | Cocaine M 2m
Wythlock M 5m | Nick M 1m |
====[ 5:46am ]====[ Summer Morning ]====[ 59 players connected ]=========== -
RE: Book suggestions
I'd recommend Kelly Armstrong's Cainsville series (Omens is the first book. Not really much of a "romance", which is her typical but she's veered away from that in her more recent stuff.). Anton Strout's Simon Canderous series (Dead to Me is the first book there) is obscure enough that it might have missed notice and was pretty entertaining.
RE: Hunter, Mortal+ -- fuck the supers?
I ran a mu* similar to this premise once - an oWoD game called Wicked Purity that was strictly Mortal/Mortal+ and all the supers were monsters/NPC antagonists. The player base never got to be huge, but there was a lot of good storytelling to be had in that sort of a setting.
2MsPris' Playlist
All the cool kids are doing this, it must be the things to do. This is who I have been:
Past Staffing:
Harahel@San Francisco (Mortal/+ Staff)
Ruin@SHH (Headstaff)
Dresden@The Reach (Build co-TL, various family staffing)
Windshear@Depraved Creations (General Game Admin)
DarkRider@Dark Metal (Mortal+ Admin)
Voodoo@Denver: Dark Destiny (Headstaff, Mortal+ staff)
Cold Spell@Ashes to Ashes (Mortal+ Wiz)
Mspris@Wicked Purity (Headstaff)
Mspris@Bloody Roses (Headstaff)Past PCs:
Charlotte and Miriam@San Francisco
Lucy and Agatha@SHH
Crystal, Lucy, Agatha, Honey@The Reach
Poppy, Panthea, Regina and Cierra@Depraved Creations
Calliope@Haunted Memories
Jenny, Eliza and Brenna@Denver: Dark Destiny
Lydia@Ashes to Ashes
Hannah@Due Rewards
Iolia@Aether 1.0
Cassandra@The Forth Cycle
Dyan@Eternal Night
Faith, Lily, Geneva, Sorcha@CrackAnd there are probably another dozen or so PCs that I don’t remember offhand. There were a bunch of Marvel Comics mushes before I started playing WoD heavily.
Isla@Goldenroad (1st year Mysterium Acanthus)I'm also currently working on building a CoD game, a small handful of people know about that and that's enough for now as it's not ready to be shared broadly yet.
RE: Greetings and Salutations
Thank you, indeed. I've been missing WORA recently, I will admit.