I don't tend to blame teachers for my kids failure to do what they are quite capable of doing. I do, frequently, blame the administration of our school however for whatever annual "stunt" in the name of get good press that they pull that runs the risk of derailing parent's efforts and children's efforts.
This year's stunt? All of the students in grades 6-9 have been given Chrome Books. This is how they are to do/submit their homework. (It began at Christmas break, so this semester is the first.) Beginning next year it will be how they use textbooks, as those will all be in ebook form.
The problem they are already facing is that we're a largely rural community - and not all students even have internet at home, but the school expects those families to get it. (And in some of those cases the options for getting that is pretty much crap.) There are also issues with the way that they have set up the "security" of the Chrome Books, most of the adults at the school can't help the students with issues that come up and they have locked down the students doing anything from the school's wireless except to access the school's "Student Portal" page and their one assigned Gmail accounts that each student gets.
Outside of school, the kids can access more stuff - but anything they do access it keeps a record of and notifies the school. (They've already had 5 7th grade boys lose their Chromebooks for attempting to surf porn on them - and then they attempted to fine the parents, which has gone over about as well as you would expect.) They've also made it a requirement that the students maintain a social networking profile (Most are on FB.) in a lot of classes, but their Chromebooks are locked from accessing those sites at all.
And since half the assignments are expected to be emailed in to the teachers, they've already discovered that 2 enterprising students were taking home 2+ Chromebooks a night and doing homework/submitting it for their fellow students and getting paid to do that. But there is literally no way to tell who is actually doing/submitting the work because the teachers aren't being handed anything and not all of the parents are able to monitor it closely (because again, no internet at home in some cases). And in the other cases, some teachers still do want the homework printed off and handed in - but the Chromebooks aren't set up to print anything off at the schools, you have to put the homework on a USB and then take it to the library to print - where you are suppose to pay for the pages printed - so students are being made to pay for their homework printing and then turning it in.
The level of fucked up that the Administration of our school has created with this, just to "keep up with the times" because they realized this year that we are the last public school in the county to not have take-home tablets for the students, is awesome.
I guess I should be happy that I've got a Techno-Wiz kid, though it's frustrating as well. It was bad enough last year that I had teachers at the school sending their laptops home with my kid, for him to fix them. Now we get frequent calls/messages from his classmates wanting his help fixing problems - this is the age of nerd popularity I suppose, but it's a bit annoying.