@Rook said in MU and Alternate Channels:
So you would no-contact two players after one incident, to the point of banning public RP?
Nope, that's not what I said. What I did say is that staff have to make difficult choices based on - often, and necessarily - limited information.
You glossed over (for the sake of argument, I get it) the 'why' and 'what' that the Aggressor did, in your example. So help me understand your example here. Are you saying that the Victim would write up logs that never happened? Yes, that is something that Staff will be hard-pressed to catch or even prove, I agree. That is a hell of a lot of effort and underhandedness, a surprising amount actually, just to 'take someone out' of the IC scene for your own personal advancement. Shit, is that the type of crap that we're talking about, the extremes that happen out there?
Although faking logs are a thing that's happened, let's exclude that possibility for now. In my experience it's usually hearsay, third party testimonies, maybe a disdainful or dismissing attitude on public channels, indications of OOC metagaming, occasional convenient lack of dice rolling when it's in their favor, whatever it is. You know this stuff.
So what I'm saying is if there's no smoking gun where the guy sent someone a dick pic or whatever then staff need to make a call; is the person contacting them being too sensitive? Are they actually trying to use them to get out of an IC bind? Or are they simply justified and there's actual dickery going on?
And if so, what do they do to fix it if it's not clear enough? You said you don't like no-contact rules, but what do you go with? You're staff, you got to make up your mind - even inaction is a decision.
In fact inaction is a very common decision.