@Ghost said in Personal Agency for Personal Boundaries:
Opt-in is a great idea, but it only works under the assumption that players will accept being left out of scenes that they dont opt-into. RP on a MU isnt an entitlement. You can make the argument that in a perfect world everyone is welcoming and wants everyone' input, but the reality is that some games/scenes just aren't what a particular player is looking for and it isnt everyone else's responsibility to change for them.
Honestly, opt-in is how it should be. It's why I always put warnings on my +events if there might be triggering topics. It's how I feel games, scenes, spheres- whatever! should be.
You make the choice to walk in through the door.
Opt-out is a whole other bag and it's a negative vs a positive.
Opt-in is the positive: 'we're all here to engage in the same thing, yay!'
Opt-out is the negative: 'I have decided I don't like this and I want everyone else to stop and cater to me.'
And most of our 'errrrrrrr-' uncertainties center around the opt-out options. X-card-type deals, reporting, etc. Because they can be abused. They can be manipulative. And they cut into that all-important thing: fun. They turn entire games into being about 'my fun' vs 'our fun'
whereas opt-in can be both my and our fun.
If I swan into a scene and part-way through decide I don't like that the demon is attacking my character and it makes her seem like a victim and Suzie Glitterpunch is NOT A VICTIM, I just throw down the opt-out and.......... oh. ST has to change things. Other players have to change things. And then everyone wars with: is she opting out because it's truly triggering? Is she opting out because she felt like she was losing? Is she opting out because she didn't like the way the scene was going?
We fuss and worry over what might get people whispering and it's opt-outs. Because yes, they should be no questions asked, but: people are always gonna wonder. Because there's a whole spectrum of stuff that can trigger someone and some of it is surprisingly tame. And just like there's OMG EVIL NEFARIOUS STAFFERS LURKING AROUND EVERY CORNER .... there's also abusive players who have it in their head that their PCs can do no wrong, can never lose, and must always be seen in a positive light. hell I've encountered more of those than I have evil Staffers.
So my vote, for any proposals, any systems, any whatever: opt-in. Make it player choice/agency as to whether they want to join something and once they're in, they're in. And before the 'but what if something happens that wasn't on the-' Then that's a whole other bag of tricks. That's completely different. That's the same as if a plot is labeled 'Low Risk' and you go in and find out it's 'High Risk, Probable Death' partway through. That's on the ST, that's viable reason to call an all-stop and have a discussion or just fucking leave.
Make an opt-in. Make people running scenes, plots, writing shit for the game, etc., label their stuff clearly.