@faraday said in Hello MSBites! Grade your administrators.:
@auspice said in Hello MSBites! Grade your administrators.:
And call each other out. Not by attacking one another, but by a mere "Hey, that wasn't cool." Just like you'd (I'd hope) call a friend to task for being an asshole, pull someone here aside. It doesn't have to be out in public, but it can be in PMs or in your private chats / pages. We want to be a more uplifting, positive community? It begins with ourselves. Be better, yourself. Pressure your friends to be better. Start small.
It isn't even remotely like this, though. These people (for the most part) are not my friends - they're strangers on an internet forum. Moreover, they're strangers who by the very nature of the problem we're describing have demonstrated that civility and respect for the rules (and by extension other people on the forum) are beyond them. Someone with no authority telling other strangers on the Internet "that wasn't cool, knock it off" is most likely to be met by "hahaha yeah whatever" at best or "F you" at worst because these people don't care what we think. They may only marginally care what the mods think, but the mods at least have the authority to kick them if they don't listen. If there are flagging/downvote tools like on many forum software systems, I'll use them, but I'm not going to play Lone Ranger moderator. That's just not going to end well.
Oh, no, I get it. For sure. But a lot of the people on these forums also have friends on the forums.
I'm asking them if they see their friends act out of time to go hey, that probably wasn't cool. Like, I'm not close friends with @Derp, but we chat a lot. I'd say we have good rapport. Decent enough that if they were out of line on something, I'd feel comfortable enough messaging them to say 'That was pretty harsh, saying that. Cool off, yeah?'