Posts made by Bug In A Jar
RE: RL Anger
@Arkandel To add to this, YouTube critics in general. How much ego does one have to have in order to presuppose that the world cares about the film, book, and music opinions of Random Internet Schmuck?
RE: Meta vs PrP vs Planning vs Impromptu
I've always been partial to player-driven plots. So when I was ST on these Chats (very similar to MU*'s, but they're not over Telnet, basically), I would always put in outright wet noodles in these high administrative positions. Just so a PC could kick their ass out with some power play.
But it never happened. I think players were all worried that I'd ban them or something for fucking with mai STPCz, even though they were deliberately made to be kind of limp wristed and lame.
RE: RL Anger
I get really annoyed when people bitch to me about really inconsequential shit, and then say things like "it gets even worse." You know, like it was so unbelievably bad in the first place. I keep thinking #FirstWorldProblems in my head whenever I have to listen to these gripes.
RE: RL Anger
Who even speaks with the cashiers.
I do at my grocery store, but then again they're my neighbors and we get blasted together sometimes. I also say hello to them even if they're a complete stranger.
Seriously, what's wrong with speaking to whoever you happen upon? Most people I know do this.
RE: Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox
@surreality Could be fun.
Also, I can do wiki stuff just fine. And I can write the PHP that underlies it if need be for rad modz son.
RE: Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox
@surreality said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
I've been looking at options for something kinda 'play by wiki'. I want to make that at least an option for stuff I'm developing, mostly based on this same general need/concept.
If I come up with something, I'll add it here.
It would be relatively easy to do without any special bells and whistles, with people just taking turns editing the page, but there are some minor tweaks to that for flow/format/etc. that might make the experience a little easier and cleaner and prevent potential conflicting edits if people are writing at the same time/etc. I'd like to explore before actually testing it out.
It'd be a nice way to integrate various kinds of content, too.
I actually came up with this exact idea independently years ago. The part where I faulted was where I couldn't come up with good rules for how it's done. It was just "make stuff up about this setting until there's a dispute, then mods get involved."
I know that Google Wave, when it was still up, was used for roleplaying because it was like a combination of wiki, collaborative writing, and chat. I really wish they would bring that back.
RE: Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox
@Sandor Not very. They're designed specifically to be easy to install, and this has been the case for the past decade, decade and a half, really.
Blocking retards and shitheads
So after @Rick-Sanchez got banned, I decided to take it upon myself to write some JavaScript to make it so that you can ignore people's posts. I wrote a TamperMonkey script, which is a Google Chrome extension that lets you tamper with web pages you visit after the fact. Once there, you can just plop some JavaScript in there and it'll plop that ontop of your page. Pretty neat.
I call this code NodeBB STFU. It works on all MU Soapbox URLs, but if you change the
line, you can make it match other sites, too.Here's the code:
// ==UserScript== // @name NodeBB STFU // @namespace http://nodebb.stfu/ // @version 0.1 // @description Make people shut the fuck up on NodeBB by ignoring them // @author Bug In A Jar // @match http://musoapbox.net/* // @grant none // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.3.min.js // ==/UserScript== jQuery.noConflict(); shit_list = ["silentsophia", "vorpal"]; for (i = 0; i< shit_list.length; i++) { shit_list[i] = shit_list[i].toLowerCase(); } show_hidden = true; function stfu() { jQuery.each(jQuery("li[component=post]"), function (k, v) { username = jQuery(v).attr("data-username"); if (shit_list.indexOf(username.toLowerCase()) != -1) { console.log("Found post by shitlisted user: " + username); if (show_hidden) { jQuery(v).addClass("deleted"); jQuery(v).find(".content").html("Shitpost detected."); } else { jQuery(v).remove(); } } }); } $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', stfu);
There are two parts of this code that you'll need to modify in order to get this to work:
- the
variable to include whoever you want to shut the fuck up. This is a standard JavaScript array, but it is not case sensitive - the
variable lets you choose eithertrue
. If you choosefalse
, then it just deletes the post completely, but if you choosetrue
, it shows that the person is blocked, but doesn't show their post. It looks something like this:
So, there you have it. You can now block posts on NodeBB, which is what MUSoapbox runs off of.
- the
RE: Downvotes
@lordbelh @Ninjakitten I disagree. Some people downvoting posts in @Rick-Sanchez's thread caused a bit of an uproar. They were feigning non-interest, but let's face it, it stung a bit. They themselves even got into conspiracy theories about how there's this brigade of people downvoting the whole thread.
So while there might not actually be a conspiracy of brigaders to ruin your karma, there's the perception that there is, especially when you see the same few names up/downvoting the same other few names. I think the presence of this perception is bad. This leads me to my second point.
Only sufficiently karmic posters can downvote. So once your opinion becomes unpopular enough, it no longer matters for the purpose of these up/downvote systems. Basically, it disenfranchises you.
This and other reasons are why I think voting should be done away with entirely.
RE: Downvotes
@lordbelh I dunno. I think he has a point about this being very... Plebbitesque.
RE: Downvotes
@Kanye-Qwest It's no surprise that democracy is popular.
Something similar to WoD, but not quite
I really, really like the theme of WoD. The theme being, it's real life, but there's vampires and werewolves and shit all over the place. That's cool. I enjoy that a lot.
But I think WoD is deeply flawed and, well, I'm not sure it's keeping well. Are there competitors out there with a similar theme? If not, how much fun do you guys think it would be if someone were to create one? (Or another one, if one already exists)
RE: Downvotes
Honestly, I think we should probably do away with voting on posts altogether. This isn't Reddit, now is it? It shouldn't be.
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