@bored said:
I think if you want to cast your MU like a play, you should consider OTT or an invite-only game instead.
Possibly good advice, given that people have a diverse array of experience in what works and what doesn't, but I think that there's an alternative (and more broadly universal) view that could be taken here, which is: if you're the one putting the time, effort, and resources into the creation of the game, you should be able to set it up any way you want to set it up. If there is not a game that appeals to you, then perhaps consider opening one of your own, rather than demanding that other people make a change to suit your tastes when they're offering a free service. While taking into account advice and prior experience is always certainly helpful to draw on for a pool of ideas, calls still have to be made in regards to theme, vision, etc, and as a hobby we seem incredibly focused on past things. We have an awful lot of baggage that we seem to cart around with us. I almost want to call it a problem, but I've seen good come from it too, so I think I'll call it an issue instead.
Ultimately,though, the folks at the top are the ones that call the shots. People can set up the games that they work to create however they want to create them. That's part of the beauty of the system. The diversity of experience and resources and tools that are out there waiting to be utilized is a bonus which should create more diversity, but ultimately we seem to get bogged down in arguments about the One True Right and Only Way a lot more than we seem to get anything productive done when it comes to trying something new.