To address the questions that don't relate to Thor 
There are several key plot FCs (Meredith, for example) that are being kept back for use by Staff as plot mechanics, same as a few key plot OCs. Aside from them, we have an open process for FC application because from a broad plot perspective we're using the start of DA2 as a 'jumping off place' to move away from canon into different directions. There is a Hawke family, but they're not any more or less tied into the plot than anyone else.
That's where the Fate system comes in (not to be confused with FATE, which seems to have happened a few times, so that's my bad). The Fate system allows players to choose how involved in big game plots they want to be. To quote the helpfile:
"At its core, Fate is a measure of how deeply involved in plot you want your character to be. A Fate of 1 means that you are primarily here for social RP. Your character lives, works, makes friends, makes enemies - maybe even falls in love - but overall is personally unaffected by the big events that shape the world around them. A Fate of 5, on the other hand, is roughly equivalent to the video games' PCs and PC Companions. These characters are often at the center of trouble; they have the greatest potential for IC rank, wealth and power, but also the biggest targets on their back for Trouble, because Thedas is not a warm and fuzzy place.
This is accomplished through a dice system. Every time something - good or bad - is about to happen (in a scene or in a larger plot) the ST or staff responsible will perform a dice roll for all characters involved. Your Fate score determines the number of dice that are rolled to get your total score for that specific event. The character(s) with the highest score will be the one(s) affected by that event.
Some scenes, events and plotlines will have Fate restrictions or caps to facilitate the most fun for everyone involved. If there is to be a cap or restriction involved, information on the specifics will be made available when the event in question is announced."
The game is still in early beta. A lot of the combat functionality just isn't Thedas-compatible yet, so the way +sheets look is not very indicative of how things will work out once all the bugs are shaken out of the system. I understand that this is not everyone's cup of tea, but for those potentially interested, I hope this clears up some of the confusion.