@krmbm said in New forum toy!:
Is there a setting somewhere to disable gifs?
This shit is annoying as fuck.
@krmbm said in New forum toy!:
Is there a setting somewhere to disable gifs?
This shit is annoying as fuck.
The Witcher series is on sale on Steam. Witcher 3's GotY Edition is also on sale, so make sure to grab that one rather than the stock version. Whole series for right around $25 as opposed to the usual $70($80 with GotY).
Sale lasts until 11 February, iirc.
@royal I'm going to cheat and dip into my personal stash...
@royal said in New forum toy!:
Also: I now no longer have to use words to respond in my usually half assed way. I can now use even less of my ass!
@ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
@faceless said in General Video Game Thread:
I haven't given that one a whirl yet. It looks nice, the aesthetics of the creatures has just never reached out to me, unfortunately.
I suppose it's not for everyone, but taking down a massive robot dinosaur armed with machineguns and lasers is ... well, it is what it is.
Okay, I've clearly not watched the right game trailers. That sounds pretty damn awesome.
@ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
The clunkiness is nothing compared to some of the clunkiness of Horizon Zero Dawn, but you have to love that game for just about everything else.
I haven't given that one a whirl yet. It looks nice, the aesthetics of the creatures has just never reached out to me, unfortunately.
I picked up The Witcher: Enhanced Edition or whatever. I definitely understand what people were talking about with the combat, it's clunky and relies heavily on timing. I've not really had any issues with it myself, but I definitely understand where folks could have experienced some.
I also found out why you don't kill town guards, even if it's due to a misunderstanding... I was trying to TALK to the traveling merchant outside your gates, not smoke him in the gourd with a sword! Took down the four guards, only for a Super Mega Faceplosion Doombringer DeathGuard to track me down later, looking to collect a bounty. That was a fun, interesting, two-hit fight!
I've also been having fun pestering Mrs. Faceless by carrying on conversations with her in Geralt Voice, while staring at her. Because I don't think that I've noticed my character blinking at all. Does he blink at all in later installments of the series?
I also think I may be playing this game wrong. I've not sexed anything up yet; male, female, beast, or extra-dimensional entity.
Overall it's a pretty fun and interesting world so far though.
@seraphim73 said in The Eighth Sea - Here There Be Monsters:
We've gotten some great feedback from a few folks already, and we're very appreciative of it.
I've been meaning to get around to making a character there, but every time I put my mind to it, I draw a blank on the concept. All that I can easily come up with is: Pirate Danny Trejo.
So, it's not you, it's me.
@derp said in Dead Celebrities 2018:
One of the Colts players was killed this morning. Hit by a drunk driver I believe.
Edwin Jackson, yes. Along with a second individual. Hit by a suspected drunk driver on the shoulder of I-70. They were outside the vehicle for some reason, I believe.
I'm so very happy that this gif is readily available. It's probably my favorite gif.
@admiral said in New forum toy!:
I hate gifs. How do you disable them from being seen? I could have sworn there was a way. x.x
This one is just for you!
My 2 y/o has discovered a pair of my wife's thigh high socks. He's pulled each one on and is now proudly strutting around the house in these pink and grey striped things, while enthusiastically talking on his toy phone.
He's made this tired morning much better.
@coin said in General Video Game Thread:
@ortallus said in General Video Game Thread:
Right? If I have a daughter....
That's Trump-level creepy right there.
Dial it way the fuck back.
Yes. I'm glad someone else noticed this.
@faceless said in General Video Game Thread:
@coin said in General Video Game Thread:
Yennefer is de hottest name. >.>
Yeah, I've been told I could skip Witcher 1. I've even been told by a couple people I should just skip Witcher 2. Go straight to Wild Hunt/3.
Meanwhile, I've had like one person respond to the idea of skipping 1 and 2 with: "But you'll miss the story!"
I'm not sure how important the story of 1 & 2 is in comparison to the unending annoyance that would likely be generated by the game itself.
More of a confession really, but I've never played any of The Witcher games. I plan to change that here soon.
I have that as well, @SG. Hit me up sometime, I'd play it. I enjoy survival games. Though you're definitely right about the melee combat being little more than rockem sockem robots. Maybe what your friends/associates mean by great combat is... gory?
Just set it during the Army of Light vs. Brotherhood of Darkness(Republic Dark Age) era. Jedi and Sith, everywhere. No other concepts allowed! People who carry a blaster are actively mocked as the uncivilized monkey gets cut down. I'm joking. Don't do this.
Personally I favor periods where the Jedi(and even Sith/Dark Jedi) are prominent. The Old Republic is a decent setting or, more specifically, time period. Many(not all) play those games so that they can play the snowflake Jedi/Sith/Dark Jedi. That's what regularly draws in the crowds. If you build it, they will come.
I would be interested in seeing something based around the Mandalorian Wars; it has conflict that Star Wars needs to thrive, it has the possibility of diverse locations, enough open lore that you could take some creative liberties, and it has basilisks. Just, you know, without people playing the key characters of that time period. I hate FCs actively played in Star Wars MUs.
No Vong.
@packrat said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
My 'pain in the ass to find' thing is shoes
Fucking. Yes. I wear a size 16 wide(U.S.). They're basically like fuckin paddles for navigating bodies of water. Spring or Summer will hit and I'll have the novel idea of getting some new flippie floppies, which never goes that well. Ordering online is about my only option for many types of footwear and even that's a crap shoot sometimes. Sandals are often the worst, because while they're labeled a size 16 or whatever, I've had some that fit like a 13 or 14(eta: read, won't even go on at all or if they do my toes hang over the end like an '80s action movie hero dangling precariously from a ledge).
I feel your pain.