I used to think that staff victimized players. Now I realize we just victimize ourselves.
Best posts made by Ganymede
RE: What MU/RPG opinions have you changed or maintained?
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Why? Why does this bullshit "holiday" exist?
I celebrated this holiday by buying some IKEA organizing shit for my partner and taking my associates out for lunch.
A real boss doesn't need a holiday. A real boss shames the bosses who don't treat their employees as valued members of a team. If you're a real boss, you do whatever it fucking takes to make sure the people who work with you forget that you sign their paychecks.
RE: The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc
I wasn't that bad.
@Arkandel said in The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc:
- If your PC is going to cheat IC on another character do you feel obligated to let your partner's player know?
Yes, socially. That's more of an OOC thing, though.
- Do you think you are responsible for a character whose roleplay is related to yours if your paths are to separate? In other words do you feel guilty someone else's PC might become quote/unquote unplayable because of your IC choices?
Guilty? No. Conscious? Yes. I have retired characters based on the IC choices of others, and I have retired characters because other PCs have had things happen to them that made them unplayable. These things happen.
- Very closely related to the above, what if the choice that takes a PC mostly off the table is OOC? For instance if you stop being active on my PC's spouse to play an alt with Theno's PC. Do I have the moral high ground to get pissed off?
Yes, regardless of whether you have the moral high ground. Players who do things that make other players' characters unplayable without their knowledge or consent are assholes who need to be culled.
- When it comes to TS what's the correct way to suggest it? Do you let the RP become more explicit until the big words come out or you get told no? Do you page the other player first and explicitly ask if they want to do it? Something else?
I don't believe there is a "correct way." I believe adults need to tell other adults when they are uncomfortable with something. This includes TS. I'm not personally uncomfortable with it, no one has asked me if I was ever uncomfortable with it, and if asked I would probably communicate my thoughts at that time, which may have nothing to do with my personal opinion on TS. For example: not right now, I'm playing from work.
- Assuming OOC consent between adult players is there anything in an IC relationship, including TS, that you consider unethical?
The only thing I can think of that is unethical is what would breach that OOC consent.
@Auspice said in The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc:
I love Ghost, but his desire to keep OOC/IC separate makes him ignore some big ol' red flags.
I think I have probably one of the strongest OOC/IC policies in my life, and yet I have never been hit by a red flag in a way that made me uncomfortable.
I just move along.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Seamus said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
While the virus still has a LOT of unknowns, what we know right now, it is marginally worse than the flu, but not nearly as lethal. I will stand by my previous statement.
Your own numbers do not comport with your conclusion:
- Around 207k cases world wide, with 7.3k in the US
- Around 8k deaths world wide, 115 in the US.
Based on these numbers, COVID has a 3.86% mortality rate per case globally.
- Estimated over 1 billion infected world wide,* * * per year.
- Between 291k to 646k deaths world wide.
Based on these numbers, the flu has a 0.03% to 0.06% mortality rate globally.
So COVID is between 50 to 100 times more deadly than the flu. It's been going around for a few months, whereas the flu is around the world all the time. And there are flu vaccines. If you extrapolate numbers, if 1 billion people end up being infected by COVID, you're looking at 38.6 million deaths.
I'm not sure how or why your opinion differs from the arithmetic of your numbers and the facts stated.
RE: Model Policies?
Frankly, I would let anything be said on the public channel. It’s good way to figure out who the civil people are.
I don’t need to have a policy to remove someone. If it’s my game, I will do as I will. People can come and go as they please, but if they are here they are subject to my whims alone.
This is the only honest ethical thing to announce. We all play on these games at the behest of the host. Any attempt to bind that host’s authority is impolite at best.
RE: RL things I love
I think I have this remote-work thing figured out, and I haven't been happier in a while.
I take the kids to their grandmother's in the morning, then hit the office for a couple. Take my work back home with me. Eat lunch at home. Go get the kids in the late afternoon. Get dinner for everyone. Danny Kaye on the Google Home player. Then the partner arrives, and we get to talk and chat about our day. Get the kids entertained and ready for bed, then settle down again.
Like, this -- this is good. This is real good now. I know that others have it rough and bad, but it's been a while since I've felt this good.
RE: Well, this sums up why I RP
Respectfully, I understand the context in which she made the comment and agree with her completely. Also respectfully, I believe you moved the goalposts to make your point.
Lackey's opinion, to me, relates to the difference between improv acting and script acting. Your opinion, to me, suggests that because we are writing something when we MUSH we are engaged in the act of writing and therefore are writing.
And, to me, both opinions are correct.
RE: RL things I love
In an opinion written by Justice Gorsuch, the Supreme Court of the United States officially extends protections under Title VII to LGBTQ+ plaintiffs. Joined by the four "liberal" justices and Chief Justice Roberts.
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
Being the member of any minority is so exhausting at times that I will not begrudge people wanting to avoid playing the same.
We're playing make-believe, and while I would love to make-believe a utopia I am more interested in make-believing a pleasant experience for myself.
RE: The Work Thread
I popped in an application for a position nearby. It looks to be exciting. I'm staying mum on my other channels due to the gossipy nature of the practice of law.
But if I get it, man, I'm gonna have a lot of fun.
Here's to luck!
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
@Prototart said in Diversity Representation in MU*ing:
when i was in, idk, 6th grade I think I got into this gigantic fight with a boy because he brought “Hungarian goulash” to lunch and it was some weird casserole thing with noodles and that was the first time I’d ever seen what a horrible thing protestants had done to gulyás and i honestly still just deeply resent it
Have you seen what they've done to the United States?
RE: Dead Celebrities 2021 Edition
@kk said in Dead Celebrities 2021 Edition:
I have seen so much death and suffering this year.
The groups that this man has oppressed through his advocacy of their destruction has seen more death and suffering than just what happened this year.
I appreciate your sentiment and being kind and fair, but please also understand the rage and hurt from which the celebration comes.
RE: MU Things I Love
I love having RP partners whose PCs I can emotionally abuse knowing that I'm not really that way and that I am actually, truly apologetic for using them to explore my PC's emotional growth.
RE: RL things I love
Although I had no time in the past 72 hours to play Arx, and therefore missed the high action, I did manage to nearly complete my front and side yard landscaping, which means my partner is very happy, and my body is completely broken.
RE: Sensitivity in gaming
@insomniac7809 said in Sensitivity in gaming:
People keep asking, like, "how can I know nobody will be offended" and yeah, that's not a thing.
Right. And that's not really the point of being sensitive. If anything, that can and should be what a comedian is aiming for.
From Karith Foster:
"The real problem, however, isn't the wasted energy of the political correctness patrollers or the hurt careers of comics. The danger of this outrage phenomenon is that, in the process of policing every sensitive subject, we lose comedy itself — one of the only tools we have to grapple with our testiest issues. Humor is an entryway unlike any other for talking out things we're too afraid, too uncomfortable or too pained to broach head on. If we can't joke about issues such as ethnicity, sexuality, class, politics, pain and death, we may never get through them or find ways to heal."
Being sensitive, to me, is appreciating both intent and context. Being sensitive is being able to detect the racism and condescension in seemingly-ordinary language. Being sensitive is also being able to find the criticism in a seemingly-tasteless joke. Jokes can be insightful and racist/sexist/transphobic and it is important, I think, to see that.
A good joke is going to offend someone. Michele Wolf has taken flack for this, but I think her shit is golden. Ronny Chieng's insight on the Chinese experience is blatantly racist and even mirrors anti-Semitism, but his shit is on point.
But I would hasten to point out that being a GM or a player on MUSH is not the same as being a comedian. It is very, very, very different. And chances are the people who are trying to use offensive tropes "to make a point" aren't smart enough to deliver it.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
For me, the stupider thing is the backlash.
Hear me out.
You and I both know that if a prosecutor makes a deal, you have a right to rely on it.
If a prosecutor offers immunity for testimony, the prosecutor should be expected to hold their word.
That’s what happened here, according to Pennsylvania’s highest court.
Imagine if they held otherwise.
Imagine how many people (of color) they would prosecute based on testimony given under the promise of immunity.
The blame for what happened should fall squarely on the prosecutor who made the promise in the first place.
Promising immunity for testimony in a civil case?
Absolute bullshit.
RE: A healthy game culture
Especially if they do so, because that’s how they hunt.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
This is what I am doing. There aren’t many places to hide as I don’t have a deck, but I put food and shelter on the porch.
Meanwhile, I have a distraught partner and daughter, and my son be like: “OMG WE CAN GET ANOTHER ONE.”
Trouble at the Gany household. Send bourbon.
RE: Who Holds the Reigns
@carma said in Who Holds the Reigns:
Take the example of a king in Lotherio's example. That's a likely required character. Whether or not a game can support a king is irrelevant to the matter that there needs to be some "successor" or "backup" to that position. PCs disappear all the time, for many reasons. Without that leadership, an entire group's RP can suffer. Hence why there needs to be NPC backup in these cases.
In the example, I would make the Crown an NPC, but let PCs make up a Council that has substantial sway over how the Crown chooses. It's a good way to accommodate the recycling of PCs while keeping the story in staff control as needed.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@greenflashlight said in Good or New Movies Review:
Do you know if he's especially fluent in English? I couldn't help noticing that for any scene in Shang-Chi that called for him to really emote, he switched back to (Cantonese, right?), which made me wonder if it was a stylistic choice the writers made, or if the director has helping him play to his strengths as an actor.
Tony Leung is fairly fluent in English, but -- and I am not accusing you or anyone here of anything -- that question is considered racist in Asian-American circles.
I think it's important to point out that, no matter the actor's fluency, Wenwu is definitely Chinese. In the movie, his dialogue is Mandarin, not Cantonese. This is because Cantonese is actually a rare dialect in China, even though it is fairly common in North America. This is because the affluent wave of Chinese immigrants who fled China during the Cultural Revolution were predominantly from southern China, where Cantonese is spoken.
So, why is the question racist?
Because it's not about the actor. Ronny Chieng, for instance, is fluent in English and Chinese, but his character talks to Shang-Chi and Katy in English. Why? Because what he is saying is not important. Contrast this with Leung, who speaks to his family and on important matters in Chinese. Why? Because when you are among family or talking about important things which might lose nuance, you speak in Chinese, even if you are fluent in English. This is a cultural thing.
So, it's about the moment.
Many people presume that a Chinese person speaks in Chinese because they are not fluent in English. This is not always the case. In business, the Chinese teach themselves English and are far more fluent than people expect; however, they may use an interpreter because they want to make sure the nuance of Chinese is translated properly into English. Part of this is not wanting to look silly; the other part is to not disrespect the listener by saying something accidentally offensive.
So, to me, this was a directorial choice, and a very good one.
I'm not fluent in Mandarin, but I've been told that the subtitles do not do the nuances of the language justice. Here's an article about that.