The trouble with LordsAndLadies mushes is this: If things happen, then they're bad, bad things that affect everyone.
Sure, there's beheading/punishing criminals and the occasional raider/highwayman to ride down, but those will be NPCs. What about the PCs? You've got a bunch of lords, ladies, men-at-arms, soldiers, shitbags, handmaidens, etc, and they're ALL from different houses. So the logical idea is to have marriages, stack them against each other, cause some drama, poison some wine, have a few rapes, set a few fires, run down some smallfolk with horses, right? Because that's what the nobles in GoT do. They troll each other at the expense of their people. They meddle. They cause problems. They marry male and female members of household to people who very well may end up abusing them for politics.
It's like Pro Wrestling with swords, lances, and seduction.
But the general RPer doesn't want to have their sexy little relationships or noble lives fucked with, so the drama tends to be like a 6th grade dance where most of the boys and girls are on opposite sides of the gymnasium daring each other to ask this girl or this boy to dance, but nothing really happens, and they leave it to staff to create drama for them to all participate with each other in as a team. The players that try to start shit mostly get avoided and viewed as dangerous to RP with, and most of the players either won't cause drama unless they're sure they will get away with it OR don't do it to avoid OOCSplosion.
So tourneys. And Banquets. And scenes in the yard. And sex.
The noble houses circle each other like two teenaged boys in a fight, too afraid to commit to throwing a punch, until the teacher across the hall yells WHATS GOING ON OUT THERE and everyone scatters to rumor-douchebag about how one or the other kid was being a pussy.