@Wretched said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
I hope this helps all of you testicular free people in the Rp, thanks
Also: Sitting on your balls.
This sucks and it happens way more than you'd think.
+5 to the non-scrote carrier who roleplays that.
@Wretched said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
I hope this helps all of you testicular free people in the Rp, thanks
Also: Sitting on your balls.
This sucks and it happens way more than you'd think.
+5 to the non-scrote carrier who roleplays that.
FYI it's been reported that Spyglass Entertainment is revitalizing HELLRAISER. They'll be working with Clive Barker and it will be penned by David S. Goyer (Dark Knight).
Break out the war drums and chant "Doug Bradley".
And outlaw hard C's.
It's not coded; it's koded.
When I asked my tattoo artist if his number was still xxx.xxxx...
"Fuck, I don't know. Nobody remembers actual phone numbers, anymore. Let me double check..."
And I thought: "Hah, guy doesn't remember his number..."
Then I thought about it. I have maybe 3 numbers memorized these days. The rest are listed in my phone/cloud storage under names.
He's right. Nobody memorizes phone numbers anymore.
@Coin said in Why no Mortal Kombat MU?:
@Ghost said in Why no Mortal Kombat MU?:
And outlaw hard C's.
It's not coded; it's koded.
Unless it's names, like Cassie Cage and Ermac and Scorpion and, lolololololol, Jacqie which I feel they specifically did to give the whole k thing the finger, lol.
Korrekt! We kan skratch them off the list.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost I couldn't tell you my mobile phone number if there was a gun to my head.
How weird is that?
Memorizing phone numbers was one of my core social life support skills between 1986 and 2004.
It just kind of clicked in me that without my phone I'm not entirely sure I could call my mom or dad in a crisis.
ETA: Say my apartment burned down and my phone was inside. Someone might ask: "Do you have anyone you could call"?
Answer: "Sure, can you give me a ride to the verizon store so I can pickup a replacement cell and download my contacts from cloud storage...?"
@Arkandel said in What's your nerd origin story?:
@Testament Sturm Brightblade's end... man. That was harsh.
Man when Sturm <SPOILER> that got me good. I had to put the book down for a week. I loooooved Sturm. Hell, if Dragonlance ever got the Lord of the Rings film treatment, I'm still lobbying for Sam Elliot.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost Hell, I don't even like picking up the phone if some barbarian actually calls me on it. Ugh. Just text or e-mail me like a normal person.
Same. 90% of the time my phone rings it's scamming. 5% is work and 5% is my mom or kid wanting to talk about drama (I still don't want to pick up on these).
One of the least satisfying aspects of my life right now is that I actually have to pay attention to whether or not my phone is ringing, because if it's an on-call IT call and I dont answer my boss will get mad. Sucky part? If I dont recognize the number, I still have to pick it up because it might be that coworker A gave my number to a coworker who hasnt called me before.
My story?
My folks are Catholic and I got raised up in the Satanic Panic era, so comic books were okay but D&D wasn't. For me it was Dragonlance novels and for some reason Steven King, Clive Barker, and Dean Koontz novels were totally okay. So I mostly grew up a comic book and horror nerd, and was into Dragonlance novels before I even knew that Krynn was even some offshoot D&D setting. I think my first book was the Riverwind book. Buff native barabarian dude vs dragonman on the cover? Good shit.
By high school I was playing in bands, little metalhead goth guy, staying up late watching Hellraiser films and drawing horror comics with my buddies. We used to camp at a Village Inn in Omaha (Oakview Mall, for you Omaha people) sometimes until 1am just piling on a bunch of gothy nerds drinking coffee and rotating who's dating who. Mostly at that stage we were all punk/metal/goth show kids who went to a lot of GWAR concerts and snuck wine coolers out of our parents' fridges and smoked a lot of weed.
Around that time I got invited to a D&D game and played one session (Necromancer. HUGE SURPRISE THERE). D&D didn't exactly latch, but my first love was Vampire the Masquerade. Soon thereafter we were playing in a Little King sandwich shop after close (from around 9pm-1am) because the storyteller was the shop's manager.
When I found out there were girls, notably goth girls that were into RPing VtM? hoooooked
VtM on AOL chat rooms, VtM on the White Wolf chats, moved to where I live now and got into VtM LARPs and occasional side D&D games. VtM is really my first true RPG love. Truly.
@Auspice I have been ga ga for James McAvoy since he played Leto Atreides. I'm super happy with anything he's in.
Plus,. LMM is Lee Scorsby and I am 100% down with this.
The man is goddamn talented. He was ridiculous in Split.
Yeah, McAvoy is in my small list of male actor mancrushes that I'll watch anything they're in. (McAvoy, Timothy Olyphant, Joel Kinnaman, Ethan Hawke). Solid group of actors, there...which is a perfect segue into....
@AeriaNyx I heard that every other word used on this show is c*cksucker.
They weren't lying. lol.
@surreality Added a bunch because it's in my head now
@Aria @Tinuviel You know, all fears aside, if someone offered my SO and I whatever quadruple luxury venti frappucino suite package for free? I'd take it. Hands down.
Clearly I'm that guy that would take a free, all-expenses-paid luxury cruise and then get eaten (und diiigested) by fucked up sea tentacle monsters in the South China Sea.
Tagging @surreality because that's a Deep Rising reference. Joey for the win. #GirlFromIpanema
@faraday said in SerenityMUSH - Discussion:
I'd love to see another Firefly game take off
Also: Faraday is right. One thing that can be learned by Serenity Mush's past is how the concept of insular crews can become a hotbed for clique behavior, competition, and locking other players out or plot content.
I think the Firefly universe has a future in mushing, but advise people to find new ways to try to avoid this before attempting.
One thing I think may help combat that is to make it less about stuff (credits, coded guns, etc), because on Serenity mush it was clear who had the starter popgun bullshit and who had the WTFBROKENCHEATCODES guns.
@Auspice You'd love my boy Wonka. He's way ahead of you. Dude does a lot of Photoshop and print stuff. His protest stuff is rad.
Dangling this carrot...
...a fun-filled 20 something with a love for dance music, beach volleyball, and per legend once soothed a bear into pacifism by singing "Sailing" by Christopher Cross.
PB: Mickey Rourke
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
Okay, what the fuck? It turns out the guy has read almost every book I like, plays D&D (wtf?) and watches the same shows. We've been working together for two years and I had no clue - and he did know, so argh, why not say something so we can bond over nerdy shit? Come oooon man! He didn't even avoid the issue, it just didn't occur to him to say anything unless directly approached about it.
That's a great blossoming nerd bromance story.
Sounds like I'm joking, but I'm not. I think it's always great when 2 people nerdy for the same stuff have that moment of connection for the first time. It always feels pretty good.
Heck of a way to show staff that after approval you're gonna be one of the chill ones.
Should probably just reconsider playing before/after taking it to the mats on MSB.
@Wretched said in Good or New Movies Review:
@Auspice I will try to remember this... Alamo?
Alamo Drafthouse. It's become my go-to movie theater.
They throw loud people out after one warning (seeya, loud-ass teens and crying babies!), do a lot of cool movie festival things (I saw THE MONSTER SQUAD there and met 3 of the actors), and deliver beer and burgers to your seats.