@Thenomain This.
If you think about it, MU is really described as: "A bunch of people writing a story together without any real game plan other than to try to have fun and make your character relevant."
Which is kind of like: "Getting 30 people together to order a total of 4 pizzas, but everyone wants at least 1 pizza to be exactly how they want it."
When people co-author a book/story together, they dont just roleplay it out and then print it. No, they plan everything (or most of everything) in advance and then trust each other to craft specific parts of that story. Author A and B both control the same characters, same story, same outcomes, but are delegating certain scenes/chapters to be written by the other.
This is not MU. This is why this stuff gets complicated. The reality is that some characters will be in the forefront while others aren't, and there's no requirement that if a character is focal for 3 scenes in a row that they swap out and allow another to be focal. There's VERY LITTLE IF ANY coordination on a large scale as to which characters are slotted for X amount of screen time for Y plot.
There is no plan; thus there is chaos.