New funny: People who write real estate descriptions are the same breed of people who write band descriptions or movie descriptions on the back of the DVD/VHS case.
A long while ago I did some writing/editing for DVD case backsides and/or slicker sheets for B-movie "boobs and blood" horror titles. It all started one day with the film producer coming to me and saying: "* We need help, we have used HOT in the last 6 or 7 descriptions and need to come up with new stuff...*"
"Jenny is a HOT college senior on a road trip..."
"Four HOT coeds lost in the woods..."
"...they summoned a HOT, deadly demon from the depths of Hell..."
And then you have when bands write their own descriptions. It's always the same shit for metal/punk bands:
"Led by the AIR RAID vocals of Jimmy Spank, the THUNDERING drum lines of Chaz McChaz, the SYMPHONIC guitar solos of brand new guitars Squeegy Jackson..."
So I'm reading these descriptions of houses on the MLS sheets my realtor is showing me and I just crack the fuck up:
"Boasts a QUAINT backyard with lots of potential..."
"Wake up in the morning directly to FRENCH DOORS and MAJESTIC VIEWS..."
So then I think, what if you put them all together?
"CERBERUS LANE is a movie about a haunted house with a bar-top kitchen and GREAT POTENTIAL FOR GUESTS. Guests such as the HEART POUNDING bass-lines by Kevin McDarkness and the SHRIEKING EAR BLEEDING VENOM of HOT vocalist Brittany Roxx. Schedule your tour today! This movie is HOT."