A face can set my creativity on fire. PBs often come before or right alongside a concept. Occasionally, I will be lazy and just pick my favorite thirst trap of the moment but a lot of the time, PB choice is as important as the background and stats.

Posts made by Goldfish
RE: PB 'realism'
RE: ITT: Names You Always See
@Auspice said in ITT: Names You Always See:
@deadculture said in ITT: Names You Always See:
100% that bitch here.
William is just one of my favorite names IRL so...
And I juuust named a character Jack after a decade of playing games where it was already taken. I'm going to have this.
RE: MU Things I Love
Reconnecting with old friends and partners.
I am so, so fortunate that THREE whole people have come back into my little online world in just this past week or so. I have a hard time making and keeping friends when there is no drama involved. Add in drama and it's usually a done deal.
I cherish my friends dearly because of this so to have them come back, happy, refreshed and wanting to actually play with me? ME? I'm a happy fishy.
RE: MU Things I Love
I'm not trying to brag, I promise. This is an appeal to positive feedback.
It was just one person telling me I was nailing something I'm trying to do. And it meant so much to hear that. You see someone being awesome IC or OOCly, tell them. It's very affirming and positive. We need more positivity is the hobby as a whole.
I'm trying to practice what I'm preaching. I'm bad at it. Out of fear and shyness. I still pass out the atta-persons as much as I can.
If you are staff this is a fine line. When I was staff, I would send praise on cool names, interesting back stories or creative setting of stats at CG.
Just be kind out there. We will all be better for it.
RE: MSB Peeves
I swear us Pepsi fans must live in shame somewhere. Where are my people?
RE: What do you enjoy about STing?
I don't ST often. I can't really organize a whole plot or a whole story of mystical elements. I could run combat on the basis and agreement that I'm not gonna nitpick and I do run a less than mechanically tight scene. There was a time when I would do template changes but I can't quite retain all of the template fluff (I'm speaking of WOD here) that I used to.
Either way, I really, really prefer more intimate, character driven sort of scenes. I've offered for this corner of STing that I think is not served. And it's character fluff type stuff. People pick up merits like Mentor or just have certain people in their background or as NPCs and as much as I like plot, characters feed my soul.
In addition, I had the idea at one game I was at to run scenes like "Let's roll your obscure dice." or "Wanna show off? Wanna flex your powers without flexing at a fellow a PC?"
They would be small. You want an NPC for a dying mother? Tell me about her. We'll talk and I'll make it happen for you, as best I can. PC can stop me at anytime and be like, naw, not my mom. We adjust, etc.
I always want to rustle around BGs and do backscenes and meet the special people who matter in a character's life. I like deep dive into my character and I end up writing vignettes and sometimes I post them. Most of the time, I feel isolated because so much is in my head for any given character
So if anyone other there who cares about you character development and think it made be super awesome to get into your backstory and connections or chat with a sage mentor or whatever. I got that on lock.
RE: What MU/RPG opinions have you changed or maintained?
Apparently @tragedyjones and I have a similar history. Down to our first MU (his "modern") and time period of entrance on the scene and staffing on TR. We kinda grew up together and that's kinda neat. RIP BITN.
Anyway, I've never held any strong opinions. I'm just easy like that. Or two faced. or I'm an indecisive fence sitter. Maybe I am just easily swayed. I won't even weigh in on that.
But I have said for years that Mage is a single sphere only game. I want someone to change my mind so badly. So, so badly.
RE: Goldfish's Playlist 2019
An update. I am becoming pervasive.
For those keeping score at home: Third use of Norman Reedus. He's my muse. That's just what's fucking up.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
@Goldfish said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
Words I said four months ago
So alllll of that became irrelevant. Still go with Queer because "Really, I'm more on the Asexual spectrum but pan-romantic." sounds like I fell out of Tumblr and landed on planet earth. Still cis woman of color. That don't wash off.
The roster? Boys still rule the day BUT some are LGBTQ+. One is a man of color. And a WOMAN has entered the fray. And I am enjoying her immensely. (The secret was to play a woman over 35. Even though I am not.)
Point of this post? Apparently, I stumbled into exploring different sexualities and attractions and ages and races in my characters and I am having a lot of fun I wasn't having before. So. Get outta that rut, y'all.
RE: Things I've Learned Running Horror Mu
I always say, if I don't shed a tear, the story didn't hit me right. Though that didn't start until the weepfest that was Prosperity. Every night with these people. All the tissues. And I have sniffled ever since, at least twice.
RE: Scene Set Ideas
I'm totally uncreative when it comes to chance encounters and scene sets so I stole the best of this list from tumblr. Credit to that person, whoever you are.
- A storm is delaying our flight/drive/travel. Let's talk while we wait.
- We're both in small claims court and you totally stopped me from catching a charge by holding me back from punching the guy I'm in court with.
- Minor vehicle collision. Gotta exchange that info.
- I just drove X hours to the last store with Y item and there you are with MY thing in checkout.
- I just bought that thing you were selling online and we met and you are kinda cool.
- We both decided to take this (Yoga/Cooking/Whatever) class but we aren't taking it seriously and we're cracking up and everyone kinda hates us.
- You want me to sign your petition but I have no idea what the hell you are going on about.
- I'm wasted at this festival/public event and before I cracked my head on something, you helped me out. What a bro.
RE: Things I've Learned Running Horror Mu
As a player who has been singing the praises of Horror Mu and has been with the experiment since story one, it's really cool to read your insights and learnings. I've been having a great time while we try one new thing or another. I've been experimenting myself with different angles of my archetype (The Confidant) in combination with different flaws and personality quirks.
The short nature of the stories and the lives of the characters in the stories make it a good place to try out ideas and concepts as a player. I'm still death-adverse but I think at this point, that's just my own personality issue. I know death isn't The End but I am squishy and get attached. That said, it won't stop me from taking risks or throwing myself into The Danger. Because despite my feels, a good story is a good story. Even a tragic one.
I'm so glad you've been running this game and I hope you keep going as long as the creative train keeps moving. And I'll ride as long as you'll have me.
RE: Will it PrP? A place to propose PrP ideas and get feedback
Thanks so much for the suggestions! And reminders.
I haven't seen Groundhog's Day since I was a kid. Never seen Stargate. I want to see Happy Death Day and its sequel. I hear the sequel explains its universe or something. I spoiled it for myself and forgot.
I am totally stuck on the solution to the time loop. It's the kind of thing I would hope would be dependant on the character and would come to me then.
RE: From my heart.
It takes a lot of guts to apologize on the internet. People spend a lot of time doubling down on their opinions and standing firm when we could all be more flexible and forgiving and kind to one another.
Online friendships are tenuous under the best circumstances. I've lost many people far too easily and I have walked away with no more than a change of a screen name. I didn't know what was going on with you and I never poke or dig or press for those reasons. I rather have my friend hopefully come around than push them away.
No one is perfect. No one is above ugly behavior under the right circumstances. It doesn't make a person bad. Simply flawed, like the rest of mankind.That said, I accept your apology, unconditionally. I am so happy to hear that you fought your cancer and are winning the battle. I wanna keep you for a while longer.
EDIT: Also, word to @Ghost. I don't keep score either.
RE: Will it PrP? A place to propose PrP ideas and get feedback
I was inspired by this trailer from E3 2019. The game is called 12 Minutes and is a thriller about a time loop.
I wanna do a time loop prp. Small scale. One or two people max. It has to have a personal touch to the character or else you don't get the punch of the first loop. Now, I've run only a handful of things so I have no idea how to make this happen, if it can happen.
My setting in mind is CoD or nWoD because it's the only places I play where it can fly. Open to suggestions here.
RE: PB Resource Thread
@Sunny No problem. I love to preach the wonders of tumblrs roleplaying organization. You can find a primer on just about anything. From playing trans characters respectively or what site to check for the going rate of meth to how to play an English person who ISN'T from London.
I'll post two subreddits I go to that are mostly SFW. NSFW pics are clearly marked.. The ladyboners is a better sub but gentlemanboners can help get the rough idea of a lady. And do check their affiliated subs for more refined tastes.
RE: MU Things I Love
@thesuntsar If I had a nickel for when RP managed to pull me out of whatever funk I'm in or make me feel better, I'm proud to say I'd have a nice nest egg.
Goldfish's Playlist 2019
I got tired of updates and thread necromancy.
Current as of Late September 2019
HorrorMU: The Confidant V1 (STILL!)
Echoes In The Mists: Play as Travis, Former Staff as Blackwater.
Harvest Moons: Aaron and Alice***=Muse Count***
click to showGhosts of Baddies Pasts
My very first game! 2010ish was called NYC
Violet, a Mekhet and Helena, a MageThe Reach: Many. MANY. My fave was William Fletcher, Sin Eater. I staffed as Kinglake/Blacksburg. I was the Geist staffer when it opened.
Fallcoast: Jamie, Patrick and Vijay (Vampire, Sin-Eater, Changeling)Reno 1.0: Matt and Birdene
Reno 2.0: Virginia, Betsy, and Gael, Moira, Jesse, Shane and Ruby
Reno 3.0: Staffed as Clicker, Played as Shane and NickBITN: Wyatt and Aisha
Fallen World: Lash and Sugar
Calaveras: Calvin -
RE: Kaiju's List Updated May 2019
'Rado! HM misses you!
-The Confidant.
Disabilities and Mental Illness as Character Traits
I see this chat in Gray Harbor and decided it needs its own dang thread.
As I've said many times here, this kinda this is my jam. I'm not out to fetishize, I know that much. I always chose to play a disabled character when I think it'd just be an interesting addition to the overall tapestry of a roster of characters. It's a challenge to myself in one way. I always want to know if I can 'do it right'.
And I always hope that storytellers I encounter see it as a fun or interesting challenge too. I worry about that a lot. A LOT.
I don't typically play with mental illnesses anymore. If I do, I go with a lighter touch. A depressed character can be a downer. PTSD with a heavy hand can be showy and insulting. OCD is more than being a neat freak and it isn't funny, it's miserable to sufferers.
That said, I am experimenting with a character with PTSD after an extended prison stay. In his case, I don't feel right having the long prison stay not affect him in some way and my understanding of PTSD has expanded in my years roleplaying. I feel comfortable dipping my toe in.
But, like I said elsewhere, I try very hard to approach these traits with respect. I don't always ace it, I know but my heart is in the right place.