@roz Streamlabs OBS came out if alpha and is in beta now. And it does that, on the left or right side. It's OBS but with streamlabs, and overlay integration.
Posts made by Insomnia
RE: General Video Game Thread
RE: General Video Game Thread
@packrat Sure, I've been doing it for a while, so if you have any questions, feel free to send me a DM.
Oh, another way Windows can be an asshole? Resetting everything back to default for no apparent reason. Or when you reboot. Or because the day ended in y. Once you do find a setting that works for you, I suggest taking screen shots until you get used to setting them back to how you like them.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@packrat I highly suggest OBS Studio, it's free and easy to use. Also Windows 10 can just be an asshole when it comes to sound, I'd also suggest a USB plug in for the mic as well.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
This War of Mine is free on Steam right now, but it's one of those play for free for a couple of days, deals.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@shincashay Clothes are cosmetic, and you can buy them eventually for cash you get in game. And if you have friends to play with you get to keep Perk Points and any money you find. A few preppers staches and you can pretty much buy any clothes you want.
@Auspice Auspice Yes! I really like how they did it. This is a co-op game, you have to play with someone, so here, have a free key to give to your friend. And it's by the people who did Brothers so pack some tissues, there be wandering onions.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@admiral How many hours did you have in? I've seen the story mode is like 80 hours?
Also the only true choice you have is at the start. Not so secret ending woo!
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
It's a good story because it's inspired by Heart of Darkness.
(Uh, spoilers, I guess?)
RE: General Video Game Thread
@jaded Yeah that's what the DLC poster seems to look like in the season pass.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@jaded Companions are OP. Awesome, sometimes talk too much, but OP... if you have the bear and the cougar both out, or the attack helicopter and the plane out. If you have the archer and the cougar you can easily clear places without being detected and getting a bonus.
Co-op is pretty fun too; you get to keep all the money and xp you get in a friend's game, but the story only progresses for them.
You can run people over with a combine tractor.
I have an alien ray gun.
Shotgun with shotgun slugs can take down a helicopter (incendiary rounds work too.)
Oh and there is fishing.
RE: Shameless Self-Promotion part IV
Thanks! They sent me the email when the program started, but I had just started multi-streaming and didn't want to loose those views. But also I wasn't sure I could make money off it (I am a sellout, yes.) but I've already had my first bit war so yay!
Plus I'll be honest, I can set my channel to adults only on Twitch. Kids are going to lie, I know, but I have no urge to police myself like I do on Youtube.
RE: Shameless Self-Promotion part IV
I didn't even think of that! Thanks for the question. I don't think it matters what sort of Amazon you have, so long as it has prime.
Linking through Twitch
Linking through AmazonThose links are instructions for each page. Honestly though it's just a matter of finding where to link on either page.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@packrat People will watch anything. I've had people request I stream (and watched and participated) DOS games.
I have had people say they would watch me read a dictionary for hours.
People will watch anything.
RE: Shameless Self-Promotion part IV
Yay! Thank you!
Yeah the free sub thing has been around since Amazon bought Twitch, but not a lot of people know about it, especially since it doesn't show up to a non affiliate since they can't have subs. I had mine forever before I realized about the free one.
You do have to re-sub each month which is nice too so it doesn't "take" the sub from you, if you have multiple people you want to support too, so that's nice.
Shameless Self-Promotion part IV
So I recently became a Twitch Affiliate. While I'm still uploading videos to Youtube, I'm streaming exclusively on Twitch for now.
Do you have an Amazon Prime account? You get a free subscription every month to Twitch affiliates or partners. I'm basically posting here to ask people who aren't using the free sub to use it on me, basically. It doesn't cost you anything, and it does help me out. Maybe it's my mid-life crisis but my only income right now is from testing games and streaming.
Other ways you can help me:
I am also both a Greenman Gaming and Humble Bundle Affiliate. Clicking on either of those links and buying games will give me a little bit of money as well; Greenman Gamin is a flat fee, and the Humble link gives you a Moiren slider in addition to the normal Site, Charity, dev sliders, so you can still decide where your money goes. And if you buy a Humble Monthly bundle, I get a flat fee.
I am also now, a Fanatical (Formerly Bundle Stars if you used to use them) partner now too!Of course I'd be happy if people followed and watched me for my content or personality, but if you're a Prime member, you don't have to. Win for everyone!
RE: General Video Game Thread
No idea then! All I know is Windows 10 is an asshole, and I blame everything on it.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2018
Stephen Hawking was also born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death...
RE: Darkwater: The Return
@cobaltasaurus No she's doesn't. Families fight. Nothing to see here.
(I mean if someone wants to help it's cool, but it's not a need, need. We're all good.)