The new patch coming out soon is supposed to make PC and PS4 owners really happy.
Here are some fixes for the PC if you are having issues.
Here is basically a big long list of everything that was promised, that wasn't in the game.
Some people are pissed off that No Man's sky might be coming to XboxOne. But what pisses me off is the interview where they say maybe they were naive about unpaid DLC, and there might be paid DLC in the future, despite saying earlier this week it would be free.
I know some people are really pissed off about the missing content, and feel lied to by the devs. I'm not, honestly. I think they bit off way more than they could chew, and had these really awesome ideas but couldn't implement them, and the game had already been delayed, so rather than delay longer, they put a game out. I probably would have been fine with with paid DLC, most games come with that now. I like exploring and space, even if it is a bit samey. Saying free DLC and then saying eh... maybe not? I'm seriously considering returning it.
ETA: I did get attacked by a giant dinosaur on a radiation planet, so that was cool.