Surveys. The fact that we have to push them. The fact that only a 9 or 10 is positive. The fact that they are completely random to whomever gets them so the people who sound happy and say they would give me a 12/10 never seem to get them. The fact if they get me on the call, and I have to transfer them and that person gives shitty service but the survey doesn't reflect them. The fact that the survey isn't clear that it's my service they are scoring, not the company service.
Whatever the reason turned out to be that I got a -50 out of 100, when my coaches are saying they wish they could sound as happy as I do, and people are all but proposing because they are so happy. Because I then get in trouble for those absolute shit scores. Especially right now when the company is pushing to get these. This is the thing that matters most above all else.
I mean seriously, if you have an issue with your cable, and you wait a week to call in and get it fixed, don't mark me down because you are unhappy with the company when you could have called in a week ago instead of letting it stew.