@wildbaboons ohhh you were lovely
Posts made by JinShei
RE: Fate Development Thread
I agree, his ideas have a distinct merit (As they often do). I think there is an inevitability to the dino problem because active people progress. Maybe the milestones come slower as people move up? Removing votes helps but replace with praise that gains nothing except warm fuzzy feels.
RE: Fate Development Thread
To put it into context, I played a character from the time DS opened until six months before it closed. She could literally force most opposing npcs to sit down and be quiet with her skill level. I retired her because she made other characters pointless in even our biggest plots and I never wanted to be That Staffer. So the system is story heavy, but even when the player is focused on the story alone, the way we had it set up with ticking over and votes, that turned them into a dino.
I don't have solutions but I think we would have had to change our way of doing stuff.... I do miss it though )
RE: Fate Development Thread
In all honestly, I'm not sure. We played it much as you set it out plus the need for votes to get you there.
I suspect I'd make the development more about the aspects, reducing reliance on the numbers. We both know I'm more story than numbers, as a player and a staffer. I think you will get the dinos in any game where you run for more than a few years, in any system.
I do like the idea of putting it more on the scenes and removing the votes - the only issue is that you have players who can't regularly make those scenes, and we had that mix on DS.
RE: Fate Development Thread
We used time and votes for the milestones. It did become a problem as the dinosaurs grew, and I think it would be essential to do it differently next time.
RE: Holiday materialism! Let's talk gifts.
@aria You win Christmas. I want this.
RE: Bloopers
@tinuviel It was properly impressive in the prose. Very ...erm.... detailed.
RE: RL Anger
Why waste my afternoon, and the hours of meeting before your "consultation" meeting if you already decided that you were going to move our good team over to the crap team that fails on every aspect of patient care, simply because their organisation needs to be propped up with the money and their consultants whined about not being able to control our team. You could have just emailed that to me, and I could have done... I dunno, another ten patient visits. Or studied. Or found time for lunch. Bloody wankers.
RE: Bloopers
Not mine but we were running a long plot on a Rifts game, and then there was a screen long TS BDSM pose. There was silence and then many many comments. The guy just said "please don't put that on the quotes page."
RE: Critters!
Can I offer you a dog' eye view of the TV? Our new puppy likes to watch the TV
RE: Critters!
@aria our puppy thinks she is a parrot at times. This is going to be less cute when she is a large boxer
RE: Midnight MUSH
@tnp that was my game. We averaged sixty approved chars and twenty online. It took people being taught the system but most loved it.
We closed only because of my real life because a thing
I love fate, and I think it is a good system, once you grasp that story comes first..
RE: Midnight MUSH
Happy to link you to our df rpg code base? Exeter@darkspires mush wrote it up. Anything I can do, let me know.
RE: RL things I love
Harley has arrived. New photos in album.. She is sleeping on my leg!