@Wizz What is Sarcasm? I wouldn't know anything about this magical invention!

Controversial posts made by Kireek
RE: Arx- Gareth
RE: Arx- Gareth
@Tinuviel Not really, and this isn't exactly the first time I've done incredibly inane bullshit before on these forums.. Well not these forums.. WORA actually. Next time I'll try and break more rules.
@WTFE In my second post.. I stated, I don't deserve sympathy, this thread was more to get into contact with people who might be looking for me. The rest of this thread.. was in fact an exercise in a mixture of trolling/seeing what I could get people to articulate. I actually enjoyed reading and seeing the things that can be posted by WORA/MSB... it's why I constantly lurk the community after all. The sad fact of the matter is though that a number of people didn't really articulate anything very interesting.
Some, like @Mietze, @Ruckus, @Ganymede, etc did. It's always interesting seeing the intellectual side of the community versus the venomous hangers on that often pervades the community as well. Some of these faces are new as well, but a couple have been around in the community forever.. and its interesting seeing that dynamic.
I mean, if I actually wanted to stir shit in, I would of posted this in the Hogpit.. that kind of should of been your first clue.
Not the first time I've done inane shit to troll/get people to talk.. won't be the last time.. I miss Hello Raptor,,,
RE: Arx- Gareth
@Tinuviel Actually.. uh.. fuck dude, dammit, that is what I was actually planning on revealing. Well.. not exactly. You really just stole my thunder.. I even had grades written out for people and everything.
Once I saw @Caryatid's post.. saying that isn't what happened when I had the log of why I was banned in front of me.. I just knew I had to see where this went and see what I could get from people. Dammit! You stole my thunder...... You cunning bastard. I overplayed it with the sarcasm comment, I knew I fucked up with that one pretty hardcore. Dammit.
RE: Arx- Gareth
Wow, I am quite sad that you feel that I have behaved so poorly, especially considering I tried to work with you both icly and oocly to further our faction to the best of our abilities. This is doubly painful to hear sense you harbored such feelings and we were supposedly on the same team..
Sorry that you did not accept my apology for such behavior. I as only apologizing for making you feel put upon and uncomfortable.. and not actually for the behavior itself. Wow, I had no idea you felt that way.. if only you had given me some indication of that.. sometime.. hmm..@Crysta Ah! Did not know that! Well, neat!
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
Time to beat the dead horse here.. as I'm sure you are all aware..
Clutch/Protectorates are now a core and central part of werewolf organization.. As it was meant to be when the idea was first introduced in Blood of the Wolf, basically half a rather lengthy chapter ignored time and time again by multiple games.. which all continued to fail as Werewolf spheres for the same exact reasons over and over.
Will Eldritch be adapting the clutch as part of its core setting?
RE: Arx- Gareth
@Roz Don't see the point of your quote, I mean why would you just repeat exactly what I'm saying?
RE: RenoMUSH - The Biggest Little Game on the Net
Listen man, if it hurts your feelings, that's fine, but Reno has gotten basically a free pass for like 6 months with nary a word said bad about it on WORA and here. It was fortunate, and lucky because no ones been so upset by the game that they have to post something on it. (Which again speaks to how well things went that the game more stagnated than collapsed)I got your point, but your issue here is that I'm discouraging people from playing... Nay, I'm just relaying the facts of what happened, if that upsets you.... if facts upset you man, than I can't help you. There were problems, and if they are trying to fix them, great, but its going to require work, a lot of work, a lot of effort to get trust back and it ain't easy. If you want to sugar coat everything man, that's your prerogative, but it ain't mine. If people are going to be buying a used car- they should know things about it. If that's discouraging for people, hey, that just means you have to double down with your effort yah? SHOW that I'm full of shit, instead of complaining that I'm hurting your feelings. The best part? If I'm proven wrong, I'll be right there playing the damn game and being like, THIS PLACE IS GREAT. And hey, the staff will get the smug sanctification from that I expect them to. It's only fair.
I'm aware of what things are like now. I've seen all the staff members in question, and I'm aware of most of the things going on as RDC says its happening. Hey, new WW staffers, great, I've seen them, they've worked on some of my jobs for me, and Reno will be prepared for 2E..
Still doesn't change whats happened and what you have to work from. If they want help doing it, hell, I'll sign up and do whats needed, I've volunteered for things before, worked on things, but it doesn't change the past and what needs to change.
RE: Arx- Gareth
Again, just found plot threads to follow and investigate, they would likely me lead me to the end result. The seeds of what happened are kind of spread about all the other characters, and you can still pick up a few pieces. If positioning yourself well to solve the plot before the plot actually comes out is.. a problem then I'll accept that charge.
Again, this conversation took a rather odd turn when @Caryatid got involved, at least, that's personally how I feel about it considering I wonder if she was already well predisposed against me and then apped in a character that she knew was going to have to interact with me on a very regular basis... and then failed to inform me so I couldn't try and play with her in a way that would make her feel more comftrable.
RE: Arx- Gareth
@Caryatid Have I not admitted to problematic behavior above? I just also pointed out that for some of it was not exclusively me. If you are speaking about our specific incidents.. you say you tried to be charming and helpful but I have to ask now.. if you felt uncomfortable why didn't you just tell me? If you are talking about our first scene- where I assumed (perhaps rightfully?) That you are and were a new player... and was explaining the mechanics of the game to you.. while also asking/referring to support.. Or perhaps you are talking about an alt you don't have listed on your played by list? Or perhaps you are referring to something else? I am very much curious about this.
Thing is, they never actually spoke with me about the rules, only my 'negativity'.. which given that the first discussion was about me looking for more Graysons... I am uncertain what you mean by direction however? Is it that I am using the mechanics provided for me? Things we are encouraged to use to get.. money, npcs and social benefits? Perhaps you were not there for the first nerf of resources.. I had managed to complete 2 level 75 tasks, which netted me nearly 700 in social resources by myself on top of my original 200 or so. The nerf killed basically 800 resources, with all that bonus/extras I used to earn it not being returned. It disproportionate affected my character more than others, and rather than complain publicly, which I knew I would get in trouble for.. I talked to you, who I thought was my friend..
Apparently it made you uncomfortable.. yet you never revealed to me you were playing an alt that I had already interacted with and got off to a bad start with because of an awkward page I sent you. A page that was intentioned to be a friendly reminder to put up support for a scene that we actually had btw. The end result being the intention that you were meant to send me support. Something I was trying to remind you oocly you could do, or not seeing as it was the last day to do it for that week.(At least if my assumptions now are correct) If I had known that you were the same player of that character and Dawn I would have at least been a bit more careful because I learned from that awkward exchange that you were perhaps more sensitive then others.. but you didn't tell me that.. and so I just blundered around.. and I worry that perhaps.. that such lack of information and communications let some feelings fester perhaps a bit too long that may have.. hmm.
This at the very least explains why their decision changed overnight now.. huh!
and ontop of that.. I'm now very worried about House Grayson.. if.. you cant communicate honestly oocly with people who are supposed to be your friends and allies.. I.. this is very worrisome.Maybe the reason you were uncomfortable is you didn't say anything about it.. ever.. period.. and allowed me to continue interacting with you and staff never specified for me to not talk with you.. and THEN you apped in as the character who I have to interact with basically constantly.. and then still didn't tell me that I made you uncomfortable..
I mean for god sakes, you were one of two people I actually contacted before I left the game to say I got banned and wanted to talk to here actually becuase I saw your post. Thats how poorly you were signaling your discomfort.