I've driven across the country four times. It's really not fun to do in the winter, there is nothing like having the interstate shut down and you have to find lodgings out of the blue.
I am godmother to the most adorable baby ever. Well, that I know of at least. https://imgur.com/u3HFHzP
I've spent the last two days cooking, and will probably be making pies and cookies all the way up to Christmas Day. Precious few people in my family like to bake, and I make a lot of extra holiday cash by helping out.
When I was in fifth grade someone called my mother a snowblower, and it literally took until I was twenty three to figure out what that meant.
If I ever win the lottery, I'm moving to Snoqualmie Pass. The few times I've driven over that mountain were enchanting. There is always so much snow there.
I sometimes go through a book a day, and my Kindle Unlimited subscription is essential to me.

Posts made by Layla
RE: Who are you?
RE: Star Trek?
Apparently its run by some people who were involved in WNO before it closed. I believe that it's mostly comprised of the staff who were not happy with the direction that WNO took. I don't want to go hogpit here, but they seem like a good bunch.
Directly from the helpfiles :
--[Help canon]-----------------------------------------------[Phoenix Rising]--
What do we consider canon here at Phoenix Rising? Good question, and it has a
relatively simple answer.All of the TV shows, with the exception of Star Trek: Discovery. We're on the
fence about the Mycelium Spore Drive, and some of the tech they've introduced
so far was introduced as new in some of the TV shows that came before it, yet
are after it in the timeline. That makes it a little hard to reconcile.Also, the two J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies, and the third that followed, Star
Trek Beyond co-written by Doug Jung and Simon Pegg are not considered canon
here on Phoenix Rising. All good movies, but they are in an alternate
timeline from the movies and TV shows that came before them.Primary sources for canon information that have been used in developing
Phoenix Rising are:Memory Alpha (http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/)
Star Trek Star Charts - The Complete Atlas of Star Trek
written and illustrated by Geoffrey Mandel
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technial Manual - Pocket Books
by Herman Zimmerman, Rick Sternbach, and Doug Drexler
Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual - Pocket Books
by Rick Sternach and Michael OkudaAs for the system, not sure. Sorry.
RE: Star Trek?
@cobaltasaurus game.phxrising.org 1701
I gave it a shot, but I really can't focus on more than one game at a time. It's not bad from what I've seen.
ETA : I haven't been around there for a month, so if they turned into shitbags? Sorry!
RE: Spotlight.
I do not want spotlight. I think I picked a good character for that in Arx. Most of what I do won't ever come to light, and that's the way I prefer it. Knowing that you're making a difference in the world, even if nobody else knows about it, is fun too. So I'm glad that I see some of that kind of thing available in this setting.
RE: Spotlight.
I don't think it's feasible. There are people like me who absolutely won't speak out or do something to call attention to themselves. Sometimes that gets its own kind of attention. In a game the size of Arx? People who can write and navigate the things that need to be done have a better chance, and that's just putting in the work.
I've seen this done with success and seen it done where it fucks things up. It really all depends on the GM's.
People want to know that they're recognized and noticed. I think. I've seen people do some stupidly creative things to achieve this, and those are the people who are in the spotlight. Creativity should be rewarded. People who aren't creative should try to team up with those who are. I find myself drawn to people who are inclusive who want to share that spotlight. I hope - in the future - to be the kind of person who can do that for someone else.
Nice thread idea. I'm interested to see someone else weigh in.
RE: Layla's Playlist
@quinn She was a roster character, so if they killed her off, I don't think I had much say in it.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@sincerely said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@saosmash said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@sincerely Girrrrrrrl we gotta get you some clues.
I've been busy making things. The world could be falling down and Joscelin is just gonna be in her shop, making pretty things. Eff. The. World. Her interests are pretty much jewelry, gemstones, precious metals, the history of all three, and learning about the Grayhopes.
Eff. The. World.
This is why you're one of my favorite people.
RE: Armageddon MUD
@evilcabbage Sorry friend, I have played muds before, and I do enjoy them, but I'm currently involved in a game and having too much fun to split my attention. Good luck to you though!
RE: Armageddon MUD
I have literally made a bowl of popcorn to eat while I read this thread and knit. Thank you all so much for the entertainment.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@sincerely This.
So I might need to find you in character for some of dat...art..
RE: Fallout MU*
From what I understand, this project isn't going anywhere at the moment.
There is, however, a coder and a host who just needs someone to do the non code things - like headwiz and hire builders ect.
I was going to step up and volunteer, but I'm working on my own setting at the moment. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me here, and I'll pass along your information to the coder.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@derp I stuck my head outside to grab some things in my mailbox and I fell on my butt in ice snow. I hate this weather right now.
Thank god for natural padding.
RE: Any Streamers Out There?
I'm resurrecting a thread here, it asked me if I wanted to create a new topic, but a lot of the stuff on here is still sound.
Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has stumbled onto new streamers that they enjoy? There are more platforms available now, but I still mostly stick to Twitch. What kind of games do ya'll watch there?