@RDC Haha! Interesting idea.
I'm going Rome, but Ancient Babylon would be rad, too!
@RDC Haha! Interesting idea.
I'm going Rome, but Ancient Babylon would be rad, too!
"This is for all of the broken and abused, born to lose and all of those who decided not to!" -For the Kids, Authority Zero
The Lodge of Scavengers is normally a UK localized Lodge, but they are allowed here. So, basically the pack would be members of an American version of said Lodge. Anywho!
I am looking for werewolves, wolf blooded and Dead Wolves to form an awesome pack! (If other Supers are pack-joinable, them too!) Homeless or damn near homeless 18-21 year old gutter punks. Denim, leather, spikes, crazy hair, piercings and ink. Anger and rebellious attitude. Solidarity. When push comes to shove, even if they argue and swing now and again, this pack is FAMILY. They hunt for each other, fight for each other, and kill for each other. Tribe and Auspice is totally open as long as the concept is kept, and the requirements for the Lodge are met (Or you are working towards those requirements and will join on-grid!). They are : Survival (urban) specialty; Streetwise 2; Cunning 2; Purity 1. Sketch will be the Alpha, but only because I'm trying to put the group together.
He is going to be an urban HiD, though the Auspice is not decided yet. He'll likely be 19 or 20 at most, and he is a Skinner...a local. However, he's been on the road a lot, so can have met folks in other cities to join the pack! The Lodge information can be found in Shadows of the UK, and they are a Lodge dedicated to the poor and destitute still being bad ass survivors. If you are new to Wolf but willing to learn, I am very happy to help you learn. We can run plots for each other, and even if the sphere gets quiet now and again, still find cool things to do! Hit me up if you are interested!
I am Sketch on there if you want to hit me up on the game to discuss ideas and work stuff out.
Fair enough. Honestly, Mage is the only one I'm iffy about. I definatly lean towards @RDC on this. Okay, no Mage.
I DO want mortal thaums somehow, though. It's TOO perfect of a setting not to have them, you know?
Since Gen:LOCK dropped I've been looking for a good mech game that wasn't just a tactical battle simulater. I get that the mech stuff is more tactical, but from what I see this is what I'm looking for. Also backed it!
@zombiegenesis I just know I'm heading out in about 5 hours and I'm worried I'll log on when I get back to find the character I want taken already. XD #anxietyoverdumbshit
I think, after a lot of thought, that I'm going to reflavor Coils to be specialized training within the Legio Mortuum, given only to 'career' soldiers. AKA not ones who train then leave for another Covenant. So, just like non Augurs won't have Veneficia, etc. So, the powers will be the same, but they come from specialized training and honing your form and NOT science. If someone can come up with a better idea for the Legio, please tell me. I'd be down.
When/if I integrate Mummy it will be the fully completed CoD version, not 1e. Just...making that clear since we got off track.
@Jennkryst Even though I am assuming Cupcake is joking, I wanna expand on what Jennkryst is referring to. On the discord it was asked what the Roman Gods are really going to be. Spirits? Gentry? Etc.
They are the Gods. People believe in them, wolves and vamps included. Because those wolves and vamps and such are ROMANS. Monsters can pretend to be the Gods here and there, but the others frown on it, and it doesn't tend to last very long. Just like the Christian God doesn't legit show up in scenes on most modern day games, and neither does Jesus Christ, the Gods won't appear on-grid or in plots. Their faiths and cults, however, will absolutely have big things to do with plots, politics and similar, though, because that is the way it is. Venus doesn't walk down the main streets and visit the temple because this isn't Percy Jackson. Can some Gentry have -aspects- of the Gods? Sure. But no Changeling will likely think they were legit taken by the Gods, because the Gentry are Other. They are distinctly non-Roman. Monsters.
Does this all make sense?
@Auspice Nope or Dope are good people! I know them! We make the same kinda videos and such.
So, I'm playing Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers with a few tiny changes.
He's from an alternate 2025, where the Rangers got their powers in the original 90's. He's been through numerous colors, done a lot, and retired with a kid. Kid went on to become the Green Ranger with the S.P.D., etc. Married Kimberly, but she was recently killed and he was tossed into the Morphing Grid by the evil version of himself. Now he's stuck in 2020, with the original Power Rangers currently being teens instead of in their 40's.
He's broken and tired, and is gonna serve as a mentor figure. BUT I need Rangers TO mentor!
Angel Grove is in southern Maine here, a few hours from New York, etc. Lots of ways for them to get involved in the main action of other characters and roleplay. Also looking for any other normal superheroes/villains to interact with, too. The game is -tiny- but very friendly. Come make it LESS tiny!
I wrote the theme for wolf, and the only mechanic that really needs to be changed is the Technology gifts. I can write theme, but am garbage at mechanics! Help! XD
EDIT: Nevermind! One of the Dark Era's books has viking era gifts, and their Tech gift replacements will work.
I am having fun with this so far. I play Yiutam, who is the VP of one of the main Megacorps on the game. I was bleh about taking the character at first, but knew they needed more corper players. As soon as I had him and had a chance to read his secrets I knew I was going to have a blast...and I have! I have PC kids, and everything. It's fun. Still trying to wrap my head around a lot of the code, but it is cool, and the people are OOCly helpful.
Sorry everyone. I know folks were looking forward to this project, but due to a lot of reasons, it is dead. Hopefully at some point someone else will make a rad historical WoD game for folks to play on.
I AM working on a different, less stressful project, but I'm not going to make the same mistake and announce it before I am ready to announce it, just quietly seek out staff and help for it.
Once again, I am very, very sorry to disappoint.
Just saying, this place is fantastic. I play Adora from She-Ra here. Community is super welcoming and the RP is absolutely top notch. Do reccomend, 10/10.