Actually, my boss(es) have been awesome during this. Supportive and in agreement with me, thankfully. But pointing out what failed to a client who has a corporate culture of CYA and back-stabbing is a very delicate operation to undertake. Luckily, I've been in a company like that and somewhat know how to navigate the waters.
Posts made by Rook
RE: RL things I love
RE: UX: It's time for The Talk
Yeah, there seems to be a lot of complexity around MUDs that MUSHes don't use, because MUSHes inherently have 99.99% of the development happening inside the game itself, not in the hardcode like MUDs do. MCP is an attempt to make a unified message bus in a MUD between the client and server, to standardize things, and it seems like it wasn't widely adopted. Likewise, some clients have started to allow SSL connections, to stop employer snooping.
Normal players don't use this stuff.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I work at my office desk as a job. But, I also regularly need my truck to run to Lowes, Menards, etc. I wouldn't say that I'm slim, as I am overweight, myself. I dunno. I know a lot of people who do physical work outside all day and are still carrying a spare tire around their waist?
RE: RL things I love
That moment when you are vindicated/exonerated from the accusations of causing a huge business impact for a client... by the client's own people supporting what you said was the cause of the issue (their systems). I have been so stressed out because of this.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
We still have bikes for exercise and fun. Just not as transportation.
RE: Cinematic Unisystem - Dexterity Issue(?)
@ThatGuyThere said in Cinematic Unisystem - Dexterity Issue(?):
That is the great balancing act of RPG design, making combat interesting but not having it bog down. While my opinion is different for table top situations, I have always thought for MU*s speed was the more important factor mechanically because there will be a ton of human factors already slowing things down.
I completely agree. So in the system that I am building, scene speed is a top goal. I am simplifying the system to remove unneeded-for-MU-use mechanics, which will need to be beta-tested with a few run-throughs, to look for gaps.
I personally feel that most players, in a PVE game (not PVP situations), are interested in pace versus hyper-detail and dice rolls. It matters 10x more when it is PvP, because of players holding each other accountable to a tight limitation of powers. In my experience, it lessens when it is players against monsters, etc.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@Sammi said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Stop using a car to go places. Let your car insurance lapse, stop paying for gas, get a better bike, and some good saddle bags so that you can carry groceries and a laptop and stuff.
That might work great for people that live in the city, in an apartment, who just go to the grocery, entertainment venues and then work/home... but some of us actually NEED vehicles to get things done. I can't imagine hauling lumber, electrical supplies, etc on a bike.
RE: Cinematic Unisystem - Dexterity Issue(?)
That was exactly my thoughts. Notes taken already on the beginning ideas of the combat system.
RE: Cinematic Unisystem - Dexterity Issue(?)
But that 'countdown' way of doing multiple initiative/actions... I like that. I'm thiefing it.
RE: Cinematic Unisystem - Dexterity Issue(?)
The problem with defense rolls taking up actions is that - what happens when you run out of actions and are attacked? Are you able to defend? Do you do so at a disadvantage?
I prefer to imagine a system where every attack is innately defended against automatically. Martial artists defend as part of the the normal flow of the round. Weapons have armor that innately defends. The mind innately resists effects against it. The brain is wired to dodge things, move out of the way, or just brace for impact.
I don't think defenses should take up action UNLESS you are DEDICATING your actions at the beginning of the rounds to defend yourself physically, therefore you get a bonus to your Armor/Dodge/Whatever because you're foregoing offensive attacks. You're waiting for it.
RE: Cinematic Unisystem - Dexterity Issue(?)
I like this idea and am going to steal it from @Coin without Coin knowing.
RE: UX: It's time for The Talk
I scrolled through over two dozen posts just to say that, given that this has devolved into insults, I've lost interest in reading.
RE: Separating UX from Functionality (Design Patterns!)
@Ashen-Shugar and I started out working on this, but I lost interest for various reasons, none of them really technical. I wroted a threaded BBoard and he and I were talking about externalizing the data to a webstore (probably db) via the hooks and functionality he is building in Rhost. I might pick it back up at some time (at least to externalize game updates, announcements, things like that).The idea was to web-app the Requests/Ticket system, too.
I find that if I don't participate in the mud-slinging, at all, that people don't come to me with it. Further, I've been told (as a direct result of this) that people come to me IRL for advice because of that. They know for a fact that I don't shit-talk behind people's backs.
Blah blah blah, change starts with you, don't surround yourself with crap people, blah blah blah... but the sayings are all true for a reason.
When people start shit-talking someone to you, and if all you say is "I'm sorry you feel like that. Have you talked to [him/her]?", it makes them pause and go 'Oh shit' for a moment. Sometimes, it makes them realize that there is a "simple solution" to their issue, and that talking to whomever isn't that hard of a problem to overcome. Sometimes.
Eh, anyway.
You all suck. The kids have been screwing up my lawn and my cane is dirty.
RE: UX: It's time for The Talk
MUX/MUSH usually accepts 'w', too. Aliases at the server level are a grand thing.
RE: UX: It's time for The Talk
Doesn't matter @HelloProject why the coder is coding, just that they are coding. The audience doesn't change - you're always coding for the users of your code, not yourself. That's the point.
You can code up the coolest cockamamie thing that no one uses, and guess what, zero people still use it no matter what the command interface is.
Functionality will win over people, who will deal with complexity when they understand that the complexity is needed.
RE: How Do I Headwiz?
I soundly second @skew's advice here.
Yeah, sure, no-yes-men is a thing. But so is a unified, solid effort of multiple talented minds in a singular direction. This is how you break the humdrum mold of the same-ole-same-ole in a game. Strike out in a direction and make things happen. Yes, people will bitch. So what? They aren't paying your bills, so feel free to ignore them on your project. If even a handful of people go along with you, you can try something new.
Don't be so invested in your project that it calcifies you from doing things.
RE: UX: It's time for The Talk
Eh, I don't think that the hobby is suffering from people who don't understand the difference in command syntax. People only learn what they have to in order to play the game at the level they want.
If code exists that they want to use, they do. They learn it. Even if they have to ask someone for help. You see it all the time: "How do I put ansi/color in my comtitle?" and "How do I do building?" and people get help, it's part of the hobby. MOST people I've met delight at learning new things like this, so again, I don't think it drives people away.
What might drive people away is not enough front-loaded, immediately-available help and explanatory rooms when they first connect. We've gone from "This is how you page/channel for help" to "You must be this high to ride this ride" sorts of intro rooms... and that, I think, is where we can make strides to help non-MUSHers. If a MUDder drops into a MUSH and doesn't know how to look around, they won't, they disconnect.
I am betting that a huge majority of MUDders dropping into a MUSH will be prepared, at some level, to learn something new. Just as a MUSHer dropping into a MUD will need to learn. It's part of the hobby. If you want to play, you'll take steps to learn, and that goes for any game.
RE: UX: It's time for The Talk
Command: @amove[/<switch>] <object> = <command-list>
Attribute: AmoveSets the action to be taken by an object whenever it moves from one
location to another, whether by using an exit, entering or leaving an
object, teleporting, or going home.I said @omove, but it is definitely @amove. My mistake, but it should still trigger no matter how the person's location is updated/changed. The moment that object is moved from one location to another, the game will kick off that attribute.
RE: UX: It's time for The Talk
@Ganymede said:
I know. When I'd roll, though, I'd just type "+roll <sum of my relevant dots and bonuses>." And if someone asked: "Gany, why did you roll <sum of my relevant dots and bonuses>?", I would reply with "because that's the sum of my relevant dots and bonuses."
Hmmm.. Hang on. I'm trying to follow this... So when you roll <sum of relevant dots and bonuses>, what you're REALLY saying is that you're rolling the <sum of relevant dots and bonuses>? I'm confused.
( This reminds me of the SNL skit "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" )