This may be off-topic, but short of a game emergency (hack attempt, abuse, security threat) there is no reason for immediate response from staff. If you have a player that doesn't understand that, then they need educated on etiquette and the Rule that states "RL comes before Game, always".
Posts made by Rook
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
RE: Dark Flag
In your .conf file:- idle_wiz_dark no (just confirm, 'no' is default in Rhost)
- idle_wiz_cloak no (just confirm, 'no' is default in Rhost)
- player_dark 0 (this disables puppets and listening objects from being dark, too)
- allow_whodark 0 (this requires player_dark 0 and who_unfindable 0)
Also, from in-game: @depower/off dark (this disables the flag entirely)
Now, in Rhost, you /can/ @power objects, if the game is configured that way (wizhelp power_objects). Thus, you can then selectively depower things that way, as well.
Penn: (Advice from Penn devs)
Log into God and do:- @flag/restrict dark=GOD
- @flag/type dark=room thing exit
Note that the above code would still allow dark puppet objects. To restrict those as well, leave 'thing' out of the list. God would still be able to set objects dark, but not others. Alternatively, allow for dark on objects and just recode your Room Parent/Ancestors conformats to now honor dark objects. Or players.
Mux: (working on this)
- idle_wiz_dark no
From MUX's wizhelp flag_access:
There are some flags whose access/visibility permissions cannot be changed, since they are handled in a special way. This includes the DARK, and AUDIBLE flags.
To note, sweep_dark indicates whether players are allowed to @sweep dark rooms that they do not control. Note that it doesn't show dark THINGS, just allows sweeping.
@icanbeyourmuse , if you want to PM me connect info, I'll connect and we'll figure out if it is possible (assuming you have MUX?).
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
I can't think of any reason why DARK on Player objects is even needed, if you are out to effectively disable wizcloaking. What codebase are you working in? There has to be a configuration param to disable/mask that flag from PLAYER object types, I would think, or am I spoiled?
EDIT: @icanbeyourmuse has branched this part of the technical conversation to another thread.
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
@Thenomain said:
@Three-Eyed-Crow said:
Spoiler: People are gonna be dicks.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being afraid to try things because of what people might do. I see no harm for trying, and it fits (or at least doesn't break) our staff philosophy of letting adults be adults.
I'm not assuming it's going to be a rousing success, but I do know that being an optimist once in a while allows me to learn quite a lot on how to implement something on similar lines in the future, or even in the now.
Theno, does your codebase/server .conf allow you to disallow WIZCLOAKing (Dark + Cloak)? I've overridden the WHO so that it shows DARK wizards and the +WHERE tells you right where you are.. That's what I'm doing, for the exact same reasons - so wizards are visible if they are on. The end goal here is that anyone flagged as Staff will always be visible to the players as connected and either working or AFK and able to get back to them when they can.
TL;DR: I'm with Thenomain on the approach.
RE: Real People You Can't Play
@Misadventure said:
Fuck, make a WORLD setting where 19 year old genius CEO surgeons are the norm. Then everyone can be special, and any concept that rules or setting are linked to our reality will be blissfully euthanized.
Have you ever been to one of these royalty MU*s where everyone is a nobleman/noblewoman at the sweet age range of 16-24, have won the world with achievements, are the darling of the Court, are absolute darlings to each other and are Beautiful People to boot?
Yeah, it's been done.
RE: General MUSH Startup Advice
Personally, I code in, and recommend, Rhost. All my prior games have used it, and I moved from MUX to that for various security and feature reasons. Not that MUX is bad, mind you!
After a lot of my recommendations and feature requests were integrated into the codebase, and then some, I doubt I'd ever recommend anything else to anyone. And I mean that from a coder's standpoint. When you can @cluster objects and use them as a single object, you change the game on data warehousing. Currently examining this approach for my new bulletin board system I'm writing.
As for game-running, yeah, it takes a lot of skillsets. Most people (none?) can be good at everything AND have the time to run a game, so it is awesome that you have started a small team of people to help with the vision. I too can say that communication and transparency of theme is probably the best starting advice. Always be willing to rewrite and tweak your info files as your players ask clarification questions. On my game, I plan/want to have Q&A sessions up front and solicit feedback as we get started.
Sent you a chat to help you get your tech issues sorted out.
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
@Arkandel - Thanks for that. I'm going to start reading through 1.0 rules, focusing on core/Mortal/Mortal+ to start. Then I am going to follow @Coin's suggestion and take a look through Hunter & Mortal Remains.
Thank you both for input!
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
So I had a visit yesterday from a guest that suggested simply using WoD core rules, and exclude all of the 'races'. I am not sure how viable such a game would be, but I understand the approach easily enough and it has had me thinking all night about it.
I thought I'd ask this community, since y'all are the only experts on the system(s) that I know. Would oWoD or nWoD lend itself better to just using the Core Rules (again, no Vampires, Weres or Mages, any of that)? The idea came in to use the Hunter/Mortal+ rules, and then one of the splats for the antagonist character types. I am thinking Umbrood for simplistic non-Demon demonic concepts, easy for storytellers to run, as I picture the nasties having strength in numbers, not PC-level power.
I've grabbed the core World of Darkness book from oWoD and am going to be going through it today as I can, seeing if this idea holds water. I am hesitant at using WoD without the major races.
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
Going to bump this, as I am still looking for people interested in contributing to this original-theme project that's not too far from WoD. Code is coming along and I'm starting work on the grid now. I am starting to advertise for building talent.
RE: FFA Grids
You'd spend more time tearing out and redescing stuff you don't want than just building it yourself. That is, unless you truly just plan to dump it into the DB and play on it?
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
I seem to recall a WoD game getting a Cease and Desist from WWGS sometime back in the 90s? But I may be misremembering.
RE: The I-Can't-Remember-What-We-Called-The-Cool-Things-Thread Thread
@Thenomain said:
The Portal 2 Soundtrack may be the single most reliable bit of code-inspiration music for me. If I'm not in the mood, feeling stuck, or de-motivated, within two tracks I'm ready to roll.
Thanks for this. Added locally and found on Google Music and added to my playlists.
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
Not sure how well that would go, RP-wise, do you? It seems like you would have 4-5 players active in this 'version', a few more liking this 'version' a bit better, etc. -
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
For the realm building, I plan to make it something where players collaborate and come up with the theme, and the admin give them building rights in a zone. We check it over like a huge building project, and approve, link it, put up the NEWS/Theme files, etc, as well as coding up anything that it would need for support.@Glitch
Interesting system. Much more simplistic than I was thinking, honestly, but makes me think. Thanks for the link on that, I'll read through it.EDIT after Reading: I want to read more, but wonder about the feasibility of getting players to purchase new books. In my first post, I talked about MyriadRPG which we wanted to develop out as a free RPG for MU*s (complete with all the code that new games would need to run on it). I think that, since a lot of the ideas in Myriad are familiar to D20 and *WoD players, that it is easily adoptable. I'm still putting the site together on this, but Strange had a few cool ideas like the side-stepping through realms. I see where you made the connection. Awesome pointer, by the way.
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
Not a bad analogy, I think. However, I don't think that an organization would be needed. Wild talents could emerge (Heroes), people could stumble onto technology (Fringe), magic (Heroes, Constantine, etc) and whatever could be used by new characters. I'd not want one monolithic Organization to rule everything. I'd rather have it more WoDesque in the sense that new characters can slip through, freak the fuck out, get trapped and need rescued, or slip back and have no idea how they did it.
There is also the flip side of the coin sort of character approach. Someone who has been aware of the other Realm for a long time, and has forever made strides to break through because They See Dead People. Demon possessions could be Crossover-to-Real sidesteps gone wrong, or how that nasty had to do it, for their method to work. Ghost sightings could simply be thin Barrier areas. Mythical creatures could be Crossover denizens that had slipped through in the past. All sorts of ideas could be played off of by creative people.
My goal/vision is to let creativity expand the game, so as to let player creativity have reasonable impacts to the storyline and how the game is played. What I'm looking for are people who want to expand the idea, and then build it with me. I can do all the coding.
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
From what I remember from Sliders, it was a-world-an-episode sort of series, but aside from that I think you're onto something there.
EDIT: In thinking about it more - I'd not see multiple realms cropping up willy-nilly, of course. But, I could see players developing out Theme and Grid to support new realities that made sense in the game.
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
I figure that characters, in the beginning, will be 'real people' sorts of characters and be from the reality side of things. THey would traipse through the Barrier and do things, then come back (provided that their method of sidestepping hasn't been lost/destroyed).
Ideally, if the game grew, we could have a small group of nasties characters who do the opposite and act as antagonists.
Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
I thought I'd post here, since MU_Gateway seems to be light-weight on the WHO nowadays, and MudConnect seems to be...well, MUDs. I'm building/coding an original-theme game that I would love some prodding/inspiring conversation on. Whether people are looking to contribute ideas or actual building/thematic work, I'd love to have help.
The goal is to build a game that is using a very lightweight WoD-ish sort of system, but something that is easy to use and work with (without the heavy requirements of books). This is a project that a few people were helping me with a few years back that got some traction, but then life stole everyone away. I've restarted the project with the hope of just making it a personal project, but if others are interested, hey, give me a shout. You can check that part out at
As for the game, I am looking to do a modern Chicago as the 'real world' of the setting. Then, there are other Realms/dimensions/planes/shards that are reachable by people with Talents/Powers/Magic/Technology of whatever levels to be able to do so. The first Realm that I am striving to build is a "shadow/dark/hellish/post-apocalyptic" version of Chicago. It is war-torn, overrun by nasties, abandoned and very dark, dangerous and deadly. You get the idea.
The goal is to allow groups of players to band together, go on adventures/excursions for whatever reasons they choose, and we game out what happens. The actions of the first characters and groups will alter the grid, the storyline, the theme, whatever needs to happen to account for what they have accomplished/discovered/created. I am looking to build a game that is expandable, both thematically and physically, as new ideas are introduced, new players carve new areas, and things happen ICly.
Yes, this sounds <whatever>. But, I still want to give it a try. Others that I've talked to over time have liked the idea, and I get that this post doesn't cover it all. I can't just post "Hey, oWoD set in Paris, no Mages" and everyone knows where I am going with it.
So, if interested, fastest/bestest way to contact me is at If you want to connect as a guest and read the news files so far, hit: 6900. I tend to be around during weekday, US days, if you wanna chat.