@meg I can't wait to get #funnygang trending in game.
Do hashtags trend on Instagram? God, I'm old.
@meg I can't wait to get #funnygang trending in game.
Do hashtags trend on Instagram? God, I'm old.
Seems like @saturna and I have worked out some preliminary stuff and fleshed out a bit more. If anyone wants some connections involving New York/the New York Art Scene/New York Higher Ed I'm here for it.
@Tat I also keep coming back to the pinterest boards for #Aesthetic(TM) ideas so it looks like my afternoon's been lost to it too.
@saturna said in Spirit Lake: An Original Modern Fantasy Game:
@skew said in Spirit Lake: An Original Modern Fantasy Game:
@everyone else... I'm fixing to play a cafe/community art store owner. Be more than happy for any connections people want. See you all on Wednesday!
I had thoughts of playing an artist!
It looks like artist is a popular concept!
I'm still tweaking a bit, but I've settled on an art therapy college drop out. Some of the magic seems like it could facilitate some really fucking cool RP if I can get it playing out as I want it to. He probably won't end up as the traditional artsy type, though, so hopefully it doesn't step on anyone else's concept.
I just gotta find a PB at this point, which I'm learning I'm terrible at, so if anyone is interested in talking concept shop/cooking up some connections lemme know!
I wasn't sure at first what made the idea of this game pop so immediately for me, but after looking through for a bit now I'm starting to think it's just like, everything. Maybe I'm projecting a bit, but the setting, the system, and the magic lore looks like it's going to work ridiculously well together, and I can say that I am extremely interested.
I am also a huge, huge sucker for scenic small town fantasy and all of the pictures are super pretty so now I'm gonna go look at nature photos and think about char concepts. Fuck me, I guess.
@thenomain said in The Board Game Thread:
@Sab : What do you think about Dark Moon, aka BSG Express?
I actually didn't know it existed! I haven't been as active in looking for new games for a while now, and mostly play things recommended to me, so I'll have to check it out!
At a glance from BGG reviews, it looks like it could scratch the itch, though I'm hesitant in the reduction in mechanics, a huge part of what was fun about BSG wasn't just the factions, but the fact that the game was otherwise pretty difficult to win even if there weren't any active attempts to stop you. It looks like it's cleaned up a lot of the things wrong with BSG (like, for example, the fact that it was generally easier to win as the Cylons by immediately revealing yourself and just trying to blow the human ship up), which is nice. I'll have to try and pick it up.
@saturna said in Sab's Playlist:
<-- Opal, currently Auda and Volcica on Arx.
@goblin said in Sab's Playlist:
SULLY! oh man, so glad you're on Arx, I got all unhappy when you disappeared from SF and we actually got all worried about you, a bunch of us (Opal included.) I played Audgrim there, and I play Jyri and Evaristo on Arx, and I'd love to RP with you over there, if we can manage to be online at the same time
Yooooooooo it's super good to hear from you guys! Sorry for just dipping out right when I did, the last bit of my semester was aggressive to say the least, and it went from 0-60 really fast. But I can totally make any RP time work with enough of a heads up, so, just lemme know and we can get something going!
@darinelle said in Sab's Playlist:
@sab AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I saw your post on the MU Things I Love and was about to reply to it about how I had this awesome scene yesterday where the emotional quotient was super high and meaningful and it was awesome and wasn't it just great when people were awesome.
And then there it happened to be that scene was literally with your char. ALRIGHT THEN.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's always super lovely and I stan the fuck out of complex scenes and relationships like that. I am ridiculously flattered, thank you!
My first job in High School was at a local board game store in a mall, so I have a huuuuuge array of opinions on tons of different games, but 100% my favorite over the years was FFG's Battlestar Galactica. It took all the best crunch bits of an FFG game and added a liberal dose of Werewolf into an amazing cocktail. It was extremely hard to win as the humans, but that was half the fun. Last I checked it's out of print, and I don't have a copy anymore, so I'm holding out for a reprint.
Otherwise, I massively fuck with Arkham Horror. I love Betrayal for the same reason, but co-op games that are basically guaranteed to kick your ass are easily my favorite. Unfortunately, most of my buddies do not share my opinion, so I haven't been able to play in years.
@saosmash said in Sab's Playlist:
@sab Hello! I think I have rped with you like, one time ever maybe, but LOTS of people I like say you're cool. Maybe one day I will catch you!
This is totally a post worth making, what?
I've only heard excellent things, I'd be very down whenever it manages to happen!
@pacha said in Sab's Playlist:
Awww! I was on SOI many many years ago but I always played for team evil, so I probably never ran into you!!
I'd always meant to try the Orc sphere, but never ended up getting into it. I was super insecure about by roleplay at that point in time, and was convinced I'd fuck it up somehow. Glad to see others were around!
One of the things that continues to remind me why I love this hobby tends to happen when I don't expect it. The people I stumble across who really, genuinely make their characters feel like real people completely blow me away, and I'm honestly not sure if there's any other medium that can do it as successfully. When characters don't always try to win, don't always make the best possible decision, and otherwise react in ways that make me reflexively tie them to people I know in real life, I always end up stopping to appreciate it. It's chefs kiss.
Coming from a portion of the hobby that highly rewards competitive players, it's always amazing to run into players who will let me lose gracefully. I love playing bad guys, I love losing, I love facilitating stories that let characters feel like they're playing out a win. But sometimes, if we don't click or there's no communication, playing that out can be less than fun. I love players who keep it collaborative, even when they're super hype for kicking an annoying guy's ass, or realizing the villain they're trying to be.
I also deeply appreciate the players who laugh at my stupid fucking jokes. You know who you are.
@sunny said in Sab's Playlist:
I don't know that we've ever really engaged, but hooray for new-ish faces!
Hiiiiiiiiii. Thanks for saying hello.
Thank you! And I'm happy to, I've met some incredibly talented and extremely engaging (not to mention just straight-up wonderful) people in the MUSH community since I've started, I figured it was time.
I've avoided putting a playlist together for basically no reason other than I'm lazy and was still brand new to MUSHes. But, I have arbitrarily decided that I am not new anymore! My MUSH list is still pretty small, seeing as I started playing RPIs when I was like 13 and stayed with them for the next decade until that portion of the hobby kind of imploded, but I'll list who I remember!
Arx: Valerius (I played him for a while a little over a year go, someone picked him up briefly in between, and I've been playing him since for the past 7-8 months, roughly)
Spirit Lake: Connor
San Francisco: Sully
Haven: Sully
Parallel: Roland (the heavily-pierced, something something punk in the Niners)
Atonement: Mickey (his short description resembled: tall, lanky, stubbly, something or other man in the Vultures), Riddle (a vibrantly tattooed, shaven headed young man after the ship left the moon)
nuSOI: Valen (I have no idea what his sdesc was, he was a quiet, kind of shy crafter in the Lodge)
The Inquisition: Legacy: A couple different characters of varying sorts and flavors
Old SOI: Corporal Ash in the Batts, a few other short-lived dudes. They were not good. I was 16. I'm sorry.
There have been a few others that I'm sure I'm forgetting. For a long time I played games that were very deadly, but never played combat characters, so most of my characters lasted a very long time.
@arkandel said in How old are MU* players?:
I'm pleased to see a wider demographic of younger folks than I expected. Not sure how newbies get into MUSHing these days but somehow it's happening.
I have no idea how other people got started, especially seeing as I'm the only one in the 18-24 age bracket, but I know a lot of people my age that play MU* generally start on MUDs, then migrate over to MUSHes afterwards. I know a ton of tabletop players I hang out with who would love MUDs, but getting them to go straight from nothing to pure roleplay without a little bit of mechanical influence first is pretty difficult.
I think there's a huge market to bring younger people of that sort into the hobby, it's all about marketing and offering the right thing, we just haven't yet.
@sab said in Make Evennia 'more accessible' - ideas?:
Too much shit about starting a tutorial without actually starting the tutorial
Okay, so I mentioned the other day that I wanted to get a barebones, really, really fundamental tutorial started for people getting into Evennia from literally no knowledge at all besides the fact that they want to build a game. I have a lot of reasons for that, which I won't get into unless asked, but the assumption I have while I'm writing this up is that the reader knows basically nothing advanced about computers, MU*s, programming concepts, and Python/Evennia at all.
Work is going to slow down a good deal once I get to the actual meat of it like the actual coding process ('cause a lot of that I'll be figuring out as I write). For now, I've seen more than a few people over time say they've run into trouble with installation, so I'm fleshing that out.
Really, all I'm asking at the moment is for people of all sorts to take a look and see if there's anything you'd like to point out as I go along. Specifically, it'd be really useful if someone who's never tried to install Evennia before can check it out and see if what I'm saying makes sense, and point out where it doesn't, and for experienced people to tell me if I fucked anything up.
As of this typing, I have a pretty basic To-Do list for the Installation section, as well as a few other sections I know I want to work on in some capacity or another. I have a prototype of how I want the actual content to be structured (Thanks again Pax), and then a basic draft started of the first couple sections.
I know this is going to take a while to get finished, but selfishly the act of writing this whole thing out in really basic terms will help me learn it, and holistically I'm hoping to lessen the barrier to entry that a lot of people with really good ideas have when they're just getting started.
I have a test tomorrow, but I've been studying all day, so for the rest of the night I figure I'll keep working on this in between prepping for my cert exam tomorrow. With that, I'll be around for a while, so if you're interested in chatting about this, coding, or whatever else, you can hit me up on here or on discord at Sab#1239.
ETA: I'm a fucking idiot and forgot to link the doc so rip:
Hey! I'm Sully on SanFran, this is the first time I'm checking the forums for a while here, my bad!
Sorry for just disappearing randomly, I'm a student and my semester picked up HARD all at once (mostly because I'm a fucking idiot and procrastinated for literal months), and I've been kind of dealing with that so I don't lose my scholarship and get kicked out or some other terrible shit.
Luckily enough, this semester wraps up on the 31st, so hopefully I'll be back about around then, as long as staff's cool with me just showing up again. I love the character, and a lot of the players there are absolutely fucking amazing, so I'm looking forward to it.
In the meantime, feel free to hit me up on Discord at Sab#1239 if you'd like, I'm around often while I cram for my last final on Thursday.
So I think one of the major things about Evennia that's overlooked from the perspective of the people who have some experience working on it, is that a lot of the people interested in using it to develop a game are coming into it with absolutely no coding skills at all. They might have ideas for systems--almost certainly things that they've experienced in games before, or would like to iterate on--but beyond that, they're starting from either zero, or a concept of what coding might be.
To clarify: I mean a lot of the people who might be interested in Evennia have no experience thinking in a way necessary to take what's referenced in the guides and apply it to their own ideas. It's more about coding logic than it is syntax, in my opinion. Learning what a class is can be one thing, but figuring out how to design a piece of code that applies it is totally different.
I know that's certainly out of the scope of what's currently available within Evennia's development, and the easy answer is "Go take a class", but I'm also of the opinion that there's a lot of value in learning to code in the context of MU*s, and even though Evennia isn't currently set up to just pick up and get running (despite the potential ease of use and current library of contribs), figuring out a way to convey the basics in terms that's easy to understand to someone starting completely fresh is hella important.
This definitely isn't the fault of anyone who contributes to it. A) It's not reasonable to ask that they also teach absolute beginners how to code, period, and B) At a certain point it's hard to remember what things are actually completely foreign to beginners.
I have a very, very basic understanding of how to program. I mean I understand how booleans work, and I can write a half-functional if statement. I took a logic class at community college, and I'm taking a coding class here starting in November. Part of the process of me actually applying this class is going to be getting some functional systems onto a fresh install, and I figure while I do that I'll try and document the steps I'm taking to get it working.
If anyone's interested in starting from 0/10 and working towards like, 3 or some shit, hit me up, I'm happy to share whatever I figure out.
What's up everyone! Happy to say that CarrierRPI is going to be opening tomorrow at 12PM MST. Applications are open now, and I'll be online most of today to answer questions if anyone has any!
We also have a website now at carrierrpi.com
Our Wiki is still being populated, but we'll have more content on there soon as well!
Beyond character backstory it likely won't mean much, but later on down the line as the plot progresses it'll become relevant.
Hey! Sorry if the lore with Carrier doesn't come off as particularly realistic, but I have some logic behind the positives and the negatives coexisting.
The reasoning behind the whole "Catastrophic Shit Leading Into a Golden Age" kind of world being built is that, despite the negative things that are happening, positive advancements are still being made at the same time.
So, while bad shit happens, good shit is also being developed. There isn't a situation in the lore where one good thing entirely outweighs the bad. While people are still getting by happier and healthier then they ever have, there's still rampant drug use, mourning over the dead, rebuilding, etc.
And, like others have mentioned, a lot of it is supposed to be a backdrop for the actual gameworld, which won't be impacted by the rest of the world pretty much at all.
Alright, after one false start we're officially opening up applications again! Now that some balance issues are out of the way, and a few new commands are added, everyone should be able to come in and get their application submitted from now until open!
Connection info is:
Port: 5000
I want to be clear as well in saying that there may be some issues going in, some crashes, and some bugs. All that I ask is that, if you notice any, you post them to our forums at: http://carrierrpi.mudhosting.net/forums/index.php?board=6.0
Thank you!