AMG I want to snorgle her fluffy lil self to bits.
Posts made by Scorn
RE: RL things I love
RE: Reno needs a hand. (Stop applauding, smartass. :P)
Any help that anyone can give would be hugely appreciated. @skew is right, I'm figuring it's much trickier with active PCs on the grid. If @Cobaltasaurus has a reliable way of working around that obstacle, so much
. I'm nervous as heck about testing it on the live game, but maybe we can figure something out?
As far as werewolf and Gifts, if that can be fixed, yay. My wolf staffers have been manually setting every Facet on PCs and subtracting the correct amount of XP from them for months. lol
Reno needs a hand. (Stop applauding, smartass. :P)
Okay, so, currently Reno is still running off the code that Theno so graciously installed for @tragedyjones ages upon ages ago, when he opened the place. Changes and tweaks (and some breaks) were made here and there, but for the most part, that's what we've got.
And Theno has since released much more stable, up-to-date code for WoD 2e. Which we desperately need. A fresh install of his code would, obviously, be the easiest - but it would also mean a loss of everything all these people have worked to build, IC and OOC.
Nessie (in-game) and I took over this place when Wendigo needed to step down, because we didn't want everything to fall apart for players who were falling in love with Reno all over again. I'd hate to disappoint them now. So I'm really hoping I can find someone who's familiar with code, and willing to help us migrate between systems while preserving as much data as possible.
Any courageous volunteers?
RE: Basic Anomaly +Jobs Functions
Maybe I'm crazy. I probably am. (Okay, definitely.) But I'm curious.. how difficult would it be to configure the list of displayed jobs (i.e. when you type +jobs) to include the name of the submitting player as well as bucket, job name, due date, assigned, status?
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
80s LA has its good points and bad. Some points some people see as good, others would see as bad, and vice versa. There are a number of MUers who actually.. gasp.. remember the 80s. For those that don't, it'd be a challenge. It was a unique era. There'd also be an enormous step down in available technology, which let's face it, a lot of people would gripe about. "What do you mean, no smartphones with more processing power than a full-on 1980s computer?!" Staff would wind up having to police that sh*t. And nobody's gonna want to do that. Seriously. So many better things to do with one's time than slap iPhone 6s out of some powergamer's hand every other day.
Personally, I'm still yearning for a New Orleans setting. Or Seattle. Of the choices given? I'd vote London.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
It warms my heart to see how cheaply you can be bought, @surreality.
I'm in for whatever you need, @tragedyjones.
RE: Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX
I'm flailing over here. When will my bumpy night things be available again?!
RE: The Waiting Game
A week or two? No big deal, in the grand scheme. Upgrade that to a month, two, even more? And you're shitting on the RP of everyone who's associated with your character.
I'm in a sticky situation like this myself, at the moment. The player who portrays my character's spouse essentially dropped off the face of the planet back in December. They've logged in just enough to keep their character from being frozen, but haven't played. They've communicated with me only once or twice, OOC. During one of those conversations, we determined that he'd been out of town up until that point, but was now back. Thing is, he specifically stated he was sleeping elsewhere, and gave an affirmative response when I asked if he was simply avoiding my character and the other members of our group.
So I put a deadline on it, on my end of things. That if he wasn't back around and active by my character's birthday in early February, she'd start moving on with her life - including filing for divorce. Her birthday came and went. A @mail was sent letting him know that he'd find his belongings in boxes outside the place where he'd been staying...which was ignored, for quite a while. It got to the point where I did reach out to staff, stating that my character had filed for divorce, and mentioning that legally, a defendant has 20 days to answer before the plaintiff can submit a request for default judgement to the clerk's office - and asking for the go-ahead to say that the divorce went through by such-and-such a timeframe, if he hadn't returned to argue the matter or get active again by then.
Still waiting on a response from them on that, but honestly, I really don't feel that this is an unreasonable move on my part. Nearly three months? Seriously? There has to be a limit on how long another player's agency over their character remains sacred. My character deserves the chance to move on with her life.
RE: Someone make a damn CofD/Storytelling 2 game worth playing, kthx
BITN is just hunters, mortals and m+ I believe, yeah? So basically, anyone wanting a 2e vampire or werewolf game needs to look elsewhere. Not sure if their system allows for wolf-blooded or ghouls, but what are they without their super counterparts?
And as far as looking elsewhere goes, there isn't anything. Not unless you know (and are liked enough by) the right people to get an invite to Echoes.
They're trying...something...on Reno. They won't tell the players what. Or how it will supposedly fix things. General feel I get from the people I've talked to is "doubt it'll make much difference." Some don't even plan on bothering to do the 'homework assignment' the entire playerbase was given.
Outlook feels bleak, on all fronts. I has a sad.
RE: Are there any historically-themed WoD mu*?
I actually used to really, really love a WoD mush that was set in the Victorian era. It was oWoD, and still remains one of my favorite gaming experiences to date. Then there was another beautifully-done mush, also oWoD, set in Boston after an apocalypse had wiped out the vast majority of the population. New Boston, it was called.
I kind of wish people still did things like this. Unfortunately, I haven't seen anything like that in a long while.