This is super cool. My 17 year old crustpunk skater self is overjoyed.

Posts made by somasatori
RE: An Awesome Thing (or Three)
RE: Dragon Age: Inquisition
So, from what I'm understanding regarding this thread, Dragon Age: Inquisition is a game where you play magical lawyers who set fire to people and fight giants and dragons.
RE: Non-WoD
I don't play on any of these places, but...
Multiverse Crisis has a large playerbase and is a multi-theme game. Here's the address: 5001
Alternately, there's Tenebrae (which is Pathfinder -- fantasy, if you're not familiar) that looks like it's got about 30 logins at 6 pm PST two days before a holiday, so that's promising. Here's the address: 4001
And a Marvel/DC superhero game called HeroMux: 9999
Also, if you strip away the port numbers, that'll take you to each game's wiki/website.
RE: Wiki to MU* interface
Thank you, @Chime. This helps quite a bit. I'll pester Thenomain about more lengthy things.
RE: Community Standards or Lackthereof
That's probably a good thing about pictures having to be anchored into links and not native to the boards. It keeps nWORA moderately safe for work, save for what's being written. After all, it's much easier to see a picture of a naked Asian man as opposed to someone reading a lengthy description of a naked Asian man over your shoulder.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
@Cobaltasaurus said:
I need someone to bounce plot ideas off of for the game. I have a base idea of what is going on, but I need to flesh out some details and I don't want to spoiler the people I know want to play on the game.
I will probably create a character and never play it (as per my usual MO), and you've got my Skype & email if you need an ear.
RE: Wiki to MU* interface
@Cobaltasaurus said:
Important step:
Make it not look like garbage.
What might be a good idea to circumvent this is to set the wiki pages themselves to be hidden and write them without using standard MediaWiki formatting (like the ** bold and '' italics) since that's generally what makes the +news and +help files look like shit when accessing from the game. This way the wiki pages don't look like shit when accessing through the site (since you wouldn't be able to), and they'd look more coherent on the game.
Though, I'm not entirely certain how often news and help files are accessed through a wiki over a MU*. Another alternative would be to just place a message in the +news/+help commands that says "Go here: <link>." (but more diplomatic than a general imperative.) But that might also be pretty fucking annoying since it goes entirely against western culture's necessity for immediate gratification.
While writing this, I had an idea regarding using raw text on a wiki page that would pull into the MUX rather than wiki formatting, but I'm not entirely certain if MediaWiki would support that. Chances are it does not. And since TinyMUX hasn't been updated to account for this very specific, almost unnecessary convenience, I'm not sure that wiki formatting will be hardcoded into the TinyMUX codebase for some time (outside of TinyMUX not having been updated for two and a half years).
RE: Looking for a ghoul
It could also mean that someone's looking for a ghoul who has a very specific background. For example: this potential ghoul is a lawyer, and after finding out that his girlfriend is cheating on him in an orgy, he leaves her and purchases a home near the local college that he turns into a frat house. Following that, someone dies at the house under mysterious circumstances and the ghoul and his best friend from high school (who also helps running the frat house) are about to get shut down, but they set up a bunch of games and challenges to keep it open. Unfortunately, it doesn't work and they resort to figuring out if the dean of the college is corrupt, which they do after finding a recording of a bribe. After getting the dean fired, and due to that stroke of good luck, the chapter gets reactivated. Then some more stuff happens and he meets a vampire.
That could also be an old school ghoul.
Wiki to MU* interface
I'm trying to figure out how to set up a wiki to TinyMUX interface for news and help files. After setting up inline SQL through ./configure and getting a hooks section into the muxname.config file, what are the steps I'm missing (outside of creating a MUSH_news/MUSH_help section in the wiki)? I figure there's a query I'm blanking on that needs to be run and likely some kind of soft code that calls the database. Quick fixes aren't necessary, but advice would be super neato keen.
Somasatori's Playlist.
I figure since everyone else is doing it, I might as well jump on the bandwagon.
Here are the names I remember:
Roanoke (Former Headstaff)/Reagan/Bret/Connor@The Reach
Saturnine (Former Headstaff)/Jakob@Metro 2
Pink (Former General ST)/Charlie/Corgan@Darkwater
Will/Samantha@Haunted Memories
Samantha/Jared@Depraved Creations
Corgan@Ashes To AshesI was also on Santo Domini, Dark Wine & Roses, Masquerade, Star Wars KotOR, the original Star Wars MUSH, SerenityMUSH, Gorram, and a few other places, but I can't remember who the hell I played. The above would be the longest-lasting folks.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
@Cobaltasaurus said:
I would like that. I might just go with the old Port Angeles grid, tho. Given how much work other stuff will be.
I think going with a more modular grid like you did with Darkwater, where there was a hub that led to spaces in the city would be best. Huge, expansive grid systems like on The Reach are outdated and outmoded these days. Also, they have a tendency to restrict players from interacting, not encourage them to interact. If I had the Reach to do all over again, that would be one of the things I would change about the set-up. Among a lot of other shit.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
@Cobaltasaurus I had one built when Rome and I were going to do our Dresden Files game. It had Nob Hill, the Pearl, and I think a couple other districts. I might still have that around. And ... I suppose I could build.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
Then you're totes not a hipster. poser.
But, like the title says, constructive: I think Oregon would be a good setting for a bunch of werewhatevers. Pretty much any city in the state will be close to a lot of wilderness areas, but also have urban areas for wererats and the like. If you went with Portland, you've got our beautiful park system and our many microbreweries. And it's built on top of a unicorn burial ground ( If you go with Pendleton, that's very close to the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Eugene has its impressive drug culture. Salem has its wondrous slum system. And so on.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
@Cobaltasaurus said:
(I'm also officially a hipster, I think, because I'm now upset that Hozier is being splashed over MU* wikipages. I LIKED HIM FIRST. GRR.)
You need to dispassionately have liked him first, Cobalt.
Current Games
Okay, so I think this is the list of current games that are out there. Given that WORA's population has mostly been focused on World of Darkness, this list is more tailored to that, but I'll include some others that I've found.
The Reach (nwod, weird GMC/nWoD 1.0, mashup, all spheres) - 2009
City of Hope (owod, all spheres) - 7777
Requiem for Kingsmouth (nwod, full GMC, vampire/mortal only) - 7891
City of Fog and Blood (nwod, full GMC with adjusted XP costs, vampire/mortal set in the '20s) - port: 2514
RenoMUSH (nwod, full GMC, vampire/werewolf) - 7639
Dark Metal (we all know what Dark Metal is) - 2039
Sheltering Sky: Colorado By Night (owod, vampire/werewolf/mage) - 2601Shadowrun still only has Denver. That's at
The only Star Wars game with any player base whatsoever these days is Generations of Darkness, which is set slightly post-Clone Wars/birth of the Empire era. That's at
Game of Thrones
Game of Bones (get it? it rhymes, ha. ha.) - 4222
Blood of Dragons - 3000Exalted's only game is Where Rivers Meet at 2526
The only Dresden Files game is Dark Spires at 7777
Mass Effect's single entry into the hobby is Mass Effect: Legends here: 2183
And that's all I know of. You can also find out most of this information through If anyone else has anything to throw on the list, by all means. Also -- as a disclaimer -- I've played on maybe three of these places (not counting Dark Metal, because ohgod), so I don't have much of an opinion about most of them. This is just informational.
RE: Archive
I forgot I gave Gwen our chargen code. I'm glad she got a copy of a workable FATE code, since she had been asking me about it for a while (apparently, according to the email I had registered at WORA that I checked like a month ago).
Also, Thenomain's github has everything (more or less) that a nWoD MU* needs:
Coventry/Chime's github has updates to anomaly jobs for forum archiving:
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
Haha, yes! Werebears would probably stick to Noah Gundersen and Iron + Wine.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
@Coin said:
I'd suggest a place with as many topographical variations as possible; especially if you're allowing wildly different animals who are from different types of geography.
Portland and/or Oregon in general (Eugene would also work). You've got mountains an hour away, ocean an hour and a half away in the opposite direction. If you go further east, you hit desert. Oregon has the widest biome range in the continental United States.
The area is close enough to Washington that you could still reuse parts of your old descs from Darkwater. Of course, you'd probably end up with werebears in skinny jeans drinking PBR and talking about how they liked loci back before they sold out, when they had integrity. And then they'd all go to a Decemberists show. So, good with the bad.